Kids Have Flown the Coop! Lynn’s Latest #23


I Skipped Last Week’s eZine so I could finish my taxes!!! Whooooooooooweeeeee! They are DONE

Here are Houston and Emma at Horseshoe Bend in the Grand Canyon on their way to OKC…sad for me, but they look happy.

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #23…

July 31, 2020
Watch for it every Friday or every other Friday!
Volume I  Issue 23


Sadly, my endless summer with both of my kids (and sometimes Houston’s girlfriend Emma and Indy’s boyfriend Brandon) has come to a screeching halt.  While I was in the midst of this Covid Pandemic Housebound endless summer, there were times that I did not enjoy having a full house!

Be careful what you wish for because they are now leaving and it is really sad.  Houston left this past Tuesday morning with Emma to drive back to Oklahoma City to start teaching high school at Mt. St. Mary’s Catholic School sometime later in August.

Here is a photo of my Indy girl doing one of her online theatre performances.  I just LOVE this photo!  And it was before she got the TERRIBLE news!

Indy was devastated to learn this past week that Pepperdine canceled all in-person courses after promising it to their students for the past 4 months!  Ughhh, I am so upset for all of you parents, students, and others who are adversely affected by these decisions.  It breaks my heart!

Indy is still planning to live close to Pepperdine and we have been actively looking for an apartment that she will move into in August.  Ughhh!  It will just be me and King Carlos.

Here she is checking out one of these apartments/townhomes/houses for rent (six feet apart from her friend) close to Pepperdine.  This one is NOT going to work out.

If any of you own a home/townhouse/apartment that is in Malibu, Calabassas, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village, Woodland Hills, or anything else Pepperdine adjacent that is available at a reasonable price, please reach out to us.  WE ARE GETTING DESPERATE for something nice for her and a few roommates!

OK, back to me.  LOL.  It has been a crazy few weeks since I wrote my last ezine.  I spent four days out in Palm Desert sourcing for the store and eBay.  It was crazy hot, but still so much fun!  I managed to spend about $2,000 and came back with a fully-loaded car!  Here is a listing for one of the dish sets I bought out there.

Check it out here!

When California shut us down back on March 19th, we had just redone our front window in pink.  We got many great comments….so thank you!  Love the positive feedback.

Now that we are OPEN again!  Yipppppeeeee!  I decided it was time for a change.

Just a reminder of our current store hours…..
Tuesday to Sunday 11 to 3. 

We do stay late if there are customers so if you are in the area check us out to see if we are still open after 3 pm.

Coming up with a concept for my front window display is my FAVORITE part of my JOB!  LOL…but seriously it is.   Indy and I decided to gut the pink window and move that display right inside the front door.  It looks so YUMMY there and we have actually sold more from this new location than we did out of the front window.  Stop in and check it out!

The biggest obstacle for me (anytime that we gut a front window and change it out) is the incredible amount of heavy furniture that must be moved in and out.  It is extremely labor-intensive.  That is why I don’t change out the windows super often.

I got to thinking, what if I could do a neutral pallet of furniture, either white, off white, or beige that would not change? Then I would only change the accessories and small pieces of furniture every few weeks.

I was very nervous wondering how this was going to turn out….when I attempted it.  It could have either been a hit or a GIGANTIC MISS.  Well here is the neutral pallet all ready to be “decorated”.

I have loved Hearts and Rainbows since the 1980’s.  Who didn’t?  hahaha.  Here is a photo of my high school bulletin board in my bedroom in Bellingham, Washington at 500 Bayside Road.

Can you guess what my theme is going to be for that front window over the next few months?……. Drum Roll please….the Rainbow!

The first week is red. Here it is from the side as it is super hard to get a front shot.

And here is a shot from the front at night. Believe it or not….I was out after dark this past Friday night.

I was out after dark to attend one of the Concerts in Your Car events at the fairgrounds.  Sandy, me, Joanne, and Jeff went in Sandy’s truck.  Super fun seeing Yachtly Crew!  Sandy made pasta salad, jello shots, and Moscow mules.  Crazy!  And check out the color of those chairs?  Right in line with my new theme!

Next Tuesday I will be changing the window to ORANGE. Please look around your homes, go outsourcing and help me gather ORANGE accessories. I look forward to seeing what you all can bring me!

Now to see some of the new awesome pieces that have come in recently.

Indy has been really busy this summer with summer school, working for the Lisa Wengler Center for Arts, and doing lots of Theatre projects.  She was sooooo looking forward to returning to Pepperdine and I am still crushed for her and all the others who will not be heading back to their schools.

She also suffers from depression and anxiety.  This covid thing has not done her any favors.  We recently found out that she qualifies for an ESA, an emotional support animal, and I think this could be the answer!  We thought that Carlos was going to help (and of course he does, but he is just not reliable at all….those CATS!)

We are in the process of trying to find the perfect dog for her.  She loves the Goldendoodle breed, but they are sold out everywhere.  We do have our names on some long waiting lists.  If anyone knows of another breed that would make a great ESA or knows of someone with puppies or young dogs that would work, please reach out to us.  An older dog just won’t cut it as it needs to be with her for the long haul.  Thanks in advance!

This is what we are looking for 🙂  Borrowed from Becky’s website.  And we are on her waiting list, but apparently, it is super long.  Ughhhh!

Just found out that Indy also loves Welsh Corgis!  So, again if any of you know of a great breeder or available dogs (young or puppies) in our area, please let us know!  I realize I am asking for a lot of favors this week and I apologize in advance.  However, as many of you know when your kid is in need…… do what you have to do….even if that includes begging.  Which is basically what I am doing!

OMG, now that I look at those darling Welsh Corgi faces, I must admit that they kind of look like Carlos.  Am I wrong?

Back to reality.  I must stop daydreaming about the perfect dog for Indy (but it is really fun)…..Since Houston would be leaving until most likely Thanksgiving (OMG that sounds sooooo far off), we did quite a few meals out to say goodbye.  We LOVE that downtown has closed the street and the restaurants have spilled out.  Super awesome!  Here we are at LURE on July 10th celebrating his “real” birthday.

Here we are out to brunch this past Sunday at the Shoals at the Cliff House.  I posted this photo on my Instagram account (follow me at LynnDralle) and I had to laugh when one of my friends commented with this….”Everyone wins when they hang out with Lynn”.  Because as y’all know my store slogan (thanks to my nephew Kai) is “Everyone wins when they shop at Lynn’s”.

Here we are at Rum Fish the night before he left.  I am one sad mama.

Time for an eBay score!  Check out this amazing Majolica Pitcher that I bought at a local estate sale for $35.  I had it priced super high.  Check it out here.  I took the best offer of $250 though!

Exciting News!  Baggu (who makes those amazing reusable bags that we sell), also makes masks!  They announced them about a month ago, but have been out of stock.  I was finally able to order last week and they will be arriving soon!  Watch for them as they are super cool!

Houston and Indy went crazy for biking around Ventura. Indy is still “bike crazy” here in Ventura and Houston will soon be “bike crazy” in Oklahoma City. In the meantime, I wanted to share some fun posts of them in their biking attire.

Please take note of the amazing “Lynn’s Consignments” jerseys.

OK, time for another eBay score!  Yes, this sold for the best offer of $150!  I LOVE eBay!  And I love this piece.  I have started collecting this type of glass.

Check out that listing here.

Many of you have asked me if I would teach a “How to Sell on eBay” course here in Ventura. The response has been phenomenal. I will be announcing a course in the next few weeks!

I was on an eBay corporate Seller Update phone call this morning and eBay is rocking and rolling! They had record earnings for quarter 2 and are very much positioned to increase shareholder value over the next ten years. I love that Jordan Sweetham is at the helm and am considering investing in more stock. eBay has also added over 8 million new buyers since the pandemic took hold and these buyers are helping all of us who sell on eBay. NOW, is a great time to be selling on this site.

Please watch for my announcement coming soon for the eBay course. Here I am with Jordan at a past eBay event.

Now that we are open again, we are getting in new stuff every day!  You must come in or check on our website because you know how fast stuff comes in and goes out!  There is a section under shop/online at the very bottom that shows New Arrivals. 

Here is one of those featured items.  This is a gorgeous sleeper sofa!

Whenever I want inspiration for a painting project, I check on a few of my friends on Instagram.  One of the best, is, of course, the queen herself, Annie Sloan!  Check out this post on her AnnieSloanCanada account that showcases a bedroom done in Napoleon Blue with Barcelona Orange touches.  I will be painting something in Barcelona Orange for our new front “Orange” window.  Watch for it!

Don’t forget that you can always order your paint supplies on our website……….

Shop Annie Sloan Here

Lots of great paint colors in stock! And next time you are in, please ask for a free copy of her color chart as shown here….

Soooo the big news for Carlos this week is that A. He may be getting a playmate (potential puppy friend) and B. He got a Fast Cat Wheel.  What praytell is a Fast Cat Wheel?  It is basically a treadmill for your cat and the company is headquartered in Camarillo.  How cool is that?  But, let me show you, Indiana, trying to train Carlos to use it.

Indiana was so upset when Pepperdine announced their news last week regarding in-person classes.  I can’t blame her.  One of the only things that semi-cheered her up was Carlos being a “fat man cat”.  Seriously though, this cat is so lean…I have no idea how he contorted his body into this shape.

Last photo of our “King”.  Yes, he is really cute and regal and he knows it.  Except for that last picture…so weird…he looks like a sea otter.  LOL!

But here he is with Indiana…he loves her so much!  Just like we love him!

I am going to end this ezine with one last photo of Houston and Emma on their road trip back to OKC. Here they are in Sedona! Miss you both!

Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!