We survived LOL and it was super EO–Extra Ordinary! Thank you so much to all the attendees, speakers, and sponsors for making it a huge success! Thank you to my mom, Lee, Indy, Carmen, Mo, Deborah, and Jason for EVERYTHING!
- Lynn Recommends: Queen’s Court Call Next Week with eBay
- Special Announcement: Dates for 2011 Live Boot Camp (at HQ)
- Feature Article: eBay’s Spring Announcement and My New Plans
This ezine is published every two weeks.
March 24th, 2011
Volume VII, Issue 5
I can’t really remember the last four weeks of my life. It has been a whirlwind. I had no idea that putting on a major event in Las Vegas would be soooo much work. Not only am I a single working mother, eBay seller, and author, but apparently I am now also an event planner.
But it was crazy fun. Check out this email from Elizabeth:
I know you’re busy and won’t keep you……
Because of you and your wild and crazy friends at LOL I now have in my living room….
A freaky looking blow mold goofy Santa Claus…..I also have Wilton Cake Pans with the paper….I have three large bags from Belks which include 5 pair of boots and tons of Mens clothes over $900 worth for $117. I have Christmas ornaments and a beautiful set of Wedgwood basalt purchased 25 pieces for $30 (and one sugar bowl lists on Replacements for $89.) Yep, you and your crazy buddies have me getting great deals on everything from A to Z and having a blast, looking so forward to turning this all into $$$$$$$….
Had loads of fun shopping this week…..and listing away right now….so to you and your crazy buddies….Thank You…what a hoot.
-Elizabeth Sheehan
Here are a few fun photos from the event.
One of our great presenters was Diva Dawn, who spoke about her organizational skills. My goodness is that woman amazing? She told the class of 80 or so that she has NEVER lost an item that she has sold on eBay. I think I have probably lost a hundred items that sold that we couldn’t find in my twelve years of selling on eBay. I was awestruck when Diva announced this to the class.
I remember one really funny incident of losing an item way back when we were running our shipping department out of my grandma’s basement. When we were closing down the shop and going out of business, we had to clean up the shipping area to get the property ready to sell. My sister was in charge of that shipping area and there were about two feet of packing peanuts all over the floor that she would wade through to do her packing. As we sifted through the pile at the very bottom was a pink Steiff miniature clown (new with tags) that had gone missing a few years prior. It was hysterical! Even though this one is off-white, it is the same style. Thanks for sharing, Marjorie!
See Marjorie’s auction here.
After hearing about Diva Dawn’s perfect record, we sold a basket that was listed back in April of 2008. We couldn’t find it to ship it to the buyer. Mo, Carmen, and I were determined to find it. Mo just kept saying, “You wouldn’t have donated that item to charity, you wouldn’t have donated that item to charity…” She was right! Yay, we found it!!!
See this listing here.
Check out this elf that we talked about at LOL. It sold for a fortune! You won’t believe it. I told the class in Las Vegas that I was at one of my favorite church sales where I always buy a lot and there was just nothing to buy. I wanted to be nice and donate to their cause so I picked up this elf and was even prepared to pay the $2 it was marked. They said, “Oh no, we didn’t price anything ahead of time, that price tag was on it when it was donated, you can have it for 25 cents.”
See the listing here.
Wow! Those kinds of margins are why we can still be successful selling OOAK (one of a kind) merchandise on eBay even with the policies that were recently announced.
I have to admit that the eBay announcements for spring 2011 came as quite a shock on the day we returned home from LOL, Monday, March 14th. Final Value fees being added to shipping charges was the one that made the biggest impact on all of us. I will discuss these changes in my feature article this week and also on the special Queen’s Court call next week. If you are a Queen’s Court member it is your gift for March. Read more about that call in the next section.
Indy helped me so much with all the PowerPoints for LOL. She is awesome and now I owe her an iPhone. (Me and my big mouth.) If anyone knows where I can get her an iPhone 4 for cheap, please let me know. I have been watching them on eBay.
Indy helping out with Will Seippel’s (CEO of WorthPoint) presentation
The DVD set of LOL 2011 is still available for preorder. You can read more and reserve your set here.
Houston has been playing rec (recreation) ball this spring. What a hoot! It has been a lot of fun. It is the last year he can play as once he turns fifteen there is no more rec ball. It has been really fun to reconnect with parents we haven’t seen since he first played rec ball at age six here in the desert.
A very well-known and amazing baseball coach here in the valley passed away this year from a battle with cancer. Houston was never coached by him. Mo’s son Kelly was and he was one of his favorite coaches. The coach’s name was Mike Gates and in his honor, all the uniforms this year have an MG on the sleeve to remember him.
Our dates for Live Boot Camp at HQ are now set in stone. You can reserve your seat now. My high school reunion has been moved to August, so our September dates are all good! Read more about it in the Special Announcement section.
Happy eBaying!
Lynn Dralle, ‘The Queen of Auctions,’
Creator of the best-selling eBay Boot Camp in a Box.
Get on the phone with
an eBay representative to
have your questions
answered about
the new policies
Every year the spring eBay announcements take us by surprise. This year was no exception. Some will be good and some not so good. Things to consider are the new shopping cart that eBay is implementing and the fact that until the buyer pays, the items in their cart will not show as sold.There are also free insertion fees for 50 auction listings per month (at any starting price) to NON-store owners. The final value fees decrease slightly for store owners, but now those final value fees will be calculated on your sales price plus domestic cheapest shipping.
Also, international shipping rates must be specified. These changes all have my head spinning, so thank goodness for my eBay Certified Provider Liaison. Laura will be joining us next week for a very special Queen’s Court call and answering many of our burning questions. She will be taking select questions posted by members of the Queen’s Court and she is working to get the answers from her eBay team. Thank you, Thank you, Laura!!
This exclusive call will be offered only to members of The Queen’s Court in good standing. If you have been thinking about joining, there is no time like now to become a member and gain access to this valuable information and more. You can read about The Queen’s Court and become a member here.
Dates for 2011 Live Boot Camp
@ HQ
OK, OK, I broke down. I was going to take a year off from Live Boot Camp and wait until 2012 to have our next one. But, way too many people have been emailing and asking me about it. Then I remembered that when we were looking to lease Headquarters, Deborah said to me, “Why don’t you have Live Boot Camp here next year?” My first thought was, No. I guess my initial reaction to most great ideas is NO.
The more I thought about Deborah’s idea, the more brilliant I realized it was. Now, our select handful of students will be able to experience the entire process from start to finish in our actual office! We won’t just be teaching it, we will all be living it where it all takes place. I am very excited to announce that this year’s Live Boot Camp will take place in
Palm Desert, CA at Headquarters (HQ)
These dates are set…
Friday, September 23rd to Sunday, September 25th, 2011
Seats are very limited. Only 20 students will be admitted.
Reservations are open, email me for your customized link to reserve your spot.
‘eBay’s Spring Announcement and My New Plans’
by Lynn Dralle, The Queen of Auctions
eBay announced some shocking changes to fees in their latest announcement. The one that will affect us the most is that we will now be paying final value fees (fvf) on our shipping and handling. Luckily we are in the OOAK (One of a kind) business! That is great news. We do have the larger margins to cover the eBay fee changes.
I ran my numbers for February and my eBay fees will definitely be increasing on July 6th (my birthday). Not what I was asking for. I would have paid approximately 19% more to eBay in overall eBay fees in February with the new fees. It works out to about 50 cents more per item sold on average. At a $49.99 price point with a shipping fee charged, my fees actually start to decrease. Remember this price point, but of course, do your own research.
However, keep in mind that eBay is still the best place to sell our items, as eBay gets the most traffic and eBay believes that these changes will drive more buyers to their site and in turn to our items. Let’s hope they are right!
In the last 12 years of selling on eBay I have seen a lot of changes. Some of them hit you hard, but I always sit back, take a good long look at my business model and figure out how I can evolve and still continue to run a profitable business on eBay. We can do it!
One of my favorite quotes that I shared with those of you in attendance at Lynn on Location was, “I have lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.” Samuel Clemens.
Keep this in mind as we navigate our way through the newest eBay changes. It is often a lot worse in our minds than what actually comes to be.
Especially if we all work together and brainstorm. That is what the Queen’s Court is all about. I can’t wait for our calls this month. I just know we can figure this all out and make positive changes.
Now let’s look at some key issues.
Heavy Items
Since we are selling heavier items, we can’t and won’t be able to offer free shipping on everything. In the past two weeks, I have been testing a few ways of listing and when I took a $9.99 coffee mug, added in the $9 shipping, and would have to list it on eBay starting at $18.99 to offer free shipping, I just had to say NO.
Carmen had a really great point when we were all putting our heads together at Headquarters on Monday. She said, “Lynn, I shop on eBay all the time for items and I am not stupid. I will see an item that is cheaper but has a shipping price, and an item that is inflated with free shipping. I look at the total price charged.” I agree with Carmen, our eBay shoppers are not stupid.
See this listing here.
Just last week, I had a gravy boat on sale in my eBay store. It was marked down to $22.49. A buyer in Australia offered me $25.00 to include shipping. I thought to myself, “Are you serious?” It will cost me $24.52 to ship this 3-pound item to Australia and my eBay listing fees, selling fees, and PayPal fees will run about $3.45. Not taking into consideration my time or the cost of the item, I will be paying you $2.97 to take this off of my hands. Wow, what a great deal…for you! I explained this to the buyer and their response was, “I didn’t realize that shipping was so expensive.” Well, it is.
The Marketplace
I have always said that Amazon was a more expensive marketplace to sell on than eBay. This price increase on shipping has put eBay right in their realm.
I do suggest selling on multiple sites. Amazon, Go Antiques and Addoway are some that I have tried or will be trying. Just remember that eBay is still our best site for traffic and sales. I have been on Addoway for about six weeks and have sold five items. I can’t make a living doing that.
Source Better
To make up that 50 cents per item I will be paying in extra final value fees, I am much more conservative with my sourcing. This is something that I should have been doing anyway. Thank you, eBay for making me look at my entire business model.
I am asking my garage sale sources for better prices. I used to just purchase a lot of items without asking for a better deal. Last weekend I asked every single garage sale seller, “If I buy all these items will you give me a better price?” I saved $9 at one place, $5 at another, and $1 at the last stop. In the past, I wouldn’t have tried to save $1 but now I will.
Here is one of those items that I saved $5 on by not only buying in bulk but asking very nicely if I could get a better deal for buying so many items.
See this listing here.
I bought 10 miniature perfumes for $10.00 instead of the $15.00 she was asking for originally. That question there saved me the extra 50 cents per item that I will need for the new eBay fees.
I am also waiting for thrift store sales. I was going to buy three sets of stainless today at my local thrift store. Instead, I asked the salesman if any of them would be marked down soon. He pointed out the one with the yellow tag and told me it would be going half price on Tuesday. I will wait to buy it until Tuesday.
OK, the ezine was done, written, and emailed to my brother. And then…I went to a thrift store tonight. I just had to update you all. I have officially become frugal, cheap, whatever you want to call it. I actually phoned my mother after the event and said, “I am officially a cheapskate”.
Over the years, I would look at my grandmother and my mother with puzzlement. Why don’t you just pay the $50? Why are you asking for a discount? NOW I GET IT. That is why they have been extremely successful. I was a spendthrift. And here is the definition from Wikipedia. “A spendthrift (also called profligate) is someone who spends money prodigiously and who is extravagant and recklessly wasteful. The origin of the word is someone who is able to spend money acquired by the thrift of predecessors or ancestors.”
And my grandma, dad, and mom were those ancestors who came before me that were thrifty. I have learned my lesson! It is very exciting. I GET IT.
So here is the life-changing event. I was in one of my thrift stores and found two Vaseline glass vases that each had a price tag of $5.00 on them.
I took them up to the cashier and asked if I could have them for $5.00 for the pair. When I was ready to pay, she said, “Even though they have only been on the sales floor for a few hours, I will make it $5.00 for both.” Yay! I had my first epiphany that frugality works! It never hurts to ask for a discount.
Here is a listing for both of them.
I was going to list them separately like I normally do when I checked PriceMiner/WorthPoint. (Will, thank you so much for joining us at LOL. (Will is the CEO of those companies)).
Will Seippel and I at LOL
I saw on PriceMiner that the antique Vaseline pieces that sold for the most were a matched pair of vases sold TOGETHER for $330.00. I immediately listed mine at a high sales price with FREE shipping.
I really don’t like change. But I do have to say that even though change is hard, It does help us to take a hard look and become better people, both personally and professionally.
List large items now
I am opening the boxes in the Alps (a huge stack of boxes at Headquarters) and looking for big items. I am listing all lamps, large vases, and anything that will cost a lot in shipping before the final value fees including shipping charges on July 6th. I suggest you do the same. We still have more than three months, so list, list, and list.
I am also not looking to source huge, oversized items when out buying. I don’t want furniture, large lamps, rugs, or vases anymore. There is a beauty to this, as I won’t need as large of a storage area at Headquarters.
here is a large item we listed recently.
Pretty cool! It is a secret hidden bar/bookcase. Even though I said Local Pick up only, I would let the new buyer arrange for shipping themselves.
Test your shipping strategy with Lightweight items
Think about what you can add the free shipping option to before the changes take effect. We all have some lightweight items in our mix, and now is a great time to test how the free shipping option will work.
eBay really believes in “free shipping” and they have statistics to show that it has increased sales in commodity-type categories. CSA (Clothing, Shoes, and Accessories) is one of eBay’s largest categories and where they highly recommend free shipping. Mel and Steve did a brilliant job of explaining this strategy to those of us at LOL, and now Mel and Steve are perfectly positioned to actually be charged lower fees with the new changes in July.
Here is a clothing item that I listed based on Mel and Steve’s wonderful advice. Yes, It does have “free shipping.”
See this listing here.
Raise your Average Sales Price
You all know that I have been trying to do this. It is on the top of my to-do list this year on eBay. These new Spring changes will force me to make those adjustments faster. Again, I thank eBay for forcing me to take action. Sometimes, it does take these shocking spring changes to help us make our businesses more profitable.
At a $49.99 price point with an additional shipping fee charged, my fees actually start to decrease. Remember this price point, but of course, do your own research.
Here is one of those more expensive antique items that I am sourcing. Notice that during this testing period, I have added free shipping to this listing. I am trying it out on some of the more expensive items as well as on the lightweight items.
See this listing here.
The Top-Rated Seller Back Office Discount is Super Important
I spoke with a rep at eBay in Salt Lake City this week about my personal account and ways to bring down my fees. He had great advice for me! Thank you Doug! He felt that the 20% increase in my final value fees due to shipping being charged, could be offset with the 20% TRS seller final value discount.
I haven’t qualified for this in quite some time and he went over the individual 1 and 2 ratings with me. We are really falling behind in turnaround time. Well, let’s be real! Not only did we just plan and pull off a huge event in Las Vegas, but we moved our entire business down the road. So it is easy to see how our shipping and handling time has suffered.
We are committed to getting our turnaround time back on track and by offering free shipping on certain categories, I know that we will be Top Rated Sellers sooner rather than later. This will help immensely with the new fee change structure. And in fact, it may even lower our overall fees if we can raise our average selling price at the same time.
I encourage you to call the 1-800-eBay number and ask the account rep to take a look at your personal account and see if they can offer any suggestions going forward so that you can make these same types of positive changes now. Being proactive is much better than being reactive.
Hang in there, it will all work out. And remember that in this tough economy, we are all very fortunate to be running successful eBay businesses that still bring in a lot of cash. My eBay sales this year for Jan and Feb are up 63% over the same months in 2010. Listing more has definitely been working in our favor.
You know we want to hit the $1 million sales mark. We realistically now know that it is going to take a few more years to ramp up to that goal but we are not backing down. Think Big, Dream Big, and remember, “The Harder I Work the Luckier I get.” Samuel Goldwyn.
Happy eBaying!
Visit my eBay Store.
Visit my eBay auctions.
For more great eBay tips and stories, visit my website at:
WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR EZINE OR ON YOUR WEBSITE? Yes, you may – just as long as you include all links as they are and append this complete blurb with it: The Queen of Auctions and eBay Power Seller, Lynn Dralle, publishes ‘eBay Tips & Tricks’ a weekly ezine with 10,000+ subscribers. If you’re ready to jump-start your eBay business, make more money and have more time, get your FRE E tips now at www.thequeenofauctions.com
eBay PowerSeller and third-generation antique dealer, Lynn Dralle, is the creator of Boot Camp in a Box, the home-study course where you can learn to implement the Dralle Method to maximize your eBay profits.
If you liked today’s issue, you’ll love this step-by-step course that is guaranteed to be the most complete and enjoyable guide to selling on eBay that MAKES YOU MONEY.
Read all about it here.
The Queen of Auctions also offers articles, teleseminars, how-to books, tracking guides, DVDs, eBay Boot Camp training, and other resources to help entrepreneurs make their eBay business a six-figure sales machine.
Some links in my emails to you may be affiliate links. You can be confident that I only partner with companies that I fully stand behind.
The Queen of Auctions/All Aboard Inc.
PO Box 14103
Palm Desert, CA 92255
Happy eBaying!!
Lynn is an experienced eBay Power Seller, author, and teacher. If you want to know the eBay tips, tricks, and tools that Lynn uses for buying and selling at an online auction click here.