Hi eBayers!
Happy Earth Day! Let’s use lots of recycled shipping products this month. Saves money and the planet!
Lynn Recommends: Shipping Dinnerware eReport & Video coming soon!
Special Announcement: Archive of eBay Radio with Griff & Lee 4/20
See me at eBay Radio Party in June in Las Vegas
Feature Article: Jumping into Jewelry with expert Kathy Flood
This ezine is published every two weeks.
April 22, 2010 Volume VI, Issue 7
Another fun two weeks! Where does the time go? Indy decided to start playing recreational soccer and Houston’s baseball team won a tournament in Temecula! Houston pitched the championship game and he was en Fuego (on fire). I was very proud of him. Here he is with his medal and his filthy uniform.
Here is Indy with her new soccer gear going to her first practice. I am so proud of her! My goodness, kids’ sports are so expensive these days! After spending $20 on a Nike top for her, I decided to check my eBay store and found that I had two Medium sizes Nike shirts that would work perfectly for her soccer turnouts (my kids tell me that there is no such thing as a “turnout” anymore and that they are called practice these days–Help me!)
So, I quickly ended the listings for five different Nike shirts–two for Indy and three for Houston. As my grandmother used to say, “If we don’t have it, nobody needs it.” It is starting to look like that around here. Help me again!
While in Temecula we stayed at the Pechanga Resort. It was our second time staying there, but I didn’t run into Debbie Ybarra in the elevator. Darn it! Debbie, where were you? But while at Pechanga, I did get an email from an ezine reader. Check it out…
Hi, Lynn!
I’m one of your ardent followers. 😉 I LOVE your newsletters. I was reading your most recent one and thought it was sooo funny you mentioned Antique Trader because I just became its new jewelry columnist. In honor of your mention and my new gig, may I write a jewelry article for your newsletter for your readers?
Thanks, Lynn. Keep up the great work. You make a difference in so many people’s lives.
Kathy Flood
How nice of Kathy to offer to write an ezine article for us so that we can learn more about jewelry. I quickly emailed her back and said, “Absolutely.” I am very pleased to announce that we have a wonderful article this week by guest author Kathy Flood, titled “Jumping into Jewelry.” I personally can’t wait to get out there and start looking for costume pieces. Kathy has a really fun and entertaining writing style. Don’t miss this article!
Here is a little bit of background about Kathy, written in her engaging and entertaining style.
I was a regular magazine journalist who somehow, like Alice in Wonderland, found myself in a different world … of antiques and collectibles. After covering everything as an editor and reporter, from death row to spring training (please tell Houston Jim Kaat taught me how to chaw) (and spit) (but the Cardinals manager at the time wouldn’t let me stand in and take a pitch inside), I somehow slid head first into Barbies, Beanie Babies and costume jewelry. Still not sure how it happened, but I do love jewelry.
Like you, Lynn, a lot of the best part is sharing what’s been learned, so everyone who’s having a tough time (so many people now!) can have a better life. Every night when Katie, Diane or Brian on the evening news show people losing their homes or businesses, their hopes and dreams, I always scream at the screen, “Take up costume jewelry!” It can pay for everything from a trip to the grocery store to a ticket to college.
I want to point out to people that being aware of costume jewelry can make a difference in a person’s or family’s life. With not much luck, someone can make $50; with some luck, $500; and with a lot of luck, $5,000. (I mean in one crack.) It’s a field worth learning and pursuing.
Again, don’t miss this article and Kathy’s special (and very generous) offer at the end!
I want to update you all on my Royal Doulton Figurines. Remember I paid $100 for four of them. They sold for a grand total of $210.49. I was very happy to double my money in one week. Here is the figurine that sold for the most money.
See the listing here.
Here is an update on the action figures. Here is the pile and it turns out that not only can I NOT multiply, I can’t count. Instead of 14 action figures, there were actually 15. So 15 times $3 is $45.00. I paid $50.00, so I only started out $5.00 in the red. Yipppeeee!
Here is the action figure that sold for the most money. I sold five out of the fifteen action figures for a total of $81.98. Not bad! I relisted nine of them at $24.99 in my eBay store and 1 at $9.99. If they all sell from my eBay store that will be an additional $238.90. Bottom line, Buy action figures!
See the listing here.
Oh yeah, while still on the toy subject, Serena Lee, Live Boot Camp Graduate, Live Boot Camp 2010 Future Attendee, and Queen’s Court member (Go Serena), shared some wonderful toy trend websites with me that she wanted to let you all know about. Thank you Serena! Here is her email.
Hi Lynn,
Glad to hear you guys made it through the earthquakes okay!
Thanks for the great ezine regarding the selling of toys. Here are 2 other resources for staying on top of toy trends that your readers may find helpful:
http://www.playthings.com/Take care :0)
In the Lynn Recommends section, I am very excited to let you know that I am working on a special report about shipping dinnerware. Please read this section to learn more. It will only be available to those who already own the Dinnerware eBook, so if you don’t own it already, you will want to check it out.
I hit some amazing garage sales and thrift stores this past weekend. One of my finds was this Cambridge Flower Frog. I had never found a figural flower frog before. Cool! I paid $1.00.
Check it out here.
I also found this really unusual piece of art by Nancy Thomas (Never heard of her) but I paid $2.00 and it turned out to be signed by her and really surprised me with its sales price!
See this listing here.
Garage sales and thrift stores were just what we discussed during my last Tuesday appearance on the Griff and Lee eBay Radio show. Check out the Special Announcement section to listen to the archive. Also, in the special announcement section, I am very happy to announce that I will be speaking at the Las Vegas eBay Radio party this June! I hope to see you there!
Finally, I want to update you on all the cookbooks I bought last week. I finally got some of them listed and they are flying off of the shelves. Business is great!
Here is one that just sold.
If you want to know more about selling books, please check out the book teleseminar that I did with Sheila Anderson Mochrie. Sheila shares real insider knowledge that you can put to work to make money selling books on eBay and Amazon. This great resource is available for instant download here.
LIVE BOOT CAMP is filling up, we ONLY have 7 SEATS Left for 2010. If you are considering joining us, we recommend that you reserve your spot soon. This one will sell out. Here is a link to read more. We hope to see you there.
Happy eBaying,
Lynn Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions,’
Creator of the best-selling eBay Boot Camp in a Box.
The Dinnerware eBook turned out incredibly well and many of you are already making money from putting it into action. Yippppeeee!Check out this email that I got on April 19th…
Dear Lynn,
I just wanted to let you know how valuable to me your 3 Set Dinnerware eBook has been!
I have more than paid for the eBook and I have learned so much and it has translated into selling…
Thank you so much for all that you give!! I can hardly wait for your next venture!!
I especially love the I Sell Sheets they are so helpful.
Jane Newton
This 3-volume eBook is an incredible investment in your future business. Check it out here and read more about it.
(Queen’s Court members, don’t forget to use your discount.)
Here are a few pieces of Studio Nova that just sold out of my eBay store with the Best Offer feature. I paid $5.00 for both of them and you won’t believe what they sold for! My Dinnerware Success eBook will explain to you the ins and outs of tableware and why YOU should have picked these up at a thrift store.
See this listing here.
See this listing here.
Order your eBook now, click here.
Order in three payments here.
You can read more here.
If you already own the eBook, please watch for a special email next week with information about my Dinnerware Shipping eReport. I have already filmed most of the video clips for it and am now working on the text.
My friend, Lori, needed to ship an entire dinnerware set, and Carmen and I helped her with it. We got it all on camera. I even learned some shipping tricks from Carmen that I didn’t know about!
This eReport will only be available to you if you own the Dinnerware Success eBook. Its value is priceless! Watch for the email.
I was on eBay Radio with Griff & Lee this past Tuesday at 1:15 pm Pacific. If you missed it you can still catch the archive here. Fun as always!
Speaking of eBay Radio, I have been invited to speak at the eBay Radio Party in Las Vegas on June 23rd and June 24th. I will be speaking on Thursday, June 24th after I fly in from Houston’s baseball tournament in Omaha, Nebraska!
Here is a link to learn more.
This is the blurb from the eBay Radio Party website:
Come and join us! It’s the famous eBay Radio Party
Las Vegas – June 23 & 24 2010
Those of you who attended last year know what it’s all about. Your favorite speakers…fun…celebration…your chance to be on the radio! Best of all…it’s a way to learn tips to help you grow your business on eBay…while you network with your old friends and meet new ones! Come party with us as we celebrate the 7th Anniversary of eBay Radio.
I hope to see you there!
‘Jumping into Jewelry!’
by Kathy Flood (Antique Trader Columnist and Jewelry Expert)
I’m excited. I just thought of a negative when it comes to purchasing jewelry for resale. If I hadn’t thought of it, none of you would believe such a lovely purchasing landscape existed. After all, jewelry is everywhere; its variety is vast; surprises wait around every turn; profit margins can be handsome; and jewelry is small in size, which is a huge plus. (Like everyone, I succumbed to Lynn’s rhapsodies on dinnerware. I went out and bought a plate – and sold it. Fantastic. But packing it, it seemed so huge compared with jewelry, I felt I might as well be shipping an armoire. Not really, but jewelry’s scale totally spoils you. It usually only requires a tiny box and bubble envelope. Ahhhh.)
Okay, so … the negative: No matter how cheap a piece of jewelry is, it’s usually locked in a case. For all of you accustomed to rummaging freely through stalls or garages and examining merchandise at leisure, having to ask to see jewelry, piece by piece by piece, does slow you down. (And you should carry a loupe to look through because many marks and hallmarks are teensy, or hiding in unlikely places.)
There … If you aren’t too turned off by having to squint and ask people to open sesame, it’s all good (mostly). Jewelry hunting and reselling are unequivocally fun. Very few people who start looking for lockets and lavalieres … stop. That’s because the breadth and scope of styles, brands, and designs are mesmerizing, and because, well … for example I pulled into an exceptionally trashy flea market, an incredible pit, really, and found a seller hawking costume jewelry. Every piece was encased in filthy plastic. I spotted, through the dust, what looked like an interesting necklace. Opening the baggie to look more closely, I uncovered a perfect vintage collar with cream-color enameled medallions shimmering with pink dangling beads. Marked Coro, it cost $1 and sold that night (BIN) on eBay for $200. Who could walk away from that?
This article is intended for beginners determined to dip their toes in an ocean of vintage costume jewelry. Here are five top tips for buying jewelry to sell on eBay. (I won’t tell you where to look because, as noted earlier, jewelry is everywhere. Treasures frequently turn up in holes-in-the-wall. Or, as a character notes in the book Cadillac Jack, “Anything can be anywhere.”
1. Trifari
Trifari is a good name to greet, meet and get to know. Even if you already recognize it in the guise of contemporary fashion jewelry at, say, Kohl’s, it’s more appreciated historically as one of the all-time great (and prolific) American jewelry companies.
Trifari turned out, over many decades beginning in 1925, a gargantuan number of bracelets, brooches, and bijoux in general, so – you’ll find pieces easily. But Trifari also created more costume-jewelry masterpieces than any other company. That’s something jewelry collectors will pay many hundreds of dollars to own because of a style’s beauty, rarity, or the creative genius of designer Alfred Philippe. And Trifari’s appeal is global, so you can count on the world watching (or at least checking out) your eBay auction.
Early on, before you hold, examine, and read about tons of Trifari, buy cheaply, and rely on the Wow Factor. If a pin not only doesn’t take your breath away but also bores you silly, chances are it’s not going to sell for much, if at all. (Tailored Fifties or early Sixties earrings won’t pay for any flight to the beach.) But brilliant design work, extraordinary enameling, complicated metalwork, lavish specialty stones, and especially quirky figurals (see No. 5 below) can pay off in a big way when you find them.
My general rule of thumb is, if fairly interesting Trifari is for sale at $5-10 in an antique mall, estate sale, or thrift shop, I count on reselling at $50. (That’s my own experience, in an oversimplified nutshell.) When you find something exceptional, profits are much prettier. Here are a gorgeous early Fifties Trifari heart brooch. I have it up for $295 (I’m a BIN believer) or MAO. That’s possibly a little high, but it’s wonderful – and uncommon.
This listing is here.
* Venue Vidi Vici: Just thought of one where-to-find tip. Dealers who aren’t into jewelry often put all their baubles into a locked case in their stalls or booths and assign one price to any piece a shopper wants, typically $5 to $10 each. These dealers don’t distinguish much between trash and treasure, so these are good places to locate random masterpieces. I have.
2. Sterling Silver
Sterling silver is the serious heartthrob of many collectors. Since silver is a precious metal, it’s often not classified in the costume-jewelry category. But my own first most intense or memorable experiences with it came from famed costume-jewelry companies who converted to silver from base metals during WWII, so it will always be fine costume jewelry to me despite the fact it enjoys its own intrinsic value. What artists have done with this metal takes it far beyond the price of silver or any mere categorization. Whether vintage golden-age designs out of New England or the Southwest, iconoclastic studio art, beautiful metalwork from Scandinavia, Mexico, Peru, Israel … this is a realm with great riches, both in terms of aesthetics and values.
Sterling silver is an area that requires mental energy, beginning with familiarization with marks and hallmarks. If it proves to be an area you love, buy related books and start memorizing. Whenever you see silver that catches your eye, don’t fail to examine it and note who made it. If not signed by a designer, at least see where it was made. Actually, it’s not a bad idea to look at more silver than does catch your eye. For instance, Ming’s sterling pieces aren’t all flamboyant enough to grab you immediately, but the creations of this Hawaiian company are collectible, so …Patiently looking at anything in sterling with Hawaiian motifs, from hibiscus to folk people, may pay off. I found $8 Ming’s (unnoted on dealer tag) troll earrings that sold for $195 and a $20 floral set that sold for $110.
The vast silver spectrum ranges from brilliant mechanical charms to the quirkiest concoctions ever, such as a fantastic 3-D brooch that’s a 1970s Valium pillbox. Lots of great silver streaks through a chapter of my upcoming book, Warman’s Jewelry, 4th edition.
Here’s the Ming’s hibiscus set you might not have deemed instantly drool-worthy, but others did. (It’s the one that sold for $110.)
* Cross-category overlap: When you come upon sterling silver jewelry signed Trifari and the piece happens to have clear acrylic or molded Lucite elements (called jellies, or a ‘jelly belly’), do not walk away if the piece strikes you as reasonably priced. Jellies are highly coveted, and not necessarily only the ones by Trifari. Consider any old jewelry that features a glob of plastic ‘glass,’ even if unsigned (as long as the price doesn’t set off alarm bells).
3. Bling
Vintage bling’s power to seduce should never be underestimated. Glitz is a go-to category – whether you like it yourself or not. I would have been a much more successful seller from the start if I’d found a way to love sparkle sooner.
Most collectors are self-confessed magpies. I never objected to it on the so-called “gaudy” front; glitter just left me (ice) cold. It’s grown on me, though, and it’s about time. Do yourself a favor and love it … now. From Eisenberg to Schreiner (and later, Swarovski), costume creations that entrance with their shimmering crystal and specialty stones, especially when lavished on bracelets and necklaces in multiple colors, layers, and shapes, bring a bounty of bidders and bucks.
Bling can never be broached without bringing “Juliana” into the banter. This is the “nickname” (actually the name of one of the company’s lines for two years) of jewelry by DeLizza & Elster. It’s never marked, but you might luck out and find pieces with original tags. Look for daring color combinations, lots of art-glass specialty stones, and some of the most-noted clues to recognition: five-link bracelet construction; unfoiled, open-back “skinny” navette stones; puddled gold plating on back … (There are some caveats, of course, from mistaken identity or attribution to buying damaged pieces. For example, a valuable D&E bracelet sadly missing two panels of stones becomes hard to sell even under $50. The same bracelet, intact, is for sale as part of a set or suite for $1,500. Condition is often crucial – which is crucial to remember.) This wholesale company manufactured its fashion work for many famous jewelry names until it closed in 1990. To learn more about this sometimes lucrative niche, see my related column on the subject here at the Antique Trader web site.
Click here to see what the asking price is for this beautiful set.
4. Kenneth Jay Lane
Kenneth Jay Lane also enjoys an international fan club, and there’s lots of his jewelry to go around, so it’s smart to get to know the logos. Your interest should be most focused on his early (late Sixties into Seventies) work (especially the elaborate earrings and necklaces, or his fantasy animal figures), signed with the earliest mark, a K.J.L. in oval cartouche. Later jewelry can still be very desirable, but until you know the niche well, don’t go buying up everything you see from the “for Avon” or QVC days. Some faux-jadeite, faux-coral Deco and Oriental designs have remained in the line for decades and still prove enormously popular, as are his cabochon-encrusted animal-headed bypass (or not) bangles.
If a piece of Kenneth Lane wows you, go for it if affordable. If it’s glitzy but somehow icky, you may have found a fake (there’s lots of counterfeit K.J.L., including all Christmas tree pins, and many snakes, for example). You have to be careful out there, but try some baby steps down this Lane. If you trip, you’ll be steadier next time.
Here’s an example of a simulated jadeite and coral animal-head bangle.
Here is an example of the oldest (and most desirable) KJL mark.
[Lynn here. I bought a Kenneth Jay Lane Enamel Shoe pin recently for a few dollars. It is listed in my eBay store. Kathy, I bet it is one of those QVC or Avon pieces you talk about. Darn it!
is my listing.
Sorry to interrupt and now back to Kathy’s fascinating article]
5. Figurals
Figurals are fabulous. This niche is nearest and dearest to my heart, maybe because I first realized jewelry was collectible (not just wearable) when I saw a Vogue spread about Christmas tree pins, covering everything from Cartier and Bulgari masterpieces to modern spins on pine pins plastic to rhinestone laden. Holiday arbors compose just one popular category in figurals, which also includes everything from cats, birds, crowns, and flowers to cowboys, Indians, fictional characters, celebrities, and every kind of people ever conceived.
This niche just might be the most fun, but it also proves profitable when you pick up designs by such names as Sandor, Reja, Eisenberg, Coro, DeRosa, Mazer, Boucher, and many others (including Trifari, of course). I fell so in love with figurals I wrote an entire book about them (Warman’s Costume Jewelry Figurals), and the new book coming soon, Warman’s Jewelry 4th edition, is chock full of some of the all-time greatest.
People figurals are a popular category. This vintage-1940s queen brooch, although unsigned, is a twin of the famous (and pricey) Eisenberg royal. The unmarked version has sold variously over the years from a low of $50 to a high of $250.
As a special thank you to Lynn’s Queen of Auctions list, the first 25 future jewelry experts (that’s you) who buy the Figurals Book from me will receive a free gift: a Christmas tree brooch like Angelina Jolie wore in a movie, along with the photograph of her wearing it.
Happy holidays … all year long!
– Kathy Flood
A very BIG Thank you to Kathy Flood for sharing her jewelry tips and tricks! We hope to get her on a teleseminar in the near future, but for now…
Happy eBaying!
Visit my eBay Store.
Visit my eBay auctions.
For more great eBay tips and stories, visit my website at:
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR ON YOUR WEBSITE? Yes, you may – just as long as you include all links as they are and append this complete blurb with it: The Queen of Auctions and eBay Power Seller, Lynn Dralle, publishes ‘eBay Tips & Tricks’ a weekly ezine with 10,000+ subscribers. If you’re ready to jump-start your eBay business, make more money and have more time, get your FREE tips now at www.thequeenofauctions.com
eBay PowerSeller and third-generation antique dealer, Lynn Dralle, is the creator of Boot Camp in a Box, the home-study course where you can learn to implement the Dralle Method to maximize your eBay profits.
If you liked today’s issue, you’ll love this step-by-step course that is guaranteed to be the most complete and enjoyable guide to selling on eBay that MAKES YOU MONEY.
Read all about it here.
The Queen of Auctions also offers articles, teleseminars, how-to books, tracking guides, DVDs, eBay Boot Camp training, and other resources to help entrepreneurs make their eBay business a six-figure sales machine.
The Queen of Auctions/All Aboard Inc.
PO Box 14103
Palm Desert, CA 92255
Happy eBaying!!
Lynn is an experienced eBay Power Seller, author, and teacher. If you want to know the eBay tips, tricks, and tools that Lynn uses for buying and selling at an online auction click here.