WE ARE OPENING SOON!!!…Lynn’s Latest #18


Such Great News Regarding Ventura County and our Reopening which will happen soon!  (Pictured Katie, Sandy, Indy, me, Val, Adolio, Peggy and Mor Mor)

Watch for an email with Opening details!

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #18…

May 21, 2020
Watch for it every Thursday or every OTHER Thursday!
Volume I  Issue 18

Looking good for us to re-open soon!  I will email details as soon as we have a plan!

I do feel that things are getting back to semi-normal. Houston flew to OKC on Sunday to wrap up his first school year as a high school History and Economics teacher. He had to clean up his classroom and turn in end-of-the-year materials. They pretty much told him he had to go back. He also needed to pack up his room in the house that he lives in during the school year. He will fly back tomorrow, Friday.

Emma also flew out on Sunday to head back home to New Jersey. She hadn’t seen her mom since Christmas so was itching to get back there. She will be there for a month. Here is Emma giving him a haircut before they left. Praise the LORD he got a haircut! This picture CRACKS me up!

I can’t wait until Carlos’ Corner to tell you the most traumatic thing that has happened to us in a long time.  I was at the store this past Thursday doing a paint pick-up for a customer when I got a call from Indiana. She was frantic and said “Carlos is missing.  The housekeeper came in and we think he ran out during that time.  We have been looking for him for 30 minutes.  We spent 20 minutes checking every corner of the house and now we are canvassing the neighborhood”

OMG!  I apologized to the paint customer and immediately headed up to the house.  I ran inside and checked every closet (although the kids had already done that) and just kept saying “Carlos, Kitty Carlos, Where are you Kitty?  Kitty Kitty Kitty… Where’s My Little Buddy?” you get the idea.  Emma was walking the neighborhood knocking on doors, Indy and Houston were driving around with treats and I posted on Next Door with an urgent alert.

Here is the text exchange between the 4 of us.  Every time my phone pinged I was praying that he had been found.

We were frantic.  I could just picture him with tire treads all over his little body.  I was still checking out the house and looking for him in the backyard when I decided to get a treat bag and then hit the streets.  They had taken all the shakeable treats, so I grabbed a baggy (albeit saying “Carlos where are you?” etc. the whole time) and out of the corner of my eye, there goes an orange tail.

Oh My God!  He had been sound asleep (still in the house) somewhere that we would never have found him.  Probably under a cabinet or couch.  I have NEVER been so happy to see him in my LIFE!  I text the kids “He’s in the House” and for some reason, I did have a feeling.

The kids were sooooo relieved and we all had post-traumatic stress syndrome afterward.  All that kept going through my mind was “I am never gonna find a cat as cool as Carlos” and how was our last encounter…was he sweet or mean?   And then these texts from the kids.

What a relief that we found “this boy”!

OK, Let’s get to an eBay score!  I just sold these cobalt blue glass tumblers that belonged to Buffalo Bill Cody for the best offer of $80.  Check out the listing here.

Yes, they were chipped but the provenance is what sold them for such a high amount.  Here is the back story.  William Cody’s niece came into my grandmother’s store many years ago and sold a set of 8 of these glasses to my grandmother.  She also sold her a napkin ring that belonged to her uncle.  I have a picture of that somewhere and must find it.  I still have the napkin ring, but it isn’t in my cabinet.  Strange.  I will share that photo when I find the napkin ring.

Speaking of photos, I found about 6 rolls of undeveloped film while cleaning my house during this pandemic.  I am sure many of you have found strange items as well.  Why in the world would I have rolls of used and not developed film?  Who knows!  In any event, I dropped them off at Dexters (the coolest photo developing place in the world) and right down the alley from my store.  Some turned out and some didn’t, but it was fun to check them out.  Here is one of me in our booth at the LA Festival of Books at UCLA back in about 2005.  Crazy!  15 years ago 🙂

Such a blast from the past!  We stayed at the Century Plaza Hotel in Century City and crashed a celebrity event in the ballroom.  Those were the days!  Here is a photo of that event and I think it is Tom Arnold and David Spade MCing.  LOL.

Mo (my assistant and one of my best friends) and I lasted about 15 minutes before being asked to leave LOL and then we headed to Trader Vics in Beverly Hills for dinner and drinks.  I LOVE Trader Vics!  OMG, check out my cell phone on the table…it is ancient!

I just googled to see if Trader Vics is still open at the Beverly Hilton and dang…it closed in 2017.  That is just sooooo sad.  I checked on their current locations and there are not many left in the USA, Atlanta, Emeryville (wherever that is?), and the San Jose Airport.  Seriously?  That is just pathetic.

OK, time for an eBay score because that is about all I do these days with the store being closed.  Fingers crossed we can open soon.  The store needs some LOVE!

Check out this Tea Pot that I sold for the full asking price of $322.  Yippppeeee!  And it is going to ShopAirlines in Redondo Beach.  From there it will be repackaged and shipped to Asia.  Shop Airlines buys a lot of items that they ship by container overseas to their customers in Japan.

I just did a little bit of research on Shop Airlines and it is pretty fascinating.  They are the largest buyer on eBay.  Who knew?  Check out these graphics to learn more.  I have sold a lot of items to Shop Airlines over the years.

Funny story about a couple of friends of mine.  I have known Kimberly Wallace since 1993 when I moved back to Bellingham to run my grandmother’s antique store (after my grandma fell and broke her hip).  Kimberly came into the store to sell her dried flower arrangements and I was more than happy to buy them for the store.  We became great friends and still see each other.  In fact, she and her husband Mike were just in Ventura in February and I wrote about them in my newsletter.

I met Vicki Pene when she attended one of my eBay Boot Camps at the La Quinta Resort in 2010.  Vicki quickly became a good friend and not just another one of my students.  She used to come to the desert to thrift quite often and soon she became a part of that group of friends.

About 4 years ago she had inherited some money from her dad and I told her she should open a furniture consignment store like I was planning to do.  I had all the research is done, etc., and apparently, I told her “she would be stupid if she didn’t do it”.  Uh oh!

Well, somehow that motivated her to do it!  I am so proud of her and Reclaimed Interiors in Eagle, Idaho is awesome!  She opened in July of 2017 and I flew out to check out her store in September of 2017.  Here is my post from Instagram when I first arrived.

Over this past weekend, as I was scrolling through Instagram, I noticed that Kimberly and Mike were going on a trip.  I texted her and asked where?  She said that they had just bought an investment condo in Boise and she shared a video tour of it and mentioned that they just had a few days to furnish it.  Hmmmmm….I knew just the place to send them.  LOL.  I told her about my friend Vicki’s store and they made plans to visit it on Sunday.

Kimberly text me when she arrived at the store and I got a flash of a memory.  Kimberly had attended one of my live eBay boot camps and so had Vicki.  I have done about ten of them over the years and wondered….could it have been the same event?

I text both of them and waited to hear back.  Kimberly text and said, “Knowing you, you will have a photo of it somewhere”.  LOL!  She was right.  I grabbed the board from the 2010 Live Boot Camp to check out my attendees.

And Lo and Behold, there at the bottom of the board, right next to each other, were Vicki and Kimberly.  LOL!  They did remember each other when they were chatting at Vicki’s store.  SMALL WORLD!

Kim and Mike ended up buying a few pieces from Vicki’s store and then she posted them on Instagram.  I reposted and tagged Vicki and Vicki reposted and tagged her store.  LOL.  Cracked me up!

I wrote about Emma opening a DePop clothing store last week and she has it up and running!  She has already sold a few things.  Sooooo proud of her!  Check her store out here and please follow her.

Here is a fun graphic that showcases a few of her pieces.

My son, Houston, has become quite the cyclist.  In fact, he biked from our house to that beach house in Faria Beach and back home.  Pretty cool!  He was also going to join a spin gym before everything got shut down in OKC.  I have been wanting to get some type of exercise equipment for the house that we could all use.  Houston loved the idea of a Peloton, so I did A LOT of research and voila, we now have a bike in our entryway!

I am going to decorate that part of the house with super motivational wall art and make it a kind of exercise nook.  No one can come to visit anyway and we only open the front door for packages, so why not?   Here is what it looked like “waiting” for the bike delivery.  A lot of people must have the same idea about this pandemic as it took 8 weeks to arrive!  I have never liked those sheer “old lady” drapes in the doorway window, but have no idea what to replace them with.  Any ideas for me?

I am super excited now that the Peloton is in the house and have ridden the bike twice.  The first time was a team effort.  It was very hard to figure out how to get the shoes clicked into the pedals and then I almost couldn’t get them out.  Thank God Indy was home to help!  Proud to say I rode it all by myself today!

Back to the store.  The hot colors right now in Annie Sloan paint seem to be the pinks.  Maybe because we are heading into Summer.  Not sure, but we have been selling a lot of Antoinette and Scandinavian Pink.  Check out this amazing chest that Sandy painted in Scandinavian Pink with Antoinette trim and the Wander IOD decal.  It is STUNNING!!!!! and available at only $295!

Don’t forget that you can always order your paint supplies on our website, by text at 760-880-3535 or by phone at 805-628-3289. We are offering curbside pickup and free delivery in Ventura. You have no excuse to not start that project! LOL! Thank you to all of you who have placed orders! We really appreciate it!

Shop Annie Sloan Here

We are fully stocked right now from the palette we received on Friday. It is finally all put away! Big job.

Lots of Annie’s great paint and wax brushes are also in stock. Treat yourself to a shiny new brush….Come on….you deserve it!

In addition to that amazing bench/chest that Sandy painted, check out this awesome end table/nightstand that Sandy did in Louis Blue with a bunch of decor molds in the shape of a Seahorse!  She is one of our most talented consignors!!  And it is available for only $195.

I must give a shout-out to Indiana.  Not only is she taking Pepperdine classes online, but she is also working for the Lisa Smith Wengler CFA (Center for the Arts) doing all sorts of computer and graphic work.  I am very proud of this kid!  Here she is working/studying in the backyard.

And THEN, I got this email yesterday!

She made the Dean’s List!  Must have a 4.00 GPA and be in the top 10% of their class.  Way to go Indiana!

The most important news about our little Carlos, aka Carlito, is that he wasn’t lost in the wilderness, he was just asleep in a very hard place to find.  He was lost in space (aka our house).

The cutest photos of him this week were right after Indiana finished an exam and she laid down on one of our couches (we have 5 couches in our home…I love couches and you could say I collect them).

He loves her so much that he just laid down on her head….and put his paws on her.  It is soooo cute!  Indiana called it “Cat on Head” part 1 etc.  Here are her photos!

LOVE….We soooo LOVE this little Kitty.  God Blessed us with a good one!  Except for the part where he is ruining my Natuzzi Leather Couch…Oh well…small price to pay!

So, a high point of this week for me was that  Indiana was coming home from San Gabriel (visiting her boyfriend) and I could order Chin Chin take out from their Studio City Location for her to bring home!  Yipppppeeee!  For those of you who grew up in LA, the valley, etc during the 1980’s you MUST know about Chin Chin’s Chinese Chicken Salad.  It is EPIC!

Here is a photo of the Chin Chin bags once she arrived home!  I am in heaven.  Also, their white chocolate fortune cookies….AAAAHHHHHH!~

On an ending note, I would like to share one last group of photos from those old rolls I got developed.  These photos show my sister with her son Zach and Indiana and Houston on the Lummi Island Ferry over to have dinner and play tetherball on the Island.  Strange how they are so faded.  Every single photo of my sister from this bunch was extremely faded…..just like her…fading from our memories since her passing in 2012…but NEVER forgotten.  Ughhh!

And just one more eBay listing of something currently up for auction that I hope will sell for A LOT of money.  It is from my next-door neighbor and friend from Rancho Mirage.  This Seth Thomas Clock is very amazing.

Take care from Lynn’s Consignments team to you and your family! Just so you know, this will get better. This too shall pass. God has got this. We WILL see you soon!

Pictured…Indy, me and my mom!

Just so you know, I am working on a Kazi Basket display for our front window based on this super cool Boho Chic vignette. Watch for it! You can find Kazi Baskets on our website here.

 Thanks for reading my ezines!  I appreciate it….as always!

eBay with Heart & Design with Heart……Lynn


P.S.  All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook, and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo.  She is amazing!   To learn more about Jaclyn….https://www.jaclynszabo.com/

P.P.S.  If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.

P.P.P.S  For those of you who don’t live close to Ventura…don’t forget you can shop our store online!