My Dog Ate My Homework…Lynn’s Latest #29


There hasn’t been an ezine for 3 weeks….My dog ate my homework (now I know that this could really happen) and my computer was in the shop for a week!

It has been a challenge to get anything done with a Puppy in the house.  But she is soooooo worth it!  We love her and she and Carlos have been having a BLAST!

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #29…

October 30th, 2020
Watch for it every Friday or every other Friday!
Volume I  Issue 29

We have had Cha Cha for 4 weeks now!  And she is 12 weeks old.  She seems so much bigger already.  When we got her she weighed 11.1 pounds and today at her Vet appointment she weighed 17 pounds!  What is the World?  That is something my dad ALWAYS said.  I miss him!  I think he would love Cha Cha and Cha Cha him.

In June of 2016, Indiana and I flew up to Bellingham to see my mom and surprise my dad.  Indy and I had a bet riding on what he would say when he saw her.  Hands down, we knew it was going to be “What in the World?” and that is exactly how she reacted when he said it!  I LOVE THIS PICTURE!  Miss you Papa!

I think it is time for an eBay score.  Don’t you?  This is another of those “What in the World?” moments.

Every once in a while you stumble upon a set of dinnerware in an extremely desirable pattern.  That is what happened here.  This Mikasa High Spirits pattern is very 1980’s and quite in demand.  I took the best offer on these three little sauce bowls of $100!  Check them out here.  As my grandmother would say, “I laughed all the way to the bank”.

The Palm Desert girls were out to visit twice in October!  Do you get the idea that they may like Ventura?  Or is it just too hot in the desert?  Probably a bit of both.  And they actually had ulterior motives.   My best friend Mo was moving into a new condo and they came out to help her pick out furniture from………ME and my store!

It was super fun to see them so much and over the course of those two trips, Mo managed to find a leather Natuzzi sofa, two mid-century style rocking chairs, dining table, dining chairs, oversized armchair, end tables, lamps, buffet, outdoor furniture, bed, dresser, console and accent chair, etc., etc.  Amazing, but TRUE!  You can furnish an entire home at Lynn’s!  Check us out!

Candy’s husband Ron was a darling and drove a borrowed trailer that they pulled out for us to load on a Wednesday.  They would load Wednesday, spend the night and return Thursday.  It would have been way too much to do in a one-day round trip.

Thank goodness Wayne was there that day as he used to load trailers for the movie industry for a living.  The trailer got packed incredibly well.  Here are a few shots of the “during”.

Here is the gang once it was all loaded.  It does take a Village!

From Left to right, Candy, Adolio, Val, Sunny, Mo, Ron, and Wayne.

Unfortunately, that Wednesday was a super busy one for me (Hahahaha what day isn’t super busy?).  We had gotten in two truckloads of furniture that morning.  Praise the Lord that Indy came home that day to stay with Cha Cha because it was “all hands on deck”.

Luckily, the gang showed up around 1 pm to finish shopping and load up.  That way I could be there to help them.  I had to leave the store at 4:30 pm to head out to my friend Denise’s house for our monthly cocktail party which we hadn’t been able to have since March!  There was no way I could miss this special event.

Denise Angelini (interior designer extraordinaire) hosted us at her Camarillo home which is drop-dead GORGEOUS!  I was able to hang with the girls in this amazing setting until 6:30 when I had to leave to meet the Palm Desert bunch for dinner at Casa Bella.  Crazy day!  Here we are in Denise’s backyard.

The Palm Desert crew left on Thursday morning and arrived safely back in the Desert in about 3 1/2 hours.  Crazy…right?  Mo didn’t move in for another few days, but here is a photo of her living room with all NEW furniture!  How cute is that?

The store is PACKED…. I say PACKED with amazing gift items for Christmas!  It is soooooo exciting…..with new stuff arriving daily!

We have SIX Christmas trees up and are getting ready to get the new ornaments all to put out on them.

1. The upside-down white flocked tree is in the “Beachy” room with “Beachy” ornaments on it.

2.  There is a 7.5′ traditional green tree in the Kazi room with Kazi ornaments ready to adorn it.

3.  There is another 7.5′ traditional green tree in the gift section with Recycled Magazine Ornaments on it.

4.  There is a 9′ traditional green tree in the front window that will soon have mercury glass blown Old World Christmas ornaments on it…..

Which reminds me….look what is in stock!  Hurry in and get yours before they sell out!  For those of you who pre-ordered they will ship out on Tuesday.  and THANK YOU for your pre-orders!

If you can’t stop in to pick one up, you can always order here.

Check out these other darling Blown Glass Old World Christmas Glass Ornaments that are also in stock at $19.99 each.  LOVE these!  Again, they are all available online with more coming in next week.

But back to the Christmas Trees!  I am so excited for the holiday season!  It’s time to celebrate……

5.  There is a 7.5′ traditional green tree in the front window that will soon have bells and chime ornaments on it.

6.  There is another 9′ traditional tree in the front window that will have Ventura Spring Inspired ornaments…birds, hummingbirds, butterflies, etc.

Here is what that window looks like so far.  I am bummed that we haven’t been able to get the top of that second 9′ tree to light up.  Ughhhhh!  Hopefully soon!

Before I forget, we have a VERY special chair waiting in the front window for a VERY special guest.  If you have any youngsters that would like to see where a special guest will be visiting us closer to Christmas, please bring them by!  The little ones that have seen it so far, are filled with wonder and excitement.  Never too early to get in the spirit!

Just a reminder of our current store hours…..THESE HAVE BEEN MODIFIED
Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 11 to 3 pm.
Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 11 to 5 pm.

We do stay late if there are customers so if you are in the area check us out to see if we are still open after 3 pm.

So, we bit the bullet and changed the front window to Turquoise Blue. Still looking for beachy turquoise items to fill it up. It isn’t quite there yet, but I will share a glimpse. This is NOT my final product!

In the last ezine, I asked which front window is your favorite so far?


Not many of you responded, but the few who did all picked red!  Isn’t that crazy?  I wonder why?

OK!  Time for a potential score in the making.  This is currently at auction and the starting bid price is $59.99.  It has 38 watchers so far!  I bought it at our local Goodwill for $2.99.  It is seriously turquoise and should go in my new front window, but I will get way more for it on eBay!  Check it out here.  Don’t be afraid to bid on it 🙂

Soooooo many great things arriving in the store for the Christmas Season.  Check out these amazing kitchen utensils that retail for $9.95.  Almost sold out of them, but a new order arrives tomorrow!  Also, available for sale on our website.

Here is what this new line of Bamboo looks like in the store. Love the Cutting Boards in the shape of Surfboards and California!

Really missing my son these days and I think that is why I use y’all so much!  He is super busy teaching high school in OKC so I rarely hear from him.  I had already purchased his Thanksgiving plane ticket home…and then the airlines CANCELLED IT!  Ughhhh.  I had purchased him a direct flight round trip for $300 and now when I try and rebook the tickets are $600 with multiple layovers.  Not happy about this!

A year ago today, my mom and I were in OKC visiting Houston.  Isn’t it crazy how much can change in a year?  Here is Houston at the Gala celebration at his high school a year ago in front of the school mural and also with my mom and I.  Miss you Goose!

Houston successfully completed his first marathon last week.  He ran the 26.2 miles at 5:23:35 and burned 4,670 calories.  Seems to me that you would burn a lot more calories than that!  Emma was there and ran the last three miles with him  Congratulations Goose!

Time for an eBay score?  I think so!  But, this time I am going to share one of my mom’s scores.  What?  Yes!  My mom has been selling on eBay for almost as long as I have.  She is 84 years old and still pulls down about $3,000 a month.  She is a rock star!

This listing is for some dinnerware that she bought recently.  It is a very well-known brand and she has made a bank on it.  This listing sold for over $200.  Check out the listing here to learn more.

Tons of great furniture has been coming into the store.  This puppy has drastically changed my life and I am only in the store for two action-packed days lately.  That doesn’t give me much time to get the furniture photographed and uploaded to the website.  Soooooooo please stop in and check out the new inventory as most are NOT online.

Here are a few pieces that I was able to get photographed.

Here are a few more of the items that I was able to take some photos of and get to Emma for the website.

The high point of my October, besides getting a dog, was to be an employee retreat at Faria Beach.  It was my hope that Val, Sandy, Peggy, Cindy and I would spend a few nights bonding and resetting before the upcoming holiday season.

Enter Covid…..uggghhhh!  Way to put a monkey wrench in EVERYBODY’s plans.  Val could only be there for an afternoon….couldn’t risk taking any bug back to Ron.  Even though Ron has beaten cancer he is still doing some maintenance treatments and any risk is too big of a risk.  Totally get it!

Peggy and Wayne stepped up to keep the store open on Sunday over the retreat weekend so that we could enjoy.  We, being just me and our dog, LOL!

Sandy and Cindy were troopers and showed up for two of the days, but no overnights.  With my employee retreat up in arms….I enlisted some of my other Ventura Peeps and the evening one’s dinner was a success!

Check us out!  We did don the “Faria” Beach apparel for these fun shots.  Left to right Sandy, Steve, Gina Cole (Bless my Soul), me, and Joanne!  Joanne’s husband Jeff joined us for dinner later that night.

I have to say that my friend Steve is seriously the “dog whisperer”.  Cha Cha LOVED him.  Hopefully, he will dog sit someday.  Fingers crossed!

The next day was Cha Cha’s first beach walk with Sandy and Cindy!  Super fun.

On the last day, Monday, Val came out for the morning.  Darn it!  Did not get a photo of the two of us.  That afternoon, Wayne and his wife Donna showed up and hung out with Cindy and me.  Yay!

A few hours later, Indiana showed up with her friend George.  Sooo much fun!  George and Indy spent the night and my “dashed” employee bonding retreat turned out just fine!

OK, now for my final eBay score.  Not a huge dollar amount, but a collector’s plate from the early 1900’s by the same firm that made my mom’s great selling dinnerware.  Does anyone know the maker?  or do you have to peek at the listing to figure it out?  This plate sold for the best offer of $90 and I had paid $5 for it a few months ago.  Not bad!

Check it out here.

OK, this section is probably going to need a new name. Thoughts? Or should Carlos still have his own corner? And Cha-Cha gets her own space…The Challenges of Cha-Cha? The adventures of Carlos and Cha Cha?

Not sure if I have ANY photos of Carlos all by himself. That is pretty sad, isn’t it? Well, let me give you an update on King Carlos. If you recall, he always thought he was a dog. He plays fetch, pretends that he is a lap dog, and wants to go on walks. Here is an older photo of him retrieving a hair tie that I shot down the hallway….such a dog.

Now that Cha Cha has arrived, he has become even more of a  DOG.  I am not kidding.  He steals all of Cha’s toys from her and parades around the house with them.  He eats her food before she can and he is a sucker for dog treats.  I know I know, not a good idea!  I finally found some treats that are good for both cats and dogs.

I fill up the Kongs that I have and Carlos takes them first.  He literally fights (hisses and growls) at Cha Cha to keep the Kongs for himself.  WEIRD is all I can say.  I really must get some of this on video as it is UNBELIEVABLE.

Here is a photo of the two of them cuddling with Indiana.  How cute is this?

Here are Carlos and Cha Cha with George and Indiana back at our house.  Such silly new friends and soooooo cute!

Indiana has been trying to come home a few times a week to bond with her puppy.  Cha Cha is her ESA (Emotional Support Animal), but it has been really hard with her at Pepperdine full time.  The burden of training and taking care of Cha Cha has fallen to me.  I am doing a good job of taking care of her, but not such a great job of training her.  HELP!  We hired Stacy Ayud for a private lesson a few weeks ago. Stacy is INCREDIBLE!  I just need to have the time to work with Cha.  Not enough hours in the day, unless I stop sleeping….not gonna happen!

Anyway, check out this darling photo that Indy text me when she arrived home from Agoura Hills a few days ago.

One last photo that I took of Carlos and Cha Cha chilling in Indy’s room.  I had to share this one because it is SPOOKY!  Look at Carlos’ eyes.  HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

I am going to wrap up this ezine with a photo of Indiana and her roommate Syd during a PIT show….Pepperdine Improv Troupe that took place last Friday night.  LOVE this image to send us off to a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Let me wrap this up with a HUGE thank you for your continued support of me and my small business!  You are keeping us going and my gratitude is immense! THANK YOU  THANK YOU!!!

OK, but wait.  As I was finishing this up they really did start to cuddle.  Cha Cha was cleaning Carlos’ paw and Carlos was cleaning Cha Cha’s paw.  I am totally serious.  Check it out!

Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!