$140 For A Cardboard Figurine?…Lynn’s Latest #20


CHEERS!  We are Officially OPEN!

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #20…

June 11, 2020
Watch for it every Thursday or every OTHER Thursday!
Or possibly even on a Friday like today!  When I run out of time…..
Volume I  Issue 20

Not sure how many of you know this, but it has always been my desire to be known as the “Cheers” of Midtown. Check out this blurb from my website…..

“We want to make Lynn’s Consignments a fun and special place to shop. The kind of place where you will want to stop at least once a week to see what is new.
Just like my father, I always make it a point to remember everyone’s name…whether they are parents of my kid’s friends, my grocery store clerk, my post office worker or a server in a restaurant. My store will be that place (just like Cheers) where everyone knows your name”.

Here ares some train pics of me and my dad. I miss him a lot! Don’t you love my saddle shoes?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey regarding hours!  I would LOVE to get a few more responses before I make any decisions.

We are currently open 11-3 pm every day (EXCEPT for Mondays) and also by appointment.  Our hours are limited until Val and Emma can return to in-store work.

What I have gleaned so far from the survey is that being closed Mondays is fine!  Whew!  It is so nice to have one dark day (like on Broadway) where no one texts me!  LOL!  Also, an 11 am open seems to be fine as well.  The nights so far that you want us to be open later are Thursday and Saturday.  Very interesting!

If you haven’t filled out the survey yet, please do so.  I am going to give away a $25 gift certificate to one of you.  Just email me once the survey has been completed.  If you have already filled it out, please email me as well (I am dying to know who put “take off your clothes” in the comments HaHaHa).  We will draw a name from a hat this Saturday.

Here is a quick survey and THANKS for filling it out!

Right before we had to shut down, I took a back road drive to meet Annie Sloan in person.  You probably don’t remember, but I wrote about it in ezine #10.  Here is a link to that newsletter if you would like to read it.

From that ezine…..”The Annie Sloan event was still going to happen as planned on Saturday.  I was thrilled to get a chance to meet the one and only, the woman, the myth, the legend!  She hadn’t been on the west coast in almost ten years.

Not to jump ahead, but I just had to……Here is a photo of me and Annie once I got there.

Back to the story of how I got to my destination and met Annie……”My GPS took me way out and around LA. I ended up on the Pear Blossom Highway and drove through ski resorts…it was wild!  I think I was close to Wrightwood where I used to ski with my ex-husband, William, back in the day.

In fact, I even went skiing there once with him, Dean Factor (great-grandson of Max and best man in our wedding), and his then-girlfriend, Shannon Doherty.  LOL!  I will have to find that photo to share with you!”

Well, I finally found it, and here it is.  That is me, William, Dean Factor (founder of Smash Box Cosmetics), and Shannon Doherty (90210).  She and I skied a few runs with the boys and then she got stoned (I had a beer) and we ate lunch.  I remember sitting with her in the restaurant and fans coming up and asking her if she was Shannen Doherty, and she would say “Oh, I get that a lot”.  LOL!

Back to reality!  Time for an eBay score.  Bought this super cool cardboard sculpture at an estate sale in Palm Springs in 2015.  Paid $5.  Finally sold it for $140 a few days ago.  Check out the listing here to read more about it.

Most exciting news of this past week was that I took Houston, Indy, and Indy’s boyfriend, Brandon, back to Palm Desert (where we lived for 16 years) for the weekend!  Woooohooooo!  The Airbnb that we stayed in was phenomenal.  Seriously?  The photos don’t do it justice.

Here are Indy, Brandon and Houston standing by the front door with the pool in the background.

The unit we leased is in the famed Sandpiper complex which was designed by William Krisel and built between 1958 and 1970.  The units are all designed around 17 different condominium circles with the pool in the center.  Isn’t this amazing?  I had no idea this existed!

Here are both of my kids on their laptops attending college classes (Houston Master’s in eD with Notre Dame and Indiana Theatre with Spanish Minor at Pepperdine) with a neighbor’s dog checking them out and barking loudly from outside.

An interesting thing popped up when I was doing my Sandpiper Research.  It was a graphic that showed that the Sandpiper was a favorite place to shoot photos of famed MCM (Mid Century Modern) photographer Julius Shulman.

This was crazy for me because about 14 years ago, Julius needed a ride out to Palm Springs for a Mid Century Modern Club Meeting and to receive his star on the Palm Springs Walk of Fame. My mom was a member, got the notice, and let my brother know about it. My brother is a professional photographer (among other things, Jeweler-GIA certified, Pianist, etc.) and jumped at the opportunity to spend 4 plus hours in a car with the man, the myth, the legend.

I got to meet Julius and give him a few of my books and I hope we can find the photo……I can’t find the photo…Ughhhh…so here is a photo of how he looked back then on February 17th, 2006.

Since the store has been open it has been super quiet! Where are you people?

Not sure if it is the hot weather or our limited hours, but it is worrying me a bit. Please stop in and see us. There is plenty of room to socially distance and most people are wearing masks. We are not requiring a mask, but if you feel more comfortable, please wear one and we will honor your wishes and wear one as well.

In some good news, Indiana and I have been working on the back garages. Well, more Indy than me, but she hung little white twinkly lights today and got it more organized. Looks great and tons of outdoor furniture just waiting for you. Here is a photo of the work in progress. Come in and check it out!

The Green Stacking Chair you see on the table is available in multiples.  They are a great buy at $39.50 each.  Check them out here. 

Time for an eBay score!

Check out this T-shirt and see why it sold for so much.  It sold for almost $40.  Yes, you read that right!  And, it was one of the T-shirts that my friend Joel shipped me for FREE!  What is not to love about eBay?  Seriously?  I have always said that is like gambling, but you ALWAYS win!

Oh, that reminds me.  I was on the eBay for Business Podcast with Griff last week talking about my brick-and-mortar store and my eBay business.  Check out that episode here.  I come on at about minute 32:20 and I am on until about 46:20…Yikes, I was on for 14 minutes of the 60-minute podcast….WOW!  BTW, I Love Griff!

This photo shows Griff, Lee, me, and all the handlers at an eBay Open about 12 years ago right after my Kaching Book came out.

Time for some more views of the store.  It is looking really,  really great!  As the very few customers that have come through have told me.  LOL.  Jamie if you are reading this, thank you for the packing peanuts, but we found some canning jar lids in the bottom of the box.  I have them for you on my desk!

Here are another one of our Kazi basket walls….Ocean Blues and natural colors!  Gotta love this wall!  You can purchase on our website here.  Free shipping, delivery in Ventura, pickup or curbside delivery!

OK, time for a super funny story.  Well, it is funny to me!  I bought a “Kitty Kondo” for my favorite boy, Carlos.  Yes, I really did it!  Did NOT want to be one of those Cat Ladies, but just couldn’t help myself.  LOL.

I asked Adolio to put it together.  Not such a great idea.  It was a little bit labor-intensive.  Here is Adolio working on it in the back of the store.

Well, Carlos’ house did not get put together during business hours.  So, Sandy offered to take it home and fix it!  Yay!  Here she is with it loaded into her convertible.  She is a great friend!

You will have to wait until Carlos’ Corner to see how this story ends…..LOL!

Now that we are open again, we are getting in new stuff every day!  You must come in or check on our website because you know how fast stuff comes in and goes out!  There is a section under shop/online at the very bottom that shows New Arrivals. 

Here is what that part of the page looked like today.

Back to Palm Desert and my thrifting mission!  My friend Mo and I hit every good thrift store during my visit.  We thought that with the stores finally opening we would find some amazing things.  Not so much!  I did buy a ton of dinnerware and flatware.  I also picked up some treasures for the store.  Not as many as I usually do, but the SUV was still packed.

Here is a Herend Serving Dish that I bought for $4.  I started the auction at $99.  We will see……

It was so fun to spend time in the Desert with my best mom/baseball friends!  Mo, Candy, Kel, and her daughter Riley.  Here we are hanging out and playing games in the Condo.

Back to the store.  Peggy finished that corner cabinet!  Woooohoooooo!  Old Ochre on the back and Chateau Grey on the front with decoupaged Botanicals on the inside.

Check it out here.

Don’t forget that you can always order your paint supplies on our website……….

Shop Annie Sloan Here

Lots of great paint colors in stock!

Speaking of our website, Emma has been working on it from New Jersey and she tells me that we have over 1,000 items listed for sale.  Free shipping on the small items.  Check it out here.

We have some really neat products as you can see by this snapshot of a few of our categories.  The Botanical Prints (that Peggy used on that cabinet), License Plate Signs, and Recycled Ornaments are some new additions.

I have been working on a fun project at my house.  You are probably thinking, Who hasn’t?  Right?  In any event, I have taken on the project of adding a workspace to my bedroom.  With sooooo many people living in my house, this makes total sense!  I bought the cutest desk at……wait for it…..drumroll….Lynn’s Consignments  Fun Home Furnishings.

Then I totally gutted the room.  Here is a before picture.  I really hope that I have one.  Well, I don’t really have one of it set up, but I do have this one of Steve from Labrano Movers moving stuff in.

So this master bedroom is HUGE!  I had the bed on the sidewall and a couch under the window.  When I moved in my new and darling desk, I put it under the window and the couch at the foot of the bed.  Didn’t make for a separate work area which I believe is so important when it is in your living space.

Decided to get creative and move the bed under the window and the desk and couch to the opposite wall.   Here it is as a work in progress.  Hopefully, I can find some of the “real” before photos to share in the next ezine.

The best part of this move is that it opened up a HUGE wall for me to work with and add some art.  There is nothing I LOVE more than an oil painting wall.  Check out these photos of me trying to figure out what will work and what won’t.  Can’t wait to show you the after of this 20-foot long wall.  FUN!

Turns out the couch was tooooooo big.  Time to change it out for some armchairs.  I saw the most darling spindle white chair on Tuesday morning.

They are closing some locations so the chair was 20% off.  Score!  It had light blue cushions and I wanted to find a matching one.  Have not been able to find one and I have called 20 Southern California stores.  Here is what it looks like in case you can help me out!

Peggy found me a darker blue one in Thousand Oaks that I bought (JUST IN CASE) I can’t find another one.  We will see how it turns out, but for now, there is one cool cat that LOVES this new chair!

Leads me right into Carlos’ Corner and the ending to the Kitty Kondo debacle. LOL! Sandy got it put together in about 30 minutes and I picked it up. Here it is all shrink wrapped and ready to be opened. Just a heads up, Carlos was NOT impressed.

We got all of the shrink wrap taken off and Carlos still wasn’t interested.  Indy and I kept picking him up and placing him on it, but he kept jumping off.  Tried treats, his favorite toys, and catnip.  We finally gave up. Here he is getting ready to jump off AGAIN!

We found him an hour later asleep in Houston’s dresser drawer. Seriously? Who needs an expensive Kitty Kondo? Not Karlos!

O.K. just one more eBay item to share.  I bought this Ed Harcourt Musical Artist poster six months ago at a yard sale.  From my research, it appears to be super rare.  If anyone can take a look at the listing and help me out, I would really appreciate it!  Here is a link to the listing.  I think I am asking $1,000.

OK, one last eBay score of something that actually sold!  Those are the most fun…am I right or am I right?  These 3 spoons sold for $90.  Yes, I did say $90.00.  Do you eat from teaspoons that cost $30 each?  I certainly don’t.  Maybe I need to start!  LOL……Check them out here. 

Oh by the way, they were shipped to Walla Walla, Washington.

I am going to end this ezine with one of my favorite photos from our 2 year anniversary at the store on March 1st, 2020. The photo shows two of my best high school friends giving me a kiss. Love these girls! AND they flew down just for the party! Now, those are great friends 🙂

I am going to end this ezine with one of my favorite photos from our 2-year anniversary party at the store on March 1st, 2020. The photo shows two of my best high school friends giving me a kiss. Love these girls! AND they flew down just for the party! Now, those are great friends 🙂

Pictured…Jo Dallas, me and Kathy Rutan.

One last photo of more cool stuff is available on our website with free shipping. Check out these fun chimes and mobiles!

Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….https://www.jaclynszabo.com/

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!