Consign Form Lynn's Consignments in Ventura, CA

The process is simple. Bring your smaller item(s) in for consideration or for furniture please fill out our Consignment Form. We’ll assess the quality and condition of your item and determine whether it will be a good fit for our inventory.

How the 90-day consignment process works:

  • Seller will receive 40% of the sale price
  • After 30 days, the item will be discounted 20%
  • After 60 days, the item will be discounted another 20%
  • After 95 days, if you choose to leave the item with us, it will either be discounted more or donated.

For more information about the consignment process, feel free to give us a call at (805) 628-3289 or cell for texting photos (760) 880-3535.