With Covid still hanging around, I have really been missing traveling the world…even though most of it was with my ex-husband and my ex-boyfriend. LOL, but seriously yes.
More about that later, but for now let’s check out the new Turquoise window at night!
Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #30…
November 13th, 2020
Watch for it every Friday or every other Friday!
Volume I Issue 30
OH CRAP…Happy Friday the 13th, 2020
What could possibly go wrong?
In the last ezine, I asked y’all which front window color you liked the best. I heard from many of you that you needed to see the choices again. So here they are in ROY G. BIV order.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, and the Blue above.
Hit me up and let me know which one is your favorite? I want to hear from you! Thanks
In Super Awesome news, Indiana came home from Pepperdine to watch Cha Cha for three days so that I could go to the desert and get some sleep! Just Kidding, NOT!
It was seriously AMAZING to not have to get up during the night to let the puppy outside. I would get a doggy door, but I have to worry about my King Carlos. Anyone have any ideas?
BTW, Cha Cha is getting HUGE. She was born on August 5th (so is a Leo like my mama) and is currently only 3 months old. I am not kidding, she has doubled in size since we got her!
This past Saturday, Emma (Houston’s girlfriend) flew into Santa Barbara from New Jersey. She has been holed up in NJ with her mother during Covid. Here she is meeting Cha Cha for the first time! Carlos was soooooo happy to see her as well.
It was great to see her and I had the pleasure of taking both Emma and Indy out to dinner at Casa Bella. How fashion forward are these two?
Time for an eBay score, don’t you think? I do! Well, actually I am hoping that this is a score in the making. I spent this past Sunday through Tuesday out in Palm Desert hitting a few estate sales. I got some pretty cool stuff! Including this original oil painting that I paid $75 to acquire. What do you think? Check it out here.
We redid the yellow in-store vignette yesterday. I think it turned out super fun. That little yellow sectional is for sale for $449.50.
I did a super fun interview with Griff for the eBay for Business Podcast last week. We always have so much fun during our chats! We got on the subject of Cha Cha and how incredibly insane I am with taking on a puppy on top of owning Lynn’s Consignments, selling full time on eBay (15,000 items currently listed baby!), writing an ezine, and actually having to do the shipping while Cindy was on vacation last week.
Just typing that out makes me exhausted! Anyway, Cindy had her vacation scheduled for quite some time, it just turned out to be terrible timing for me! It is ALL about me
Check out this table full of stuff I had to ship on Monday she was out of town.
Here is a link to my episode on the eBay for Business Podcast with Griff.
You may have to look for episode #115. Check out the graphics for the show. Cha Cha is FAMOUS!
In case you missed that tiny photo of Cha Cha and me doing “Cindy’s” shipping. Check it out here. And yes, those 15,000 items listed on eBay are behind my office at the store. Does anyone want a tour? Just ask!
Let’s get back to the store!! Last Thursday evening we had an employee tree trimming party. Super fun! Here is the crew in front of our gorgeous trees. Left to right, Val, Sandy, Cindy, Peggy and me.
The store is PACKED…. I say PACKED with amazing gift items for Christmas! It is soooooo exciting…..with new stuff arriving daily!
Which reminds me….look what is in stock! Hurry in and get yours before they sell out! 2020 Toilet Paper Ornament arrived today and is only $14.99. Santa Claus with a mask is $21.99.
If you can’t stop in to pick one up, you can always order here.
Check out these other darling Blown Glass Old World Christmas Glass Ornaments that are also in stock from $14.99 to $22.99 each. Who doesn’t want a sloth ornament for Christmas? LOVE these! Again, they are all available online with more coming in next week.
Here are a few fun furniture pieces that just came in. I love this turquoise secretary that one of our consignors brought in. She is super talented! She used one of the Iron Orchid Design Transfers the “Sea Queen” that is no longer being made. This piece is for sale at $495.
But back to the Christmas Trees! I am so excited for the holiday season! It’s time to celebrate……
Here is our Kazi tree decorated in handwoven ornaments that pay the men and women of Rwanda, Uganda, and Ghana a living wage. Please help us support this amazing company! In the back, you can see the trees all decorated in the Old world Ornaments.
Here is a close-up of some of these amazing ornaments. These pom pom lidded basket ornaments are only $11.95 and you could put a special gift inside…a love note, a promise, a gift certificate or a special piece of jewelry.
Before I forget, we have a VERY special chair waiting in the front window for a VERY special guest. If you have any youngsters that would like to see where a special guest will be visiting us closer to Christmas, please bring them by! The little ones that have seen it so far, are filled with wonder and excitement. Never too early to get in the spirit!
Just a reminder of our current store hours…..THESE HAVE BEEN MODIFIED
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 11 to 3 pm.
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 11 to 5 pm.
We do stay late if there are customers so if you are in the area check us out to see if we are still open after 3 pm.
Time for an eBay score! I bought this Papier Mache Angel last December at an estate sale for $2.00. Sold it for the best offer of $66.00 yesterday. It is my goal to always make 10x my money when selling on eBay. I guess I did it!
Check it out here to see why it sold for so much!
Soooooo many great things arriving in the store for the Christmas Season. Check out these amazing kitchen utensils that retail for $9.95 (well the spreader is $6.95 and the Spurtle is $12.8=95). We just got in a huge reorder! Time to shop! Also, Free Shipping and available for sale on our website.
We got in the most hysterical line of greeting cards. The artist is from Seattle and I have followed her for years. Super fun to have these cards in stock in the store. You can shop for them here…Free shipping within the continental US.
Got a group text on Sunday morning from my son in Oklahoma City…..Notice how I immediately use the “S” word and then my 84-year-old mother says she would rather use the “F” word. LOL!
Thank God he is fine! Houston will quarantine for 10 days and then take a Covid test. If he tests negative he will be able to join us for Thanksgiving. If not, I am going to be so upset that he can’t join us for Turkey day. Ughhhhhh! Can 2020 please be OVER!
Here is one of my favorite pictures of me and the Goose! He was practicing cheering for the USC football game that we were going to be attending. LOL.
Time for an eBay score? I think so! But, this time I am going to share ANOTHER one of my mom’s scores. What? Yes! My mom has been selling on eBay for almost as long as I have. She is 84 years old and still pulls down about $3,000 a month. She is a rock star! AND you all seem to love hearing about her success in the last ezine, so here we go again!
This listing is for some flatware that she bought recently. These 3 pieces of flatware sold for $150! Yes, you did hear that correctly. Check it out here.
My mom is my biggest fan and I so appreciate her! Thank you Mor Mor! I LOVE YOU! She also thinks that I need to stop writing these newsletters and put my energy towards writing a novel. So do my kids BTW. They all believe in me! It is quite nice!
I have always wanted to write a novel, but never carve out the time. I have been quite successful with non-fiction (Wiley, McGraw Hill, and Scholastic have all published me) so maybe I am afraid of fiction. Thoughts?
Here I am with my Mama “fake” reading a book. Maybe this can be motivation, inspiration or whatever it takes to get me fired up and started on my FIRST NOVEL!
Tons of great furniture has been coming into the store. This puppy has drastically changed my life and I am only in the store for two action-packed days lately. That doesn’t give me much time to get the furniture photographed and uploaded to the website. Soooooooo please stop in and check out the new inventory as most are NOT online.
Here are a few of the new pieces. This one is a beautiful Lockland Canova Grey Door Cabinet / Armoire that comes with clothing rods as well and a mirror inside the one door. 57 x 21 x 72″. This piece retails for $2549 on Wayfair. Our price, $595.
Here are some of our great dressers in stock.
I mentioned at the beginning of this ezine that I miss traveling the world. My love for travel started when I was a small child. My parents and my grandmother used to drag us along for every international adventure. I went to Europe for the first time when I was 6 years old and my brother Lee was 3. My sister wasn’t even born yet!
Here is one of my favorite pictures of my dad with Lee and me in front of Buckingham Palace. My brother and I were so scared we didn’t want to get anywhere near that horse and my dad made us….and he was sooooooo mad! I miss you, Wayne Dralle!
Then there was that trip to Hong Kong with my grandmother when I was in High School. Here is more about that from story #23 in my 2nd book in the 100 Best Series, “Money Making Madness”.
Do you love my perm? It cracked me up when I pulled this photo from the book archives…my brother had named it “HongKongpoorlydressed”….LOL! I just text him, who was he saying was poorly dressed? Me or grandma?
He just text me back and said that I was the one that named the picture. Sounds about right, I do think that I am pretty humorous.
There were so many “World Travel Adventures” over the years. I lived in Valencia, Spain for the entire summer after high school graduation. I did the USC Spain Semester in Madrid in 1984.
There were about 50 of us from USC in Madrid for those 5 months and we became super close. Here we are at a Spain Reunion party somewhere in Westlake Village back in 1986 or 1987. If you know anyone in this photo, please let me know!
It was at Debbie Kessler’s (I think she married someone with the last name Allman) home and I have lost touch with her. My friend Joanne (who appears in lots of my newsletters and her daughters have all worked at the store) is pictured in the front. She still looks exactly the same. I put an arrow over me since I don’t look exactly the same. LOL! Good times people!
My ex-husband and I traveled a lot, even spending our honeymoon in Bali at the Amandari and the Four Seasons. First-class all the way baby! Thank you Cheryl Leaf! I couldn’t find any of our Bali pictures so here is a photo of us at our wedding, the day before we left for Bali.
I traveled a lot with my kids as well. Missions in Mexico, Disneyworld every other year, Disney Cruises, and summers spent in Bellingham. Here we are on a spur of the moment trip to Puerta Vallarta….Nothing better than a “surprise vacation”.
My ex-boyfriend and I also traveled extensively. Cozumel, Cayman Islands, Cabo, Catalina, Florida, New York, Nicaragua, and Roatan to name a few.
We even purchased a property in Nicaragua. Here is the view from our Lot 35 in San Juan del Sur.
I miss all these travel days. I miss my dad, my grandma, and my sister who were always up for a travel adventure. Can’t wait for Covid to be over so I can get back to my globetrotting ways. LOL! But I am totally serious.
OK, now for my final eBay score. Not a huge dollar amount, but hard to find Audio Compact Disc from the Langley Vineyard Church. It sold for about $35.
OK, this section is probably going to need a new name. Thoughts? Or should Carlos still have his own corner? And Cha-Cha gets her own space…The Challenges of Cha-Cha? The adventures of Carlos and Cha Cha?
OK, this is hysterical. One of my ezine readers (Valorie Huston) wrote in with this….
How about….
“Cha Cha-ing with Carlos” EVERYBODY DANCE NOW!!!
This could be it….thoughts?
Here is my Carlos cleaning Cha Cha’s chin. How funny is this?
I also got some super cute pics of the two of them today as they were snuggling on Cha Cha’s anti-anxiety bed. This may soon become Carlos’ bed since Cha is soooooo big! Check them out, are they not darling? It looks like it is Cha Cha’s turn to clean Carlos. LOL!
I know this is Carlos’ Corner, but I must end with a 4 part photo set of Cha Cha helping me do eBay. At least she thought she was helping me. LOL! I posted this on Instagram (follow me at LynnDralle) and FaceBook and several of you want to know when I get these patch boxes (that belonged to my grandmother Cheryl Leaf) listed.
One of our favorite vendors at the store is Baggu. They make those incredible “on-trend” reusable bags that are all the rage. Just last week they came out with an entirely new line with new designs. They announced that ordering was open at 6 am and guess what? I actually happened to be awake because I HAVE A PUPPY! LOL, but not really.
I went a little bit crazy with ordering for the store, but check out all these amazing new items! Puffy laptop sleeves…WOW!
Then there are the new Zip Sets. OMG! I am getting some of these for Christmas Gifts. Great for TRAVEL (which I LOVE and will talk about later)!
Then there are the darling Ear Bud Puffy containers. These will make great stocking stuffers and make you a huge hero to the younger generation. Who knew you could be so cool? Check out all the new Baggu here. Remember, free shipping. Order now!
Finally, the awesome new mask designs! Constellation and Forest Floor…..WOW! We will be getting more of these in with the loops instead of the ties, so please check us out for all of your Baggu needs! Thank you for letting me over-share. I LOVE this company!
I am going to wrap up this ezine with a quote from my Gary John Bishop Calendar that has made a HUGE impact on me. Wow….I just noticed that it was from October 2nd, what should have been my sister Kiki’s 51st birthday. Check it out…..
I have taken this quote to heart. I started to examine what was taking up a ton of time and making me frustrated. First, my computer was out of hard drive disc space. I was spending hours every day deleting photos, documents, and anything that would let my computer run faster.
I wasn’t ready for a new computer so after reading this quote, I called Mitec here in Ventura and took my laptop in for an upgrade. $600 later my computer is working like a dream. Thank you Mitec! THIS DEFINITELY MADE MY LIFE BETTER!
I have many more examples but will save those for later ezines. But, I sincerely hope you take this suggestion to heart. REPEAT!
Let me wrap this up with a HUGE thank you for your continued support of me and my small business! You are keeping us going and my gratitude is immense! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!
Until we can travel again, I will be around. Stop in and say HELLO! Finally, a great photo from back on March 1st, 2020 before all of this madness began and we could all be together.
My team, from left to right. Emma, Val, my mama, me, Indy, Cindy, and Peggy. Sandy, where are you?????
Thanks for reading my ezines! I appreciate it….as always!
eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn
P.S. All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo. She is amazing! To learn more about Jaclyn….https://www.jaclynszabo.com/
P.P.S. If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.