Lynn’s Latest #8… We spent the night with Martin Sheen 😉

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #8…

Watch for it every Thursday or every OTHER Thursday!
Volume I  Issue 8

The people have spoken and it is OFFICIAL! We will now and forever be known as Lynn’s Latest!

This past week was even more eventful than usual….LOL! Thursday morning Jo Dallas and I headed up to Summerland, checked out Field & Fort, Garde, and said hi to Mary Suding! I love this lady. Her antique store is amazing and she reminds me so much of my grandma. Then we ate lunch at the Summerland Beach Cafe before picking my mom up at the shuttle. Thursday evening Emma, Jo Dallas, my mom, and I headed out to Prime for Dinner. Love that restaurant! and Christina is the best bartender ever!

Friday was crunch time in the store.  It was a HOT mess and we had to have it perfect for our anniversary party this past Sunday!

Jo, my mom, Emma, and I worked so hard.  We were exhausted.  Then we headed home to order take out and wait for my other high school best friend, Kathy Rutan, to arrive.  Her plane landed at 10 pm and I had my LAX driver Jose pick her up.  She didn’t get to my house until midnight, but it was so great to see her!

Saturday was another super busy day at the shop (as my grandmother used to call hers), but somehow we pulled it all together!  It was a miracle and the store looked incredible when we left at 6 pm.  Talking about my grandmother’s amazing shop makes me want to share another article about her….she was such an inspiration!  I miss her!

Here is that Asian display that Emma was working on in the last newsletter.  Turned out soooooo cute!

The Saturday night before the “big” anniversary party day, we had “big” plans.  Joanne Carolan (my USC Spain roommate) and awesome realtor had invited us to the Berlin concert in Agoura.

Joanne and Jeff are friends with the lead singer, Terri Nunn, and we were on the guest list.  Jeff & Joanne picked us (me, Jo, Kathy, and Sandy) up in the Suburban party bus, and off we went.  OMG!

I had never been to the Canyon Club and it was sooooo much fun!  The concert was incredible and we had sat down at a table that turned out to be reserved.  The bouncers asked us to leave and just then, the man who had reserved the table, showed up….it was Martin Sheen and he asked us to please stay!  LOL!  Yes, we spent the night with Martin Sheen.  He is super sweet and his granddaughter, Paloma, is the drummer for Berlin.

Here is a photo of Kathy chilling with Martin.  I even bought him a ginger ale 🙂  Sooo much fun!

Here we are with Teri Nunn of Berlin backstage.  Quite the epic evening.  We didn’t get home until about 1:30 am and we were all dragging on Sunday morning.  Thank you Emma for opening so we could move slowly…..

The anniversary party was a BLAST!  For those of you who showed up, thank you!  For those of you who missed it, see you next year!

Here is a list of the door prizes and the winners:

11:00 am            Baggu                                     Billy Martin
Noon                  Chirpy Top                             June McTaggart
1:00 pm              $25 Gift Certificate             Susan Patterson
2:00 pm              Driftwood Peace Sign        Deborah Randolph
3:00 pm              Paint Class Seat                   Jordana
4:00 pm              $100 Gift Certificate           Allison Costa

The store opened on March 1st of 2018 in honor of my father and what should have been his 84th birthday.  I miss him so much!  He would so love my store and would have been so proud of all we have accomplished.  In honor of him and his silly sense of humor, I am pleased to share this photo of him from his 80th birthday which he spent with me, Houston, and Indy in Palm Desert.

We took him to a great steak house in Indio, CA, and made him wear this crazy attire.  He was such a great sport and he LOVED that birthday!  If you want to read more about that birthday here is a link to that ezine from 2014….

Back to the 2nd Anniversary party, I hired Jaclyn Szabo, my friend Denise’s daughter, to take professional pictures.  I should have those back in a few weeks but here is a photo of me, Kathy Rutan, Jo Dallas, and Marty Mundell (all in Ventura from Bellingham) and we were in the same graduating class at …..

Sehome High School!  Crazy!

OK, but back to the store, because that is ultimately why were are here….. Right?  Check out this new vignette that we did for the Anniversary party.  The theme is Spring Garden!

I love my Time Hop app on my phone!  Check out this photo that popped up from exactly 5 years ago this week.  This is one of my favorite pictures of my kids and me at Houston’s Senior Football night at Xavier College Prep in Palm Desert, CA.  Those were great days!  I miss my kids 🙂

Speaking of Palm Desert, let’s get back to the Anniversary party!  I had two friends pop in from Palm Desert….Madudi Clark (a surprise) and my really good friend Lori Scalise who now lives in San Diego.  So much fun!

Here is my friend Lori hanging with Marty’s Dog Prince Willy.  I love this Portuguese Water Dog…so sweet!

Indy even made it home from Pepperdine for the Anniversary Party.  She arrived at 12:15 pm just in time for 45 minutes of professional photos…since I don’t have those back yet…I will share this one of her with Carlos!  Unfortunately, she had to go back to Pepperdine Sunday night since all this week is the Scotland Edinburgh Rehearsal for the Fringe Festival which (will hopefully) take place this August.

Monday morning after the party, all of my house guests, Lori, Emma, my mom, Jo and Kathy, and I went out to breakfast at Cafe Nouveau.  Love that restaurant!

Val (my first employee) and her husband Ron got some tough news this past month.  Ron was diagnosed with esophageal cancer.  Ughhhh!  This is what I wrote on the Go Fund Me Page that I created for their family.  Thank you to everyone who has so generously donated!  The account is up to $6,200!  Amazing!!!!

When I decided to open my furniture store in Ventura, I knew NO ONE.  Thank God for my realtor and former roommate from USC, Joanne Carolan.  Joanne immediately introduced me to her friend Valerie Harrington, who had always wanted to own a vintage store.

The rest is history….I couldn’t have wished for a better person to start my team.  She was, and is, instrumental in Lynn’s Consignment success.  I love this lady, as an employee, and as a friend.  I am sure that those of you in Ventura LOVE seeing her smiling face in the store,  her willingness to help, and the way she calls us all “honey”.

I have been included in so many aspects of her family….as a guest to her and her husband Ron’s daughter Taryn’s Wedding in October of 2018, Super Bowl Sunday spent at their home in 2019 with Ron cooking up his delicacies, and just sharing in their daily joys and struggles.  I am blessed to have both Ron and Val in my life.

That is why it is with a heavy heart that we have started this Go Fund Me Campaign.  Val had been worried about Ron for a while.  He had lost a lot of weight and fainted at a recent function.  After a scary incident at their home, he wound up in the ER where he was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer on January 22nd.  It is stage 2/3 and the tumor is about 6″ long.

Ron will start Chemotherapy the week of 2/25.  After a two-month intensive round of Chemo, he will rest for four weeks, and then they will operate to remove the tumor.

Time is of the essence as Ron is unable to work.  As the chemo takes its toil, Val will also have to spend more time away from the store.  The financial burden of this medical emergency on Val’s family is overwhelming and keeps them up at night with worry.

Cancer is a terrible diagnosis, but one that will NOT win against the Harrington family.  Our financial donations will help them to focus on this IMPORTANT battle and not spend their precious energy worrying about money or being able to afford treatment.

Please do anything you can to help the Harringtons. Let’s help Val and Ron smile again as they embark on this fight that they WILL WIN.
Time for some good news. How about an eBay score? I bought this baseball purse several years ago when Houston was playing travel baseball. I thought that this bag would be awesome to carry to games, but I never used it!

I listed it on eBay right before we moved from Palm Desert to Ventura about 2 years ago in 2018. It just sold for the best offer of $35. Patience on eBay does pay off!

Our next Annie Sloan paint class will be held on Saturday, March 7th from 10:30 to 12:30 ish.  The cost is $69.  Spaces are limited so sign up here now.

If you have any questions please call the store at 805-628-3289…

This is the Basic Course offering an Introduction to the Annie Sloan Method of Chalk Painting….Furniture, Lamp Shades, Fabric, and just about anything! You will create 3 Sample Boards with different finishes to take with you and all the confidence and knowledge you need to go home and tackle any project!!! Can’t wait to see you and help you learn about the….. BEST PAINT IN THE WORLD!!!

Amazing News!  Annie Sloan is coming to So Cal!   My friends, Linda and Brita, at Red Rooster Vintage in Redlands have pulled it off!  I am so proud of them and super excited to meet Annie in person!

Saturday, March 14th at 1 pm I will be in Redlands and I encourage you to attend as well!  Let’s get a caravan going from Ventura!  Here is her schedule for her trip to California this March.

OK, time for another eBay score because…they are fun!  I bought this boy scout jacket at a garage sale in Palm Springs for $5.00.  It has been listed since December 1, 2017 (literally right before I moved to Ventura) and I just took the best offer of $50 for it this week.  Score!

CARLOS’ Corner…..the little guy is about 4 1/2 months old and is sooooo long.  He is still just a kitten but when he stretches out….boy is he long and lean!  Here he is in one of his favorite spots, helping me to list on eBay and write ezines and eBooks.  I think he is pretty happy!

We bought him one of those “new-fangled” electric cleaning litter boxes and he will not use it.  Ughhhh!  I took away his “classic” litter box because I thought he was using it and lo and behold…he ended up peeing on my friend Kathy.  Ughhhh!  Does anyone have any advice for getting him to use the new one?

Now, let’s check out some of the new fun furnishings that came into the store recently.  This White Slip Covered Sofa is Beachy Fresh and is a Queen sleeper.  It is brand new and gorgeous.  It won’t last long at $695.

For those of you who don’t know, the prices on our consigned items go down 20% every 30 days…for two markdowns.  Now, that makes shopping FUN!

Don’t forget that most of our gift items can now be purchased on our website! Emma just finished adding all of our furniture knobs to the website.  All of these amazing knobs are available for only $6.95 each.  Check them out with this link to our website.

Super excited to announce a new course that we will be offering and it is being taught by one of my very first consignors…Joy Goldowitz!

She is a teaching dynamo!  Her course “Calligraphy:  The Art of Beautiful Lettering” will be offered on Saturday, March 21st from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.  Joy will even be bringing you tea and homemade scones to enhance the experience!

The course is just $49 and includes a gift box full of calligraphy supplies and a special tote bag!  What?  This is unreal 🙂

Joy is a retired (after 37 years) elementary school teacher. She is a lover of the relaxing art of hand lettering, beautiful inks, and stationery of all ilks. She is a passionate teacher who happily loves sharing her techniques with others. She will guide you on a journey creating lovely letters to embellish words, names, addresses, cards, gift tags, etc.

OMG! I want to take this class!

Sign up here.

We got in an amazing Mid Century Modern Style Camel Colored Leather Sofa a few days ago. It is gorgeous! And priced to sell at $995. Check it out!

As I wrap up this newsletter, a big shout out to my mom, Sharon Chase!  She has been a HUGE part of my store’s success and my being able to open on time.  She works tirelessly to make sure we do everything right!  Thanks, MOM!  aka Mor Mor!  We LOVE you!

She will be flying back to Bellingham on Sunday, so if you get a chance stop in the store Thursday after 3:30, Friday, or Saturday to say “Hello” to her and “Bon Voyage”…..Here is one of my favorite photos of me and my mom when I was little.  She has a masters in home economics and used to sew all of our outfits.  I love these matching ones…so sweet!

Again…..A Happy New Decade from Lynn’s Consignments team to you and your family!   We hope to see you soon!

Pictured…Katie, Sandy, Indiana, me, Val, Adolio, Peggy, and Mor Mor!
Thanks for reading my ezines! I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn

P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!