March Madness….Ventura, PSP & BLI Again!…Lynn’s Latest #05


Thank you to everyone who came out to support us for our
3 year Anniversary Party!

We really missed having our professional photographer (Jaclyn Sabo) with us for the day…but we did get some great shots anyway!  Thanks Claudio!

Left to right, my mom, me, Indiana, Cha Cha, Val, Cindy and Sandy!

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #05…

March 26th, 2021
Watch for it every Friday or every other Friday!
Volume II  Issue 05


Looks like I am only writing one ezine a month.  Oh well!  Things have been crazy lately.  Lots going on as the world and my little slice of it seem to be going back to normal.  Praise the LORD!  Let’s start this one off with an eBay score!  Why not?

Bought this at a recent estate sale for about $10.  Listed it on January 8th of 2021.  Pretty cool piece!  Sold it at full price (less 10%) the beginning of March 2021 for $139.99!  and she got shipped to Valencia, California…how crazy is that?

Oh, by the way, the eyes on that statue are how my eyes look these days!  I am dazed and confused and so behind on everything!

I think that the reason that I am behind in every aspect of my business and personal life is because I HAVE A PUPPY!  OMG, what was I thinking?  I know she is Indiana’s dog, but Indy won’t be able to take her full time for a while and this dog is definitely cramping my style!

I have to leave work several times a day to take her to puppy play time, go to obedience classes on Saturday mornings at 9am, get interrupted a ton of times every day when I work from home to let her out & grab Knives, remote controls/etc from her mouth, take her on our nightly walk etc. etc.

Oh and did I forget to tell you?  She is currently in her teen age years now that she is 7 months old?  In a matter of seconds, she chewed though all of my bank/credit cards, my favorite pair of shoes and a television cord.  OMG!

Lucky she is cute.  Seriously?  Here is a selfie I tried to take of us this past week.

I had better recap our FUN Anniversary party now or I may forget!  My mom and one of my best friends from high school, Jo Dallas, flew in the Friday night before the party (which would take place on Monday, March 1st!)

It was great having them both in town and they were here for a week….so it was CRAZY time!  Here are some photos from the actual party day (the day that should have been my dad’s 87th birthday).

Here are some of our staff photos from year 3. Unfortunately, they are not perfect…but oh well! What do you do when you don’t have a professional photographer?

Here are some photos of our customers/consignors, friends, employees!

Finally, some photos of me with Cha Cha and my friends…Jo Dallas, Claudio and Steve…after the party was OVER!

OK!  Time for another eBay score….well a score in the making.  A consignor brought in a set of Villeroy & Boch that they had inherited and wanted to sell.  They thought it was worth about $400.  I did my research and found that I could pay them $463.50 for the set and everyone was happy!  It’s an all skate!  Do you remember those from back in the day at the roller rink?  So much fun!

In any event, here is a listing for one of those pieces….Strangest thing ever regarding that set happened a few weeks later, but I get ahead of myself!  I have this Summer Days Goblet up at auction with a starting bid price of $39.99.  No bids yet!

BTW, Villeroy & Boch is my favorite brand of dinnerware ever!  When we went to Heidelberg, Germany to visit Houston back in 2017 (he was doing a year abroad there with Pepperdine), we headed to their stores.  Couldn’t buy anything over there to bring back and sell here.  Way too expensive!  But their showrooms were beautiful!

Couldn’t talk about Heidelberg without sharing a few photos from that trip. First photo is all of us (me, Houston, Indy and my mom) in the dining room of the Pepperdine Germany house where all the kids lived. Pepperdine bought the house in 1963…that was an excellent year BTW!

Second photo is Houston and all of his Heidelberg buddies, known as the Milchmen (long story) and us out for dinner (Schnitzel). From left to right, Noel, Indy, Reilly, Alec, me, Logan, Houston and Mor Mor!

OK, back to reality and the store! Check out this darling little salesmen’s sample or child’s doll dresser from one of our first consignors!

After our Anniversary party on Monday, March 1st, my mom and Jo were still in town until Saturday, the 6th.  We worked at the store, took day trips to Santa Barbara and Ojai and Jo made me clean my garage!  Seriously?  What are great friends for?

First photo is our neighbor’s son visiting with Cha Cha while we clean.  Second photo, the clean garage!  Thanks Jo!  And Yes, I do still have some of my eBay inventory in my garage.

The Friday night (March 5th) before Jo was headed back to Bellingham and my mom and I were headed to Palm Springs (my mom would be flying back to Bellingham from the Palm Springs Airport with a direct flight on Allegiant), Staci and Tiki Jason showed up!

We were supposed to head to Ventiki to hand out and drink Tiki drinks, but OH NO!  There was a 3 hour wait!  I invited the crew back to the store to drink what was left from the Anniversary party….hahahaha!  It was super fun.  From left to right…Mor Mor, Jo, Valeri, me, Joanne Carolan, Staci and Jason.

Before, I get back to my extensive travel this month let’s check out some of the store vignettes….

Here is one of my favorite new vignettes.  LOVE how we are mixing outdoor furniture with the indoors.  Why not?  There are no rules!

Here are some more new items that we have in store and they are also available on our website.

After that fun night at the store with my crew, Jo Dallas left the next morning for LAX and my mom and I drove out to Palm Springs.  We stay at the Inn at Deep Canyon when I have the puppy with us.  It is kind of like one of those old motor hotels and is kind of kitchy.  Swimming pool in the center and pets are free!  Clean and reasonable.

Here I am with my Palm Desert girls out to Happy Hour at Skip’s Little Bar.  Cha Cha is always welcome!  How cute is she hanging out with the girls?

We did some great thrifting out in the desert and one evening we headed to Mo’s house to hang out and write up stuff for eBay.  The Cha came with us and let me tell you, she was a little wild!  Check her out going for Mo’s arm?  OMG, she looks like an attack dog with HUGE teeth!

After that evening at Mo’s, the next morning I dropped my mom off at PSP for her flight to Bellingham, and Cha Cha and I headed back home to Ventura.  It had been a whirlwind….tons of fun with my company and the Anniversary party, but boy was I ready to be ALONE!  Check out my tuckered out Puppy with her little (big) head on my console as I drove back to Vtown.

OMG, when I was out in Palm Desert, I picked up a set of 7 LuRay Demitasse Cups and Saucers all shrinked wrapped together. I started listing them last night and within 30 minutes I got this question….

When that happens, it is time to do some RESEARCH!!!!  I never spend too much time on research unless an item is really rare.  I have learned from over the years that research can be a serious waste of time.  However, when you get tipped off like this…it is time to go to work!

I immediately hopped on and typed in LuRay 2″ cup.  Often, you can do your research on this site with just the dimensions.  Really helps save time.  I saw immediately that the set was not a demitasse cup and saucer set, but a seriously rare Chocolate cup and saucer set.  The only one with a price listed was a yellow cup ONLY for over $89.95.  I think I have a score on my hands!

I had started all of my auctions at between $9.99 and $14.99.  Once I knew what I had, I changed the starting bids to $49.99 each.  Check out this auction that already has a bid at the $49.99.  Fingers crossed they go even higher!  And the great news is that I still have 3 that are not even listed since they are duplicates.  SCORE…HAPPY DANCE!

A nice eBayer sent me a picture of what the entire Chocolate set would have looked like if still intact.  Interestingly enough, she let me know that the 239 number on the base of mine “should” mean that it was made in February of 1939.   How crazy is that?  82 Years ago!  WOW!

OMG, as I am writing this, the same eBayer sent me another question about these items.  Apparently, I have a score on my hands!  Straight FIRE!!!!  BTW, there ARE pictures of the bottoms of every item I have listed.  DUH!!!

OK, enough about the LuRay Chocolate set…..Once back in Ventura (after my first PSP Palm Springs/Palm Desert trip of the month) I jumped right back into working at the store.  We got some really cute displays done.  Check this one out.  Very Springy…don’t you think?

Check out that darling white desk that Sandy upcycled with white Annie Sloan paint and Green Iron Orchid Design Palm Transfers.  Soooooo cute and fresh!  Only $395!

In the midst of all of this madness, I had an eBay for Business Podcast interview scheduled to do with Griff!  I LOVE Griff so of course had to do it!   You can listen to it here.  This photo of us is back in the day at an eBay Live event.

On top of the first half of March being SOOOOO crazy, it was going to get even crazier as Houston was flying home from OKC on Friday, March 12th for his Spring Break.  Because I hadn’t seen him since Christmas, I went ahead and planned some fun things….Always trying to make memories people!

First off, was two nights in the Carpinteria Cottages.  How cute are these cottages?  I am not kidding.  We had a blast and they are so charming, I have the biggest cabin already reserved for a return trip of 3 nights in June.  Can’t wait!

BTW, I had to close the store early on that Saturday because I had no one to run the store.  I sent out an email and y’all were so nice about it.  I really appreciate that!  Family time comes FIRST!

While in Caprinteria, Houston did a few bike rides and we walked all over town.  Such a special town and such a great getaway for me, the kids and the Cha!   I even made the kids breakfast one day!  What?  Will miracles never cease?

Oh BTW, Houston got a mullet…..Not a fan, but whatever!  You are only young once.

We also spent some time at the Beach…I would say that a great time was had by all!  Even the dog!

While Houston was home, I arranged for a pretty sweet meet & greet for him.  In early March, a Rally Cycling car parked in front of my store and I got to meet Karen Aaron (wife of the owner of Rally) as she was heading to an appointment.  I reached out to her and asked if we could get a tour of their facility….she got back to me and said that there was no facility, but that she would be happy to drop off a t-shirt and hat.

How cool was that!  Check out Karen and Houston in front of the “sick” vehicle!

OMG, do you remember thinking that last March was the LONGEST month of your life (because of COVID and the shutdown)?  Well, I think this March may be the longest month of my life and even LONGER than the Covid March.

Why?  Well, let’s see….

March 1st Anniversary Party
March 6th Ventura to PSP (Palm Spring)
March 9th PSP back to Ventura
March 13th Carpinteria
March 15th back to Ventura
March 21st Ventura to PSP
March 23rd Flight to BLI (Bellingham from PSP)
March 28th Flight from BLI to PSP and then drive back to Ventura

I am exhausted just putting it on paper…well into an ezine!

OK, so before Houston went back to OKC on the 21st, we all headed down to the Malibu Cafe at Calamigos Ranch. Always sooooo much fun!  Of course we took Cha Cha!

And while he was home, Indiana, Houston and I were able to do a Cross Fit class with Bree at the Vent.  My favorite thing to do these days!  In fact, I am still at my mom’s house in Bellingham and will be getting up at 6 am tomorrow morning for a Zoom work out.  OMG, Who have I become?  LOL!

Before I forget, I was on Thrifty Business with Tiki Jason last Thursday.  Soooo much fun as always!  You can check out the You Tube Show here.

The show was super fun because Houston, Emma and the Cha stopped by during the live show!

OK, back to the crazy shenanigans that have become my March 2021.  Emma (Houston’s girlfriend) flew out last minute to see him…we love Emma so that made everything super fun!  Out to dinner one night at the Water’s Edge,

Here are Houston and Emma at dinner with their Roy Rogers and Shirley Temple cocktails…yes Brian added Jack and Vodka to those kiddy drinks!  Hahahaha.  Then a group shot and the theme was purple…I did not have any purple to wear!  Not one thing 🙂

At dinner that night, I mentioned that I really needed to get up to Washington to help my mom start paring down her eBay business.  She just has too much stuff that is not listed etc.

I was lamenting that I just didn’t know what to do with Cha Cha & Carlos (can’t forget the original pet)….well Emma to the rescue…she hadn’t bought her return ticket to New Jersey yet and offered to stay and watch the Cha & the Kitty…OMG…A gift from heaven!

This all happened on a Saturday evening and next thing you know, I have bought a plane ticket from Palm Springs to Bellingham to fly out on Tuesday, the 23rd.  Sunday morning finds me headed out to the Desert…..  OMG!  What the heck?  My life is crazy and yet pretty fun!

When I got to the desert, I met up with Mo and Kel for some thrifting.  When we walked into Revivals, I spotted an entire dinner set of……drum roll please….you won’t believe this…Villeroy & Boch Summer Day!  I have NEVER seen this pattern before and now (within the span of a few weeks) I have purchased two almost complete sets.  The one at Revivals was a bargain at only $200!

In the photo above, I have circled two items, the Breakfast Cup & Saucer and the Coffee Mug. Why did I do this? Well, the Breakfast Cup & Saucer lists for $109.95 each on Replacements and they have no Coffee Mugs in stock. I think this could be a score! Fingers crossed!.

On my way driving out to the desert, I saw on Instagram that my friend Robin Kanter (Robinette my pet) and her husband Harvey appeared to be in the desert. I sent her a text to ask and she said, “We are here til May come on over!” Does it get any better than this? I have known Robin since my first day as a department Manager at the May Co California. That was 1985 and we have been friends FOREVER!

Her husband Harvey (Herb) has been CEO of Eddie Bauer, Moose Jaw and Blue Nile. Harvey is currently the CEO of DXL Big & Tall. He is a brilliant retailer and has even written an excellent book, “Choosing to Lead”. You can purchase it here on

It was so great to hang out with them at their AirBnB in Palm Springs.  For those of you who saw me on the recent “Thrifty Business” You Tube show, you may recall that the store has been struggling with all of the Covid fallout.

I even considered closing at the first of the year, but have decided to give it another year.  I was so lucky to bend Harvey’s ear about the business and he is going to help me with my business planning.  Nobody better!  So excited to circle back with him next week!

The picture on the left was from 2006 in Dallas and the picture on the right from a few days ago!  I LOVE these two 🙂

Let’s check out some more of the new merch coming into the store!

I am now safely up in Bellingham after some terrible turbulence on the airplane!  My mom and I have a game plan and have been clearing out aisles in her garage storage area.  We have made great progress!

Time for one more eBay score since I have eBay on my mind!  It is a piece of art that belonged to my friend Steve’s mom, Paula.  We LOVE Paula!  She passed away about a year ago and we all miss her and her wonderful sense of humor.

Here we are at her 80th birthday party a few years ago.  That is Peggy, Indy, me, Paula and Brandon.

Here is one of the pieces of art that I am selling for Steve.  His mom had great taste!  We don’t know enough about this to position it correctly, so we started it super high and we are asking for help!  Click here to see the listing on eBay.

Just a reminder of Our CURRENT HOURS:

Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 5pm
Sundays 11 am to 3pm

I just placed a ton of reorders for items that sold out over the Christmas season. Please stop in the store to check out what is new in stock. We have replenished Annie Sloan Chalk Paint, Iron Orchid Designs, Royal Design Stencils, Recycled Ornaments, Driftwood Hearts, Gurgle Pots & Chirpies, Throw Rugs, Throw Blankets, Baggu, etc. etc.

Baggu has the BEST face masks and instead of having to buy a 3 piece set for $32, we are now selling them individually at $10.95. Come in and check us out!

AND Baggu just came out with a bunch of new designs. So much fun! We have a lot in stock 🙂

Finally, a cool picture of me and my best friends from high school (Kathy Rutan and Jo Dallas) and my mom out on her deck last night.  I am still in Bellingham and having fun! And helping my mom go through her eBay stuff!

And a final flashback photo from March 1st, 2020 before all of this madness began and we could all be together.

My team, from left to right.  Emma, Val, Mor Mor, me, Indy, Cindy and Peggy.   Those were the days my friends!  Soon to come again I believe…Keep the faith and keep smiling (as my dad would say)!

Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!