I Just Gave Birth….Lynn’s Latest #28


Indy and I picked up our new Puppy this past Saturday.  My world as I know it will NEVER be the same

Her name is Cha Cha and she has stolen our hearts, our sleep, our sanity, and any type of rational thinking.  LOL!  Let’s just say that Carlos is not that happy about all of this & that is putting it mildy.

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #28…

October 9th, 2020
Watch for it every Friday or every other Friday!
(OK I am a day late AGAIN this week….Sorry it is Saturday this time)
Volume I  Issue 28

I am sure you can understand why this ezine is a day late….I did just give birth to a puppy.  Seriously though, it is just as much work as a newborn baby.  Y’all warned me, but I did it for my Indy girl.  She really needed this ESA (Emotional Support Animal).

Here she is as she makes her final decision.  It was grueling as we had 4 puppies to choose from.  How do you even do that?  The puppies all wore different colored collars so that you could tell them apart.

We had Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red to choose from.  We were able to eliminate Red and we were about to eliminate orange when Indy said “Wait a minute”!  There is something about her face (it was the cutest) and her great coloring and the fact that she was bouncing around like Tigger.  I am not kidding this dog actually bounces!  Indy pointed at Orange and announced, “That’s Cha Cha”.  Big-name to live up to!

Almost immediately after Indy picked her “forever” friend and we brought Cha Cha back to the house, she had to leave.  Why? you may be asking?  She had to get in costume and perform her final show of “Polar Bears, Black Boys and Prairie Fringed Orchids” live from her condo in Agoura Hills.  Crazy huh?  More about that later.

I know you may be wondering about my little Carlos and how he is adapting.  Carlos isn’t even a year old yet, his “semi” official birthday is October 13th because he was a rescue.

But, Let’s just say, Carlos’ life also changed forever this past Saturday.  Poor little guy.  It has only been a week and his world has been turned upside down.  They chase each other around the house like maniacs.  I don’t know who is winning the war, but the battles are very entertaining!

Well, that is all I’ve got this week.  Nothing else to talk about, but my pets.  Seriously?  Am I going to turn into one of those cat/dog moms?  I seriously hope not!

And of course, there is always lots more to talk about.  Because if you haven’t figured it out yet, I LOVE to talk/write about my goings-on.

Time for an eBay score, don’t you agree?  I bought this darling MCM (Mid Century Modern 1947 to 1969) for $5 at a garage sale.  Sold it for almost full asking price at $97!  Check it out here.

Before we picked up the puppy, the Palm Desert girls came out one last time to visit before we all get so crazy busy with the holidays.  They were only here for two days, but Mo bought a bunch of awesome furniture for her new house (from Lynn’s Consignments)!  We also had a great dinner at Casa Bella, had an outdoor spa treatment, and caught one of Indy’s three showings of her performance, “Polar Bears, Black Boys, and Prairie Fringed Orchids”.

Here is Indy’s Instagram post inviting everyone to watch the first performance. Since it takes place during a cocktail party at her (Molly Castle) and her husband’s (Peter Castle’s) home, I thought this was super clever!

The show was AMAZING!  All of the actors were phenomenal and the story was so real and poignant with everything going on in the world right now.  Bravo to Director Nic Few and his uber-talented cast!

Nic did such a great job with the show that you really didn’t feel like you were watching a zoom production.  He had great sets, costumes, and props that the actors handed back and forth to one another….even though they were all in their own homes/apartments, etc. during the live shows.  Each actor received duplicate props and a green screen to perform in front of and it was incredible.

The show was a high point for me in this “sh*t show” that we are calling 2020.  BTW, if you go back to my ezine #13 and #14 you can read about her auditioning for and getting this lead role by video!  Crazy!

Here is a photo of Carlos watching his “Queen” Indy on opening night!

AND here is a photo of the final performance on my big TV!  Soooooooo good!

The store is looking really great!  Thank you to Sandy, Val, and Peggy!  Way to go girls!

We have been getting in a ton of great gift items for Christmas!  Yes, I did say that out loud.  I have decided to skip Halloween and Thanksgiving and move right into Christmas.  It is my happiest time of the year (Indy was due on Christmas Day….can you believe that?)  But I had to have a C section after Houston’s risky birth, so the earliest they could plan it was December 15th and that is her BDAY!

Also, as many of you can agree, aren’t we ready for 2020 to be over, and let’s get to our happy places?  Soooooo, drum roll please, we put up two Christmas trees in the front window on Wednesday.  I am not going to decorate them until all of our amazing new ornaments arrive, but for now, let’s just celebrate the coming of our Lord and the beauty and wonder of the season!

Here are Val and Wayne in the front window putting up the 9-foot tree!  LOL 🙂

I have been buying like CRAZY for the holiday season.  I want you to KNOW that you can come into Lynn’s Fun Home (kinda like that shortened name…what do you think?) and find amazing, unique gifts at great prices.  SHOP LOCAL!

Check out these darling real stone bracelets at only $3.95 each.  What a great stocking stuffer!

Just a reminder of our current store hours…..THESE HAVE BEEN MODIFIED
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 11 to 3 pm.  
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 11 to 5 pm.

We do stay late if there are customers so if you are in the area check us out to see if we are still open after 3 pm.

On the night that the Palm Desert girls and I went out to dinner, I was able to tip the UBER driver extra to stop by the store so that I could finally get a great picture of the GREEN front window! Yipppeee skippy! So, because I love this rotating window so much I am going to show you all of the photos in the current succession. Bare, Red, Orange, Yellow and finally Green.

In the next few weeks, we will transition to Turquoise Blue (not Navy) so if you have anything Turquoise Blue or BEACHY, please bring it in to consign!

Which one is your favorite so far?


OK!  Time for another eBay score…..I bought a set of this china at an estate sale in Palm Springs back in April of 2015.  That was before Houston had even graduated from High School.  Crazy right?

I paid $20 and have sold most of it over the years.  I was looking for something on a shelf this week and saw this plate and thought to myself….Why hasn’t that plate sold?  Two days later, I get an offer of $95 for it and it is going to Korea!  SCORE…..But I hope you understand that profitable selling on eBay can take some time…like 5 years!

Check out the auction here to learn more.

Soooooo many great things arriving in the store for the Fall Season.  We finally got in an order of Royal Design Stencils and some of their stencil creme paint.  They have been selling really well!  I can’t wait to see what y’all create with these!  Shop the Stencils on line here.  Free shipping within the US!

Here is what the stencils look like in the store.  Sandy did this awesome display!  Come in and check it out.

Really missing my son these days and I think that is why I use y’all so much!  He is super busy teaching high school in OKC so I rarely hear from him.  I have already purchased his Thanksgiving plane ticket home…Can’t wait to see him!

I just text him and asked him to send me a picture because I can’t remember what he looks like.  I haven’t heard back from him so I just searched my computer by his nickname “Goose” and randomly chose a shot.  This is from September of 2015 and he is on his way to his first meeting as Pepperdine’s Freshman class President!  Pretty cool!

Houston is the best arguer/debater in the world.  I have always predicted that someday he will be an attorney.  Time will tell.  One thing is for sure, I know he will try other things besides teaching.

Well, Lo and behold, my firstborn just got back to me and text me a recent photo.  He is still obsessed with biking and that is a good thing!  I text him back and asked where he was and he said “The Wichita Mountains” LOL.  Apparently, there are no real mountains in OKC (2,500 elevation is not much), but there is a lake.  Pretty huh?

He also let me know that his school, Mt. Saint Mary’s Catholic High School is moving from in-person to distance learning for the next week.  He says that the Football team had to be quarantined and that is 25% of the school.  If they stay with distanced learning maybe he can come home early and HELP me with this puppy!

So much great stuff has been coming into the store.  It makes my head spin!  I have been soooo busy with the puppy that I haven’t been able to get much of it posted on the website.  Please stop by!  You don’t want to miss out on anything amazing!

This Italian piece came in today.  OMG is all I can say!  $395.  There is a similar one listed on Etsy right now for $1599.

Here are a few of the items that I was able to take some photos of and get to Emma for the website.

Time for an eBay score!  This was in one of the 20 or so boxes of lamp parts that I inherited from my grandma.  Crazy, right?  I put it on eBay with a HELP in the title because I had no idea what it was, but it sure was cool!  Someone finally told me what it was and I was able to change the listing title.  He also offered me $25 for it.  No way!  It finally sold for the best offer of $82 and got shipped to China.  Gotta love eBay!

Check it out here to see if you know what this item really is….HINT…it’s not a lamp part.

When I was working on the green front window, I ordered in some butterfly garlands to gussy it up.  OMG, gussy is such a funny word, isn’t it?  Here is its meaning “make someone or something more attractive, especially in a showy or gimmicky way”  Well, that is exactly what I was going for!

The green butterflies were such a hit that I ordered in a bunch more in assorted colors.  Stop in and see them!  Or free shipping within the continental U.S..   Sort by newest first and Check them out here

The Orcas Island Pottery Tiles arrived.  They are Gorgeous!  $19.50 each. Sorry, my photo shows our front work table in a mess.  And y’all know it NEVER looks like this!  LOL

We have also gotten in some amazing new small throw rugs 2′ by 3′. Check them out. Some are so beautiful they could even be used as wall hangings.

Peggy had a birthday this past Sunday!  I had every intention of taking balloons, flowers, and gifts to her house that morning but, it did not happen.  Guess why?  Saturday night was the first night with a PUPPY in my house!

On Tuesday, I loaded up Cha-Cha’s playpen (the crate I bought her was too small and I had to return it) and we delivered those pink balloons, flowers, and gifts to Peggy at the store.  When you see her, please wish her a belated Happy Birthday!

OK, now for the final eBay score in the making.  Since we all have PUPPIES on the brain, I thought this would be the perfect item to share.  Bought it in Palm Desert for $3.  It is at auction with a starting bid price of $19.99.  It is unsigned but, I am fairly confident it is Waechtersbach from German.  Check it out!

Remember this painting from my last newsletter?  My ex-husband’s Aunt Pam emailed me with the information below.  Pretty cool huh?  Still can’t find any records for what her paintings may be worth.  Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks!

Carolyn (Platts) Hoeckmann

Biography from the Archives of askART
She was born Carolyn Platts on August 10, 1937, as the only child of a family dating back to the Mayflower and President John Adams. Growing up in Holyoke, Massachusetts, she developed an early love for art that remained with her throughout her life.

In Holyoke, she met a young German engineer, Walter Hoeckmann.  Following a courtship in both the U.S. and Europe, they married in Hamburg, Germany, in 1959. After the birth of their first daughter, they moved to Concord, CA., where Walter got a job with Standard Oil. After their sons Erik and Olaf were born, Walter was reassigned to Standard Oil in La Habra CA. They discovered La Habra Heights in the early 1960s and purchased land for the new home, where the family grew up and Carolyn lived out her life.

With the addition of a second daughter, the family was complete and Carolyn began serious artwork, first in oils, then acrylics, and eventually watercolors, which she favored.

Beginning in the 1970s Carolyn’s involvement as an artist expanded to include leadership on the Fine Arts Board and service as co-chairperson of the Hillcrest Fine Arts Festival with her husband.

Carolyn’s pen and ink drawing of Hillcrest Church, where she served as a deaconess, is still used as its logo. Carolyn and Walter were both active in the campaign for incorporation of the City of La Habra Heights.
OMG, Annie Sloan was on Restored with Brett Waterman this past Wednesday night. You must watch the repeat! Soooooo good! I believe it is season 4 episode 3, but I will have to double-check.

Here I am with Annie Sloan back in March at The Red Rooster Vintage in Redlands during the time she was filming the show.  We LOVE Annie!  She is the BEST!

Don’t forget that you can always order your paint supplies on our website……….

Shop Annie Sloan Here

Annie is releasing a range of stencils this year and we have the first two in stock. They are wonderful! Check them out here!

OK, this section is probably going to need a new name.  Thoughts?  Or should Carlos still have his own corner?  And Cha-Cha gets her own space…The Challenges of Cha-Cha?

Time will tell, but for now, this is gonna have to be for both of them.  Here is a photo of Carlos helping me work right before Cha-Cha entered his life.  Poor guy!  He had no idea what was about to happen.

The morning after Cha Cha arrived Carlos jumped up on my bed and started “YELLING” at me. I am totally serious. He is a very quiet cat and usually only makes really cute “eeeee” sounds, but that morning he meowed and meowed at me SOOOOO loudly. He was PISSED off! LOL.

Here are the two in Cha Cha’s playpen (where she sleeps) and they often have CAGE wresting matches in there. So funny!

I think I will wrap this up and get out of here.  I do have a puppy to wear out so that I can sleep tonight.  LOL.  Seriously?  I really wish I were kidding.

Just a heads up, for the next few weeks, I won’t be in the store a whole lot.  I can leave them alone for about 2 hours, so that limits when I can get to the store.  Indiana is coming home as much as possible because Cha Cha is her dog, but we have been advised that Cha needs to imprint here with us and not with Indy and her 3 other roommates.  We have a trainer coming in on Thursday to help us get started on the right foot.  SOOOOOO much work!

Here is Cha Cha just chilling in our backyard on her first afternoon.

Here is Indiana on the floor saying goodbye to Cha Cha as she has to head back to her Condo in Agoura Hills for school etc.

I am going to wrap up this ezine with a photo that I am HOPING is a glimpse of things to come between Cha Cha and Carlos.  They almost look like they are cuddling (but it was in the middle of a heated fight) and this was a mini truce.

Let me wrap this up with a HUGE thank you for your continued support of me and my small business!  You are keeping us going and my gratitude is immense! THANK YOU  THANK YOU!!!

OK, but wait.  As I was finishing this up they really did start to cuddle.  Cha Cha was cleaning Carlos’ paw and Carlos was cleaning Cha Cha’s paw.  I am totally serious.  Check it out!

Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….https://www.jaclynszabo.com/

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!