Is Disney Calling For Indy?…Lynn’s Latest #03


You are cordially invited to our 3rd Year Anniversary Party! MONDAY, March 1st from Noon to 4 pm.

OMG!  We have made it 3 FULL Years!
Thank you soooooo much for the LOVE and support!

It will look a little bit different than last year’s party….More details to follow!
Here is what we looked like at last year’s celebration……
it almost looks fake doesn’t it?

Left to Right, Lori, Peggy, Emma, Sandy, Indiana, Me, Kathy, my mom, Gala, Joanne, Steve, Jo Dallas, and Valerie!


Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #03…

February 13th, 2021
Watch for it every Friday or every other Friday! Or even on a Saturday!
Volume II  Issue 03


It has been a crazy few weeks and I have not had time to write a newsletter.  Reason #1…of course, it has to do with the DOG.  Cha Cha got Spayed on January 28th and our lives changed drastically.

Here she is just chilling in the waiting room prior to surgery and then in the cage when we left her.  It broke my heart!

Here she is after surgery with Dr. McNeill, Indy, and Ya Ya trying to put a DeBell T-shirt on her.  Shout out to the girls of DeBell at Pepperdine!

So why was it so difficult?  You try keeping a 35-pound Floppy Doodle (as my friend Tina Burke calls her) from running, jumping, and chewing at her stitches for TWO weeks!  In addition, she couldn’t go outside by herself.  Which meant any time she needed to use the “facilities” (even if it was at 1 am) she had to be on a short leash with either Indy or me.

It was not pretty.  Lots of sedatives (for both me and the dog LOL) and round-the-clock watchers.

Thank God Indy was home until last Sunday to help me, otherwise, I would have gone CRAZY!  Here is Cha Cha dressed in her finest surgical suit and floppy cone.

Time for an eBay score, don’t you think?  I bought this beautiful and delicate Italian Art Glass Vase at a recent estate sale.  It was marked $45 and everything was 30% off, so I ended up paying $31.50.  I took the best offer of $257 for it.  I could have waited for more money, but I was happy with that rate of return after it was listed for ONLY 21 days on eBay!

Oh, and it shipped to Puerto Rico!  If you want to learn more about this piece, check it out here.

I recently read a book that has changed my outlook on a lot of things.  It is called “How to Make Sh*t Happen:  Make more money, get in better shape, create epic relationships and control your life” and the author Sean Whalen is very unconventional & a bit radical.

Even though Sean’s approach is unconventional and some people even find him rude, it has shocked me into making some radical changes.  The most important takeaway for me was that I need to put myself first.  Wait a minute….slow down.  I am a mom and have ALWAYS put my kids first.  What would that even look like if I put myself first?

Sean’s reasoning made absolute sense to me.  If I am not at 100%, how will I have anything to give to the people around me that need me.  There are 4 core principles that he talks about (Core4) and they are Power (your body), Passion (your relationships), Purpose (spirituality), and Production (work).  He teaches that equal time must be spent in each of those quadrants.  WOW!  What an eye-opener.  I am pretty much all in when it comes to the 4th core principle, Work, and I give that my 110%.  No Bueno!

The first change I have made is to focus on Power.  I hired a personal trainer for both Indy and myself, Bree at The Vent, who is phenomenal!

The first thing Bree had us do was get our body fat tested.  OH MY GOODNESS!  Check out Indy!  It was scary!

I worked with Bree privately for a few weeks and she has slowly eased me into the group classes.  LOL.  I have to laugh because 4 weeks ago I would not have believed that yes, this is me… Lynn Dralle, going to a 7:30 am cross-fit group class!  OK, I don’t go to all of those 7:30 classes, but I am making two a week….so far!

You see, I am a night owl.  I work on eBay or the store until around midnight, get up when the puppy gets up at 6:30 am, and try to wear her out so that I can get some more sleep until 9:00 am.  I have finally realized what a WASTE of time those hours are and instead of trying to wear her out, I just leave for the gym.  Hahaha!  Jokes on you Cha Cha!

Here is what those two USED to look like in the morning roughhousing while I try and sleep.  It is such a funny picture because Cha Cha still has her cone on Hahahaha!

I must say that I am really proud of myself for making these changes and I believe it will become my new modus operandus!


As per state mandate, we can allow 25% of our max occupancy of 88 in at one time.   There will never be more than 22 people in the store at one time.  There is also plenty of room outdoors to celebrate!

Monday, March 1st from Noon to 4 pm.

Individually wrapped appetizer type food, individual drinks (beer, wine, soda, etc.), and Door Prizes!

Please stop by and help us Celebrate!

OK, that brings me to the store of course! Just what has been happening there? LOTS of new items! And I finally changed the front window to Purple. The last in our ROY G BIV series.


I am not completely satisfied with it yet, but here is how it looks right now. Definitely a work in progress.

In more great store news, I got a text from a gal who was looking for help in selling her mother’s furniture.  Her mother is 94 years old and had just moved into assisted living.  They were looking to sell her entire living room full. Her mother had purchased Mid Century Modern furniture starting in the 1950’s from Urner’s in Bakersfield.  Well, it wasn’t called Mid Century back then (I don’t think) it was just “new”!

I could NOT believe how amazing all of the pieces were!  I was so excited to get it into the store.  Luckily, Adolio and Sunny were able to pick it up this past Tuesday.  Here they are ready to unload!  The boys do such a GREAT job of moving for us and our customers!

I was so excited to redo the front window, that I actually came in on Tuesday (my day off) to work on it with Sandy and the boys!  Here is a shot of the work in progress.

Unfortunately, before I even got to style that front window we sold the Dux Barrel Chair!  Ughhhhhhhhh, I hate it when things sell out of my front window.  Just kidding, kind of!  And then we sold the nesting tables and the small three-drawer wall unit.

Here is a shot from the street at night and it is still not styled….Oh well!

I think it is time to talk about Indiana, because Oh My Goodness, does she have A LOT going on!  First, for those of you who saw her in “Polar Bears, Black Boys and Polar Fringed Orchids” thank you for watching the Zoom production.  Even Carlos caught one of the shows!  That is Indy in character on the left.

Here is an Instagram post from Pepperdine Theatre.  Indy got a letter of interest from Casting at Disney!!!!!  Yay!  She is shopping for an agent if any of you know a great one!  I am so excited for her and for what is to come!  THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

In more Indy news, ever since Pepperdine broke for Christmas break back in November, she has been working on a special project, Allegories of our Youth, that aired last night and will air at 10 am this morning through the Lisa Smith Wengler Center for the Arts at Pepperdine.

It is free and delivered directly to your computer.  Even if you can’t watch it live, the downloadable live stream will be available for 48 hours.  Indy and the other students poured their hearts and soul into this for the past several months.  I highly encourage you to sign up for it here.

Indiana also created the cover art (she has always been incredibly artistic).  Next to the art is a post from Pepperdine showing Indy talking about her part in the project.  I love how she reposted it and said “I’ve Made it to the Big Leagues”  Hahahaha!

Here is more about the performance and its back story.  View the event program here.

For Indy’s 5 minute performance she questions herself regarding whether or not her mom should put up a Black Lives Matter sign in her store.   Indy played nine different characters (all parts of herself), recorded it and edited it.  It was a huge undertaking.

I think it is wonderful!  But of course, I am her mom!   My favorite character, of course, is 12-year-old Indy.  I miss that little kid!  Which of the two photos is the REAL 12-year-old Indy?

Thank you for letting me overshare about Indy!  I appreciate it!  Now back to an eBay score, don’t ya think?

Check out this WILD bedspread and curtain set.  I LOVE it!  Bought it at a Ventura garage sale for $20 or $30.  Sold it for the best offer of $155 last week.  Gotta love eBay!   And this piece is so MCM (Mid Century Modern era 1947-1969) and Hawianna.  Two styles that can’t be beaten!  Check out the listing here.

Before Cha Cha got spayed, there were some milestones we should definitely talk about.  First and foremost, we have been taking her to obedience lessons.  Check out how cool she and Indy look doing the work….in the cold….outside…in the dark…with a mask on!

She (along with Indiana and I) graduated from Puppy Obedience School at Doggin’ Around with Ellen.  She is awesome!  Check us out on graduation night!

The next milestone (right after obedience school mind you) is a no Bueno.  A few days after graduation, she got into Houston’s room, found Emma’s blue tie-dye dye in a bottle, and proceeded to carry it around with her so she could chew on it…the plastic bottle that is.  But guess what happens when you chew on a plastic bottle and you have really really sharp teeth?

Bingo!  Blue dye ALL over the dog and my house.  At least it is a really pretty blue color…..  Still trying to find someone who can clean the cushion covers for me….anyone knows a good upholsterer cleaner?

And here is the culprit who was caught red (or should I say blue) handed after several baths.

Speaking of Houston and Emma, boy do I miss them!  I just text Houston and said please send me a current photo for the newsletter.  I have forgotten what you look like!  Luckily, Emma was in OKC for Valentine’s Day and she is going to corral him and get some shots.

These are random, but fun!  One of Hous and Emma with Indy right before they headed out to OKC and one of Houston on a recent bike ride!

In more store news, we just got in the new Baggu designs.  So much fun and very Spring Like.  We have new masks and bags in stock!  Come and check us out!

Time for an eBay score!  Actually, this is a score in the making.  My mom just called me and it is so freezing up in Bellingham right now that she grabbed a hat that she had just listed on eBay to wear to keep her head warm.

Fortunately, she checked the auction (that had only been up for 2 days) and this particular hat already had 4 bids and was up to $50 from a $17.99 starting bid.  She decided not to wear it!  hahahaha  And she forgot to even put Hat or Cap in the listing….just goes to show you, anyone can sell on eBay!  Just kidding mama!

If you want to follow the auction, you can do so here.  Let’s hope it goes even higher for her!

In more exciting Annie Sloan news, she announced a new color last month, Capri Pink!  And yes, we do have it in stock!

Peggy and Sandy painted a couple of end tables/nightstands in an Athenian Black and Capri Pink combo.  The icing on the cake is the Leopard print in reverse color block.  I LOVE THESE!  Only $125 each.

Let’s check out some of those Scandinavian Teak MCM pieces in more detail.

If anyone knows the maker on any of the MCM pieces that we have been unable to identify, please help us out!  Thanks!

OK, time for a super funny story.  My friend, Kimberly Wallace, posted this on her story.  I misunderstood and thought this was a picture of a movie star.  So, I messaged her and guessed James Woods

This is what she posted in response to my message……hahahaha!  I love Kimberly and she obviously has a great sense of humor!

Of course, I had to immediately report on my story and proudly say…..I AM THAT FRIEND! Not my proudest moment, but a super fun one!
Let me show you a photo of what Kimberly really looks like and she is beautiful! This photo was taken during a live eBay boot camp that she attended back in 2010. For the record, I have known Kimberly since 1993 when she walked into my grandmother’s antique store in Bellingham to sell me flower arrangements. We have been friends through thick and thin ever since!

Just a reminder of Our CURRENT HOURS:

Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 5pm
Sundays 11 am to 3pm

Regarding Covid, I just want to reassure you that we are taking this very seriously and following protocol. We sanitize, wear masks, request that you wear a mask (unless you have a health issue that exempts you), and have a very large store.

With over 5,000 square feet our max capacity is 88 people. WOW, I wish I could have 88 customers at once when covid is over! Wouldn’t that be amazing? Just kidding, but kind of serious.

Bottom line is this, even at 25% of capacity (which the Governor is suggesting), there can still be 22 of you in the store. We never get that busy, so please feel safe and please ask us if you have any special requests. We are more than happy to make your shopping experience a great one!

Since Indy was moving back to her condo in Agoura Hills on February 7th to start the Spring semester remotely, I knew that it was my last chance to get out of dodge.  Cha Cha was still recovering from her surgery and Indy being the angel she is, agreed to let me head out to the desert on Weds February 3rd for a few days.

It was heaven to not have to babysit the pooch 24/7 and worry about her stitches!  My friends all had to work, but I went thrifting every day (found a ton of great stuff) and went to my hairstylist and aesthetician.  Since I lived out there for almost 16 years it still feels like home.

I did manage to squeeze in lunch one day with Kel and Candy.  Super fun!!

I brought back two of these mermaids for the store.  I guess you could say I rescued them from the desert and brought them closer to the sea!

I have to apologize here to both y’all and to Carlos. This entire newsletter (AGAIN) has been hijacked by Cha Cha.
And here are a couple of pictures of my little “bubba” from a year ago this week. He was soooo tiny and we do love Carlos so much! He was helping me write an ezine! Crazy how much he has changed in a year!

Thinking about our 3 year anniversary has me thinking about my dad.  He passed away at Cinco de Mayo in 2017.  I opened the store with money that he left me and that is why our grand opening was on March 1st, 2018, the day that should have been his 84th birthday.

My dad was my biggest cheerleader and biggest helper (my mom still is!).  Always willing to do any kind of job to help at my grandmother’s store, at my house, or at my eBay warehouse.  I really miss him and know that he would love the store so much.

This photo popped up in my time hop of him 5 years ago.  He was sitting at the table in the front window of my eBay office/warehouse on Boardwalk in Palm Desert patiently sorting the crazy messed up boxes and boxes of jewelry that I inherited from my grandmother.

Here he is helping (well actually not helping because he built the entire thing) build a crate to ship an expensive painting I sold on eBay.  That was my Dad, always making friends wherever he went, even if it was the guy down at Lowes.

Then there he is on the phone with my brother building the crate outside of my office in Palm Desert.  Check out my awesome turquoise crowns.  I still am The Queen of Auctions you know!   But, I really miss my dad.  Just know that our anniversary party on March 1st is my way of honoring him and I hope you can join us.

One of my friends posted a very poignant slogan the other day and I feel like I must share it.  Covid has made it extremely hard to do business and we have been working tirelessly to keep our customers happy, keep our consignors happy, and quite frankly to just stay in business.  It has not been easy.

Lately, some (very few but it still makes a huge impact) customers and consignors have been so angry, mean, and unreasonable that I wonder if it is worth it to keep the doors open.

So please read this and do what you can do to support your local businesses.

Please, please, please show us your support at our Anniversary Party on Monday, March 1st.  Even if you just honk while driving by.  It will be greatly appreciated.

AND, please don’t forget us….it has been super slow lately and your business is greatly appreciated.

Oh, and one last final future eBay score.  I bought this Rainbow Mid Century Lamp at a local garage sale for $75.  I have it listed on eBay for $1,999 or best offer.  Check it out here.

Finally, a great photo from back on March 1st, 2020 before all of this madness began and we could all be together.

My team, from left to right.  Indy, Val, me, my mom, Sandy, Steve, Peggy, Joanne, and Kathy Rutan.  Those were the days my friends!  Soon to come again I believe…Keep the faith and keep smiling (as my dad would say)!

Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!