I am glad to be back writing the ezine. I missed you all last week but it was a good thing because we finally have an advance reading copy of the book being printed for New York!
- Lynn Recommends: Signing up for our USPS teleseminar
- Special Announcement: Nicaragua Download still available
- Feature Article: Spoof emails–Don’t fall into the trap
- The Queen’s Update: Our 13th 100 Best Story from YOU!
This ezine is published once a week.
May 17, 2007, Volume III, Issue 18
Dear friends,
I wanted to update you on that huge set of Fitz & Floyd that I bought a few weeks ago. I sold 4 dinner plates at $24.99 each, All 8 of the Soups and all 8 of the sauce dishes sold bringing the total to $562.00. I already have my $325.00 back and quite a nice profit with a lot of pieces left. Click here to see how high one of the soup bowls went.
This is one of the soup bowls.
Click here to see what it sold for.
Since I have gotten a great ROI after just one week, I can afford to park the remaining items in my eBay store. If you don’t have my eBay store report yet, click here. I have listed the remaining four dinner plates in my eBay store at $49.99 each, the bread plates at $9.99 each, the Salad plates at $14.99 each, and the cup and saucers at $24.99 each. If they all sell that will be an additional $599.72. So I will gross $1161.72 on this purchase. Not bad!
Don’t miss out on the Lynn recommends section because you will want to sign up for the USPS teleseminar that I will be hosting on Thursday, May 24th at 5:00 pm Pacific time. This will sell out quickly as the cost is minimal and you will find out the answers to your questions about the new shipping charge calculations being used by the USPS. I will be interviewing one of my former ecourse students, Robin, who is not only an eBay Seller but also a Postal Employee!
Finally, someone to make sense of all the changes! And if you sign up for the teleseminar, you will also receive a very helpful USPS chart. That alone is worth the small price of admission!
In our special announcement section, we have the free download to our Nicaragua teleseminar (or you can click here.) Even if you aren’t interested in investing in another country, the information that John shares is invaluable if you are nearing retirement age. And who isn’t? By the way, the retirement age for tax benefits in Nicaragua is 45. What?!! You must listen to John explain this! I was pretty excited!
My feature article is about Spoof emails. Many of you have read my previous articles about these very scary ploys to get you to share your financial information. I can not write about this TOO often and in fact, just last Sunday I was helping my friend Lori list a few items and she told me that she had answered one! Don’t miss this article.
I was on Amazon.com this week and noticed that some of the reviews about my books and especially my DVD weren’t very nice. For some reason, more negative people take the time to review books and tapes. Probably because all of us positive people are out having fun making our living on eBay! Anyway, if any of you like my products, I would really appreciate you taking the time to leave a note on the Amazon website. to leave a review, click here for: The 100 Best, More 100 Best
, Trash to Cash DVD
, How to Sell Antiques and Collectibles
, and The Unofficial Guide
. Thanks!
Finally, this week we have another great story about the things you all have sold on eBay. This one comes from Heather. Waiting on switching an auction to a Buy It Now brought her in an extra $170!
Here’s to Successful eBaying!
Lynn Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions,’ Creator of the best-selling eBay Boot Camp in a Box.
Don’t miss out on the USPS rate change teleseminar that I will be hosting on Thursday, May 24th at 5:00 pm Pacific time. We are doing this as an ASK campaign so you will be able to submit your most important questions. Click here to submit your questions.
The cost is minimal. I will be interviewing a former ecourse student, Robin, who is not only an eBay Seller but also a Postal Employee! Robin sells as Sanjaccats on eBay and is one of their top 1,000 reviewers. In fact, her review on McCoy Pottery has been read over 10,000 times! Too cool.
Robin can’t wait to share all that she has learned as both a postal employee and an eBay seller. She has been cramming for this just like it was for a midterm at school. I can’t wait to talk to her next week because the rate hikes have me just as confused as everyone else! Click here to secure your spot now.
San Juan del Sur reminds me of what San Francisco must have been like around 1849 when the Gold Rush began to explode. Think of cobblestone streets and small “mom and pop” businesses. San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua is an entrepreneur’s paradise just waiting for people to stake a claim to their dream business.
eBayers are entrepreneurs at heart and this area of the world is crying out for goods and services. Peter and I invested in this region and I don’t want you to miss out on this incredible opportunity. Click here for the download of the teleseminar.
In the last eighteen months, San Juan del Sur has experienced a greater than 200% increase in property values. For more information on John’s development, please click here.
Our teleseminar last month was so much fun! Thank you to everyone who called in to listen. It was a change for me because for once, I wasn’t in the hot seat. And Peter, John and I love to talk, so it was awesome!
In case you missed out on our incredible information about this Nicaraguan investment opportunity, our teleseminar is under 60 minutes and can be downloaded here. John is offering a super special incentive to all of my e-zine readers. Be sure to listen through to the end because John has an offer for six of you that expires soon.
‘Think twice if not three times before you click that link‘
by Lynn A. Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions’
This is a wild story and I hope you never experience what my friend Lori just went through. Lori and her husband Lou bought an old movie theater in Indio, California that they are renovating and turning into restaurants, etc. It’s a really neat project. They have over 700 vintage theater chairs to get rid of, so I told them that I would stop by this past Sunday and help them list the first batch.
One set of theater chairs. Click here to visit this auction.
Well, while my daughter Indiana was playing with Lori’s daughter Paige, Lori and I got to work. We photographed the two banks of theater chairs first and I was shocked and amazed to find that one of the sets was signed Heywood Wakefield! How awesome!
Heywood Wakefield began in 1826 in Gardner, Massachusetts. Five Heywood brothers began by manufacturing simple chairs in a small barn. In the late 1800s they joined with the Wakefield Rattan Company (hence the name Heywood-Wakefield). In the 1930s, they launched the “Modern” line, and from 1936 to 1966 produced solid birch, steam-bent, and sleek blonde furniture. It turns out that they also made theater chairs. Amazing!
Click here to see all of Lori’s auctions. We also listed an amazing set of Mid-Century modern lamps that Lou found at a garage sale last week for a great price!
So, as we were listing, Lori said, “I got this really strange email from Paypal last week that they were going to shut down my account unless I provided them with all of my information.” I said, “You didn’t respond did you?” “Of course I did!” said Lori.
Dead silence. I said “Lori, that was a spoof email–it did not come from Paypal. The criminals that sent the email were fishing for all of your confidential financial information so that they could access your account.” She had never heard of a spoof email and couldn’t believe it when I told her what was happening all over the Internet with these scams.
I was so relieved that she had mentioned it to me. Immediately that evening she was on the phone with Paypal–who verified that it was a spoof–and they reiterated to her that they will NEVER ask for confidential financial information in an email.
Poor Lori had to cancel her credit card, contact her bank and even notify all of the credit agencies that if anyone tried to apply for credit using her social security number please alert her because she was not going to be applying for credit anytime soon. What a nightmare for her and that is why she agreed to let me share her story–to warn you all about spoof emails.
Always call Paypal or email them if you have any doubts before you click a link in an email. If you think that you have been sent a spoof email that looks like it is coming from Paypal, please forward it to spoof@paypal.com so that we can help them wipe out this terrible problem.
Also, forward a copy of this newsletter to all of your friends and family. Because these fake emails don’t just look like they are coming from Paypal, this is not just an eBay and Paypal issue but an Internet safety issue. They can appear to come from your bank, an eBay bidder, an eBay seller, or even eBay. I almost answered one that looked like it was coming from an eBay bidder. If it appears to be fake and coming from eBay, please forward it to spoof@ebay.com.
The email that appeared to be coming from eBay that I almost answered said, “I paid for this item over 3 weeks ago and if you don’t reply to me right now I will leave you terrible negative feedback.” I immediately clicked on the reply yellow button and it asked for me to re-input my eBay password and user id. I was so worried about getting negative feedback that I quickly input all that info and did not think twice before hitting the submit button.
The next thing you know, a firewall message came up that said, “do you really want to send this to ….” an address that was written in Chinese or Taiwanese. The firewall had determined that it was not one of my registered domains and stopped me. Thank you to my brother Lee for installing the program!
I was mortified. Because if someone had gotten my eBay password, they could start messing with my auctions. This happened to my friend Teresa who is a Doctor. She responded to one just like that one and the next thing you knew, someone had bid on over $300,000 worth of Harley Davidson Motorcycles with her ID. It was a nightmare for her.
eBay has a page that explains the signs that indicate an email is false. You can find it here.
Finally, just remember that these emails are looking more and more real. The crooks (as my grandmother would say) have gotten smarter and slicker. Here is an example of one that really looks legit.
I can’t write to you enough about this. Please, please, think not once, not twice but three times before you click a link in an email. Thanks!
See Lynn’s past ezines here.
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR ON YOUR WEBSITE? Yes, you may – just as long as you include all links as they are and append this complete blurb with it: The Queen of Auctions and eBay Power Seller, Lynn Dralle, publishes ‘eBay Tips & Tricks’ a weekly ezine with 9000+ subscribers. If you’re ready to jump-start your eBay business, make more money, and have more free time, get your FREE tips now at www.thequeenofauctions.com
I am happy to present our thirteenth story for The 100 Best Things You’ve Bought or Sold on eBay! This week’s story comes from Heather. Waiting on switching an auction to a Buy It Now brought her in an extra $170! Click below to read…
Click here to read the story…
Please patronize Heather’s auctions (purplepinkkitty) and store (Krazy Kat’z Unique Boutique) and make her business this year even better.
We are looking for more great stories of your eBay adventures. We know there are many great tales out there, so please submit your story along the lines of the stories from the 100 Best Books and a great side story with photos will help. If we use your story, you will receive a $35 merchandise credit on my website and you will have your story featured–along with your user ID–in my ezine! It may also eventually end up in a published book!
By the way, when I mention my ezine readers’ user IDs with links to their auctions–it actually helps their sales! Amazing how that works. Click here for the guidelines for submitting your stories.
eBay Power Seller and third-generation antique dealer, Lynn Dralle, is the creator of Boot Camp in a Box, the home-study course where you can learn to implement the Dralle Method to maximize your eBay profits.
If you liked today’s issue, you’ll love this step-by-step course that is guaranteed to be the most complete and enjoyable guide to selling on eBay that MAKES YOU MONEY.
Read all about it here.
The Queen of Auctions also offers free articles, teleseminars, how-to books, tracking guides, DVDs, eBay Boot Camp training, and other resources to help entrepreneurs make their eBay business a six-figure sales machine. Click here to learn more.
The Queen of Auctions/All Aboard Inc.
PO Box 14103
Palm Desert, CA 92255
Happy eBaying!!
Visit my eBay Store.
Visit my eBay auctions.
For more great eBay tips and stories, visit my website at:
Lynn is an experienced eBay Power Seller, author, and teacher. If you want to know the eBay tips, tricks, and tools that Lynn uses for buying and selling at an online auction click here.