Lynn’s eBay Ezine Volume III, Issue Number 27


Hi eBayers!

As I write this ezine we are on a plane to Steamboat Springs, Colorado for Houston’s baseball tournament. We are all excited to be getting out of the 120 degrees Palm Desert Summer weather.

  • Lynn Recommends: The Queen’s Court
  • Special Announcement: Podcast from Book Expo is finally here! And a download from my Griff Interview on Tuesday
  • Feature Article: The Dralle Dolly
  • The Queen’s Update: Our 21st 100 Best Story from YOU

This ezine is published once a week.

July 19, 2007 Volume III, Issue 27

Dear friends,

Another crazy week! I got back from the road trip with Peter late on Thursday evening and first thing Friday morning my phone was ringing with news of an amazing estate sale.

So, Indy and I headed over to Palm Springs to check it out. She was such a trooper and helped me pick out things for over 3 hours and then she helped me pack them up. I paid her $10 for her efforts.

By the way, she is very motivated to earn money because she is really into these stuffed animals called Webkinz. I have to tell you about them because they are the new Beanie Babies. Kids go nuts for them and we have bought quite a few on eBay. They are sold in Hallmark and other gift stores. Make a point to do some research on these. They also get retired just like Beanie Babies do. The one that has sold for the most money recently on eBay was the “Cheeky Dog” for $810.00. Click here to see the auction.

So, back to the crazy estate sale. The lady who had lived in the house had bought all sorts of toys, dolls, and collectibles dating back to the 1950s and had never them out of the boxes! It was a goldmine.


Check out this picture of my car. Unfortunately, my mom is in Washington state this summer and she had the “gall” to take her minivan with her. Just kidding–but my car was so full that Indy had to sit with a box of Hummel figurines on her lap!

I spent close to $2,000 that morning and I bought 40 vintage dolls that I have listed this week. That brings me to my feature article called “The Dralle Dolly”. You will have to read the article to find out why in the world I am calling it that!! The article is also quite fitting because I had just written about doll clothes a few weeks back.

Because I jumped at the chance to attend that estate sale last Friday morning, I was able to make a killing by finding some very desirable eBay merchandise. I can’t say it enough times but Amazing Things happen when you are in the right place at the right time. La Quinta resort in September is that place and time. I think that there are only 5 seats left. Please don’t miss out on our ONLY Live Boot Camp of the year!

We finally have the podcast available to download that was recorded at Book Expo in New York on June 1st. I am interviewed for about 5 minutes and we discuss my new book Ka-Ching! By the way, watch for a very special announcement on Tuesday, July 24th, and be one of the first to catch the Ka-Ching! magic. To listen to this broadcast and a copy of my Griff interview from this past Tuesday, check out the Special Announcement section.

And Last but definitely not least, The Queen’s Court is filling up and I don’t want you to miss out on a Charter Membership. I can’t possibly explain how wonderful it is going to be in this newsletter, so please read how to learn more in the Lynn Recommends Section.

Here’s to Successful eBaying!

Lynn Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions,’ Creator of the best-selling eBay Boot Camp in a Box.

I get some great emails from you all. Many of you want more of my time and personal coaching but aren’t quite ready for a Live Boot Camp or Boot Camp in a Box.

I have been racking my brain trying to come up with a way to offer you more of my attention at a low cost. Lee and I have finally got it all figured out.

I am pleased to announce that The Queen’s Court is open for business. In a nutshell, each month you will get:

  • A new Q&A teleseminar–where I will be answering YOUR questions
  • A downloadable transcript of the Q&A session
  • The CD recording of the teleseminar sent to you in the mail
  • A posting board where you get to ask me to ID your Antiques/Collectibles
  • A Networking Discussion Board–for members only
  • A 15% discount off of any regularly priced product on my website (live events excluded) for as long as you are a member in good standing.
  • Finally, A surprise Bonus each month–this month has something to do with KaChing.

Click here now for more info. Click here now to sign up.

I can’t wait to meet you online and on the phone!

When I was in New York for Book Expo America this past June, I recorded a podcast about my new book, eBay Ka-Ching! The interviewer was great. This 5-minute broadcast is very interesting and it was a fun thing to do. Click here now to listen or download.

The 3rd 100 Best Things I’ve Sold on eBay…Ka-Ching! by Lynn Dralle

Then, this week while I was in Colorado, I did a 10-minute interview with Griff and Lee on eBay Radio. It was a little hectic because the interview was at the exact time of the baseball opening ceremonies. I was going to try and do it on my cell phone at the field and Melissa (the producer) said ‘No’ to that idea! Then, the phone in my hotel room didn’t work, so I had to go to the lobby of the condominium unit and ask to move the lobby phone into a private office. The gals at the front desk were so nice!

Melissa got me on the line and then we were disconnected. Yikes! So I ended up doing it from my cell phone in the manager’s office anyway. Just a little stress! I still think it turned out to be a great interview and we talk a lot about this week’s feature article on dolls. As usual, it was another fun time–it always is with Griff and Lee–so check it out here! Scroll down to number ten to hear the interview.

The Dralle Dolly’

by Lynn A. Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions’

When I was little I couldn’t pronounce Dralle (many people don’t know it is pronounced Draw Lee, which rhymes with trolley) so I would tell people that my name was Lynn Dolly. They started calling me “The Dralle Dolly.” This week’s feature article is about vintage and modern dolls. I am definitely vintage after last week’s birthday. So I apologize in advance, I just couldn’t resist titling the article this way!

At the estate sale in Palm Springs this past weekend, I was mostly interested in the dishes and flatware sets—as many of you know about me this is what I specialize in on eBay. After loading up on those treasures (check out this piece from the mint condition Franciscan Apple set that I have up for sale). This is hard to find a footed oatmeal bowl in this pattern. So when I had purchased all the dinnerware and flatware, I went into one of the bedrooms to see what else was being sold.

The tables were piled high with dolls, dolls, and more dolls. What was really strange was that they were all still mint in their original packages. We are talking Raggedy Ann and Andy, Strawberry Shortcake, and Holly Hobbie, just to drop a few names.

The most expensive dolls were priced between $70 and $100 and lined the back wall of the sale. I just don’t know enough about dolls to risk that kind of money but they were sure amazing and beautiful. Most were over 2 feet tall and porcelain, still in the original boxes. I had to pass on these but noticed that in front of all of those dolls were more modern dolls. Well, I should probably say vintage because they were from my era of growing up–the 1970s.

I just had a hunch that these newer dolls were where the great return on investment was going to come from. One reason was (and I tell you this all the time) that if something reminds you of your childhood–buy it!

Another reason was that my favorite doll when I was little was the ballerina Dancerella by Mattel. She was blonde, wore a pink tutu, and spun around. I got her for my 7th birthday and last Christmas I decided I wanted to buy one for myself. Please insert a photo.

Well, I went to my favorite website for buying vintage items–can you guess which one that would be? eBay of course!! And I was shocked to find that she sold for $150 in good condition and much much more in an original box. I wasn’t going to spend that kind of money–so my dream of owning Dancerella again has been squashed. Although, when doing research today for this article, the one pictured above only sold for $66.00. I think that I can swing that. They may have been selling for so much more the last time I looked because it was Christmas time.

But it certainly opened my eyes to the possibility of the more modern dolls selling for more money than the antique porcelain variety. And finally, when I was doing research for the doll clothes article from several ezines ago, I found one modern doll, Bythe by Kenner, (not in a box) but so rare that she sold for $1200.

So, armed with this information and my gut feeling, I began to formulate my strategy. I started looking at the dolls in a new light and taking note of their prices. The Strawberry Shortcake dolls were only $2 each and Raggedy Ann and Andy were $25 each. Dolls not in boxes were all priced under $1. I decided then and there that I would buy any interesting doll if it were in very good condition or still in the original packaging if it was less than $25. This is a good rule of thumb when you don’t know enough about a subject.

I ended up buying 40 dolls that day and they added up to $525 or about $13 each. Weird, because the sale was on Friday the 13th! I think this just may turn out to be one of my luckier days.

Remember that it is a numbers game and that by buying the 40 dolls, I was able to make my investment per doll go down. I also have a much better chance of selling multiple dolls to single buyers–this always helps to drive up prices.

The one doll that I predict is going to sell for the most is called Poor Pitiful Pearl and she reminds me of an Ugly Betty type doll from the 1970s. On the box, it says “Love Her Make Her Neat And Pretty.” It is weird, I don’t remember her at all from growing up. But, I paid $20 for PPP, and last time I checked 127 people had viewed her and she was up to $61.00 with over 3 days left to go!!! Yippeee.

Check out Poor Pitiful Pearl’s current bid

I also bought 16 Hummel figurines for $550–that works out to $34.37 each. I am hoping to get $75 on average for each one and just double my money. I don’t mind just doubling my money on a more expensive item when I can buy a collection. Easy to list and easy to sell. Here is a photo of the one I think will sell for the most.

Click to see what Blessed Event is up to

Bottom line: Don’t overlook any dolls, doll clothes, or collections of doll figurines. It is a fun category and you will get to relive a little bit of your childhood! I sure did!

Happy eBaying,



See Lynn’s past ezines here.

WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR ON YOUR WEBSITE? Yes, you may – just as long as you include all links as they are and append this complete blurb with it: The Queen of Auctions and eBay Power Seller, Lynn Dralle, publishes ‘eBay Tips & Tricks’ a weekly ezine with 10,000+ subscribers. If you’re ready to jump-start your eBay business, make more money and have more free time, get your FREE tips now at

I am happy to present our 21st story for The 100 Best Things You’ve Bought or Sold on eBay! This one comes from Sally K. She rescues a lampshade from the trash for a great sale and a great story. Click below to read…

Click here to read the story…

Sally is a repeat contributor to our 100 Best Things You’ve Sold on eBay feature. You may remember her story from ezine volume 3 issue 11. Please patronize Sally’s auctions (kimbesascloset) and her eBay store (Kimbesa’s Closet) and make her business this year even better. Thanks!

A big thanks to everyone who has already submitted a story! We are looking for more great stories of your eBay adventures. We know there are many great tales out there, so please submit your story along the lines of the stories from the 100 Best Books and a great side story with photos will help. If we use your story, you will receive a $35 merchandise credit on my website and you will have your story featured–along with your user ID–in my ezine! It may also eventually end up in a published book!

By the way, when I mention my ezine readers’ user IDs with links to their auctions–it actually helps their sales! Amazing how that works. Click here for the guidelines for submitting your stories.

eBay Power Seller and third-generation antique dealer, Lynn Dralle, is the creator of Boot Camp in a Box, the home-study course where you can learn to implement the Dralle Method to maximize your eBay profits.

If you liked today’s issue, you’ll love this step-by-step course that is guaranteed to be the most complete and enjoyable guide to selling on eBay that MAKES YOU MONEY.

Read all about it here.

The Queen of Auctions also offers free articles, teleseminars, how-to books, tracking guides, DVDs, eBay Boot Camp training, and other resources to help entrepreneurs make their eBay business a six-figure sales machine. Click here to learn more.

The Queen of Auctions/All Aboard Inc.

PO Box 14103

Palm Desert, CA 92255


Happy eBaying!!


Visit my eBay Store.

Visit my eBay auctions.

For more great eBay tips and stories, visit my website at:

Lynn is an experienced eBay Power Seller, author, and teacher. If you want to know the eBay tips, tricks, and tools that Lynn uses for buying and selling at an online auction click here.