We survived the Pepperdine graduation! OMG…another crazy past several weeks (actually maybe a crazy past month)! Time flies when you are having FUN!
Here is Indy crossing the stage. I thought she was holding her Theatre emblem and it turns out it was her Baggu mask…hahahahaha!
Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #08…
June 25th, 2021
Watch for it every Thursday or every other Thursday or Saturday!
Actually, lets be honest…watch for it whenever I get one finished hahahaha
Volume II Issue 08
Graduation was a whirlwind. Luckily we got 4 tickets so me, my mom, Houston and the kids’ dad William could all attend. My brother had driven in that morning from San Francisco and was exhausted. Since we didn’t have a ticket for him, he took a nap in the car LOL!
Here we are with our huge Indy faces…Thank you to Sandy for making these awesome props!
Graduation lasted super long so luckily we were able to grab a few photos with Indy during the ceremony. Graduation had started at 3:30 and we needed to bolt out of there to make our 5:30 pm reservation at Geoffreys. We needed to leave by 5 pm and they were not even done calling out all of the grads. Ughhh! What a dilemma. “Should I stay or should I go now”? Here we are some fun pics of Indy.
Funny story…of course there is a story. Back in the day, when I was dating William (my kids dad) we went to Geoffreys a few times for dinner. The first time was when I won the basketball pool at my office (I was a buyer for Lamps Plus) and we took the windfall out to dinner in Malibu.
We drank too much that night (no way!) and ended up getting a dive hotel to spend the night and also had to purchase t-shirts and shorts to change in to since we were dressed up. Fun memories!
It was really hard to get a reservation for 5 at Geoffrey’s the night of graduation as most of Pepperdine was planning to have dinner there. LOL! I was finally able to secure a reservation for 4, but I needed one more seat for William.
I phoned and luckily they let me change it to 5, but then my brother decided to show up (and I am glad he did), and they would absolutely NOT change it to 6. CRAP! I finally had an epiphany. Maybe they would give me a reservation for 1 at the bar and then the rest of us could sit at the 5 top and we could rotate in and out.
That worked! We snuck out of the ceremony at 5 pm before it ended and off we went to secure out table/tables!
Good news was that they were able to get us all at one table….bad news was the kids didn’t show up for a long time! However, Geoffrey’s was super accommodating and held our table until 7:30 PM when Indy and Houston finally arrived! Seriously, 2 hours past our reservation. Here is the gang at dinner.
Here is Indy opening one of her gifts that my brother and I designed for her!
Dinner was fantastic and it was a beautiful drive up the coast to get back to Ventura because…..the next day was her grad party at the house!
Crazy….but it all turned out so well. Check out some of the party pics!
Houston had flown home for the graduation from OKC. He flew in on the Friday night before and had to leave at 2pm on Sunday to head back to LAX. Ughhhh…at least he was there for graduation day and part of the party 🙂 He would be returning to Ventura in just 5 more days as his days of teaching high school in Oklahoma City would be over that next Friday and he would do the road trip back to California…Whirlwind trip for that boy!
Time for an eBay score don’t you think? I bought this super neat covered soup tureen out in Palm Desert back in January. It sold recently for asking price of almost $200! Check it out here. I paid $20. Yippppeeee! Speaking of Soup Tureens….I must share a Houston story from when he was little…LOL!
The Soup Tureen story is from an ezine I wrote back in 2012. Here is a link to that ezine. But here goes the tureen story….
Happy 12/12/12! What an awesome date! I love that the last 12 years had such amazing dates. Like 1-1-1 and 4-4-4. This year’s is almost like the 12 days of Christmas!

“Then the day after Thanksgiving, Houston came down with the flu. Just when I needed the kids to ship for me. Yikes! I ended up taking Houston to the doctor because he was in pretty bad shape and needed antibiotics. However, there was some good news. They measured his height and he is 6’ 1/8”!!! He made it to 6 feet and just a wee bit over. How exciting!
As Houston was starting to feel better, he decided to go to garage sales with me. It was a hoot! At one sale, I found a soup tureen that was signed Portmeirion in the Botanic Garden pattern. How much? $10. Total score! I asked Houston to carry the soup tureen to the car and when we got to the car I told him that I thought it was worth about $400 at high retail. He was very excited to hear that great news! Then he asked me, “Mom what is a Soup Latrine?”
Soup Latrine? You have got to be kidding! I laughed so hard. It is a soup tureen—NOT LATRINE. Here is a photo of that Soup Latrine and please note that it didn’t sell at auction so I raised the price to $400 in my eBay store.”
OK! Back to present day 2021….Super fun stuff happening at the store. When isn’t there fun stuff happening at the store? NEVER!
Since Indy is home for a few weeks before moving to LA to pursue her acting, she has been working at the store. I LOVE having her help. She is extremely talented and creative!
I decided to redo the entire left hand side of the store….Call me crazy! Well, Val did call me “cray cray” and there was a lot of eye rolling that day 🙂 My plan had always been to redo that side in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet (ROYGBIV)! However, there are only 4 vignettes and I couldn’t figure out how to make it look like a rainbow.
Had an epiphany (my word of the day) the other night and figured that since the existing Beachy room was super large, I could use it for two colors, (orange and yellow) and put a stripe in painter’s tape down the center. Room Division! Just like sharing a room on the Brady Bunch!
I will be sharing the first 5 colors in this ezine. Here is the Red. The comments/compliments etc. have been off the charts! I think we are on to something here!!!!
To celebrate both kids graduating this year (Houston will be graduating on July 10th-his 25th Birthday! at Notre Dame), I rented another one of the Carpinteria Cottages (House this time) for a 4 day mini vacation that would start on Monday, May 31st, Memorial Day.
However, that morning we would be going to The Vent to participate in the Murph workout. What a cool tradition! It is in honor of Michael Murphy. “Murph” is a CrossFit Hero WOD (Workout Of the Day) named after Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005. He was 29 and from Patchogue, N.Y. Lt Murphy was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor after his death. The workout was one of Mike’s favorites and he’d named it ‘Body Armor.
The night before Memorial day we watched “Lone Survivor” with Mark Wahlberg. It is the movie of that last deadly mission that Murph was on. Extremely good movie.
The workout consists of a 1-mile run, followed by 100 pullups, 200 pushups, and 300 unweighted squats, followed by another 1-mile run. We did the workout in teams so only had to do 1/2 of the workout. It was still pretty brutal! Here are the kids before we got started 🙂
After our “Murph” workout we headed home to pack for Carp. My mom was still in town and she was going to go with us. Fun fun! Since there was going to be a lot of walking, we had tried to find a wheelchair to borrow for her. Crazily enough, my dad was a Veteran and because of this we were able to get her a free wheelchair from the Veterans of Ventura County. Thank you Thank you!
I am so grateful and indebted to the men and women who humbly serve this country and keep us all safe! A HUGE shout out and thank you to all of our military! For those of you who see me in the store, I wear my dad’s dog tags on a chain almost every day. Here is my mom getting the wheelchair–you can still see Indy’s grad decorations in the background!
First stop in Carp, was to drop Cha Cha off for the afternoon and then we headed to Teddy’s! One of our favorite Carp restaurants. Here we are with our first holiday cocktails. Indy and I tried the Margarita flight! It was awesome!
After lunch it was time to check in. The cottage house is soooooo cute. Here is Cha Cha chilling on the porch as Houston bikes past, but on separate days :).
Unfortunately, the weather did NOT cooperate for our little mini beach vacation. It was definitely not beach weather, so we checked out the Catholic thrift store. TOTAL score! How have I never been there before?
I spent $60 and got 4 huge box fulls! I even found some flatware….Check out this serving fork that I paid 25 cents for and sold for $49.99 last week!
The weather didn’t cooperate for lazy beach days, but we did take Cha Cha down to the water for some quality fun time. Check her out!
Speaking of Cha Cha….apparently she has a boyfriend at “Send Rover on Over”. His name is Bruce and he is part coyote. How cute are they together?
While in Carp we tried some fun new restaurants. We loved having drinks on the deck at the Rosewood Miramar hotel!
We also (finally) tried the Padaro Beach Grill….I know I know it only took me 3 1/2 years of living here to give it a go! We LOVE it! And have been back several times.
OK! Enough about Carp, time to get back to the store. Here is the orange vignette (pretty fun to see the red one peeking in over the back)….You must tell me which one is your favorite after you have seen them all, or better yet, come in to the store in person and tell us!
On my phone from 10 years ago popped up this photo. It makes me sad for several reasons. The obvious one is that my dad is no longer here and less obvious is the fact that we were moving out of our big awesome Palm Desert house and not for a good reason. It was 2011 my friends, and I lost all of my property from that mess that started in 2008. I hung on as long as I could, but this was the week we were moving out.
This is what our house looked like from outside….I miss those days and the little kids that grew up in that house…..because Houston and Indiana are going to be 25 and 23 years old this year. How in the heck did that happen?
Well, it’s 10 years later and I am now in a position to buy a house again! I am sooooo excited! However, as many of you know the market is a little bit crazy right now. But, I am looking so please keep me in mind if you know of anything coming up. AND I already have a realtor….Joanne & Jeff Carolan! So excited 🙂
Since we are back in Palm Desert and strolling down memory lane, let me introduce the Beck family. Jason Beck was one of Houston’s baseball coaches. We love the Beck family and Jason and Mary (his wife) were out in Ventura this past week. We got to meet up with them for lunch at Andreas and it was super fun.
Check out this pic of Houston and Coach Jason in my office holding a photo from one of their many tournaments. This one was in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. We used to have so much fun doing the travel ball thing!
Here is a close up of that plaque. Both boys (Coach Beck & Houston) have lost weight since then! Can you spot them? Houston is middle row 2nd from left and Coach Beck is back row 3rd from left.
OK, back to the store….let’s check out the yellow vignette….
A super fun before and after from one of our youngest customers. Lila and her mom came in because they were redoing her room. It was going to be pink and white with a focus on Butterflies. How fun is that? Here they are standing by the white desk that they had just purchased. Notice the wall in the background getting ready for it’s green makeover! I will share that vignette soon!
Here is a photo of her bedroom before the furniture was added. I LOVE the peel and stick wallpaper her mom put on the back wall!
Here is the room with the desk, french upholstered desk chair and nightstand that they bought at the store. Sooooo cute!
Here is the side wall with the darling dresser that they had also purchased from Lynn’s! Everyone Wins When They Shop at Lynn’s!
OK! Since I gave a little hint about the Green vignette….here it is! This just may be one of our FAVORITES! I still want to know what color is YOUR favorite so please let me know :)!
Just a reminder of Our CURRENT HOURS:
Tuesday through Saturday 11am to 5pm
Sundays 11 am to 3pm
Can’t wait to see you in the store! Don’t forget we have gotten in 100’s of new consigned unique items. You WON’T want to miss out!
This amazing wall unit just came in. Everyone calls us with entertainment systems, wall units, and armoires to hold TVs that they want to sell. I ALWAYS say NO!…..because none of them are built for a flat screen. Well, this gorgeous one is made for a flat screen–approximately 60″ wide. Can’t wait to see who buys it! $795 and it won’t last long!
WANTED in good colors (Light Wood, White, Beachy etc.)….
1. Desks
2. Shelves, Shelving Units, Book Cases
3. Sideboards, Buffets, Consoles
4. Dressers
5. Nightstands
Who out there has heard of Whole30? Well, I had NEVER until I hired Bree at The Vent as my personal trainer. She has been slowly trying to convince me for 4 months and I finally relented. 30 days of no diet coke, no alcohol and only whole unprocessed foods. This was and still is HUGE for me! But I am on day 22 and doing well. Curious to see who else has done this reset. It is not a diet, but a way to slowly introduce foods back into your life and test them to see if they make you feel good or bad.
Here I am at the gym (with a ton of other people) last week for the Wedding Work out of the Day for Bree and David. Congrats you two!
OK, got to share some photos of the pets. Sorry, there is no “Carlos” corner anymore. The pets just seem to pervade all areas of my life (like my kids!) so they are now sprinkled throughout the ezine!
Here is Cha Cha after I let her out to go to the bathroom at 5 am. Unfortunately, the sprinklers were on. Ughhhhh. Luckily, Indy was still home (the kids will be moving out soon and I am sad) so I could wake her up for some bathtime help! Yes, she was on a leash for this photo as I couldn’t risk her jumping on my couches!
Cha Cha recently got groomed and we have done such a horrible job of brushing her that she had to get shaved….Ughhhh! Oh well, this has been a learning experience and her hair was so matted that we could never get ahead of it. Check out this rug (aka Cha Cha’s fur) that Misha let me bring home to show the kids!
In any event, she will be super cool for the summer. Here she is helping me take pictures for eBay….NOT! I paid $75 for that afghan at a sale up in Ojai, fingers crossed I can get a couple hundred for it.
The kids have been getting dressed up quite a bit recently to go out in Ventura and driving into LA, Calabassas etc. to see friends. It is fun for me to watch them try on outfits just like I used to do back in the day when I was their age. Seriously, Indy tried on at least 15 different outfits the evening of the photo LOL. But look how cute they are and they kind of even match the colors on that afghan that Cha Cha was helping me photograph. Hahaha!
There is an Annie Sloan Stockist in Langley, BC that I follow on Instagram. Here name is Carrie and she owns the Passionate Home. Her store is awesome and we have visited her 3 times. Check out these colorful umbrellas that the city has displayed in her business district.
I LOVE THIS and think this would be a great display in Midtown. I can just see it going from my store across the street to Laguna Vintage, Aloha etc. Anyone want to help me?
There is an Annie Sloan Stockist in Langley, BC that I follow on Instagram. Her name is Carrie and she owns the Passionate Home. Her store is awesome and we have visited her 3 times (not anytime recently unfortunately!). Check out these colorful umbrellas that the city has displayed in her business district.
I LOVE THIS and think this would be a great display in Midtown. I can just see it going from my store across the street to Laguna Vintage, Aloha etc. Anyone want to help me?
OMG! I almost forgot to show you the Turquoise Blue vignette. So far I have shown you ROYGB….check out my next ezine for the IV! Which one is your favorite?
And a final photo from our 2nd year anniversary March 1st 2010 before all of this Covid CRAP!
Sandy, me and Val…..
For those of you who are frequent in store visitors, you may have noticed that Sandy has been missing. She had back surgery last Wednesday up at Cottage in Santa Barbara. It went really well, but she won’t be back in the store for quite some time (could be a month or more). She needs time to rest and recover. Only Sandy could look this great after surgery! Hurry back…we miss you!
If anyone wants to reach out to Sandy, her email is spiritforsurvival@gmail.com Hit her up for some Annie Sloan Chalk Paint advice or to just chat. Hahahaha!
OK, one final eBay score. I always try and get at least 3 in each ezine! Check out this heart trinket box.
It was from my grandmother’s personal collection and is not that old. Well, maybe 30 years vintage and I took a best offer of $100 for it. It was part of my inheritance so I didn’t pay anything for it. Yipppeeee skippppy!
BTW, my grandmother had about 5,000 items in her personal collections (not kidding), so don’t feel bad that I sold it. I have soooooo many more of her things left that I treasure to this day!
Oh crap! I forgot to include a photo of Carlos the little rebel. OMG, seriously he has been sneaking out at night. We can’t figure out how he does it, but he is determined. He is like a serial killer that must satisfy his compulsions at least once a week. We have been watching too much “Criminal Minds”. But boy do we love that series!
He got out last night (maybe through a hole he tore in one of our screens ughhh!) and we didn’t know until he was meowing at the sliding door to let him in this am. Here he is sleeping on his back (feet in the air) after a night of rebel rousing. CARLOS!!!!
That is for now! Stop in and see us. I will be in and out for the month of July. Heading to the desert next week, then Cambia for an “Outstanding in the Field” dinner at Hearst Castle and then to Chicago/South Bend for Houston’s Notre Dame Graduation. So happy to be traveling again! Stay safe and see you soon!
Thanks for reading my ezines! I appreciate it….as always!
eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn
P.S. All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo. She is amazing! To learn more about Jaclyn….https://www.jaclynszabo.com/
P.P.S. If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.