I hope you and your family had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Ours was super fun as I had Houston, Indiana, Emma, Emma’s dad Jonathan, my brother and my mom all here with me!
Super grateful for all of the blessings in my life! My friends, family, customers and consignors!
Here we all are after dinner on Christmas Day. Wasn’t the weather amazing?

You may have noticed the toy knife that my brother is holding in the photo above. It is a fun toy that Cha Cha received for Halloween in her “Pup Box”.
Yes, I do spoil that dog just a little bit. She has a monthly subscription to “Pup Box” and we get a package with treats and toys every month. So, I would be remiss in not showing Grandpa and Cha Cha also playing with said “knife”. Emma took a great action shot!

Welcome to Lynn’s Latest #0010…
Friday, December 30th, 2022
I used to tell you what day to watch for it…but I have decided to be realistic…it will be there whenever it shows up. Hahaha!
Volume III Issue 0010
My last ezine wrapped up with Indy’s show at THE HOLLYWOOD IMPROV!!!! YES, that one! Indy (seriously) knocked it out of the park! And I am not saying that just because I am her mother. LOL. Here is a group shot of us after the show that I did not share in the last newsletter.
From left to right, Sandy, Leeaha (manager at Cafe Luxxe), me, Jeremy (Cafe Luxxe), Bella, Indy, Tori (Matthew from Cafe Luxxe’s Girlfriend), Julia and Matthew (Cafe Luxxe). I LOVE how Indy’s coworkers come out to support her! If any of you are close by to the Cafe Luxxe in Pacific Palisades, go in and say hi to my Indy girl!

Indy still hasn’t posted the recording of her set anywhere yet, but I can share a link to this reel she posted. It is blowing up! 766,000 people have viewed it and it has 115,000 likes. Sweet!

Time for an eBay score. Although, I must admit, my eBay sales have been very slow this year. I am down about $27,000 for the 2020. That is a 30% decrease. We are in a recession, so there is that. However, I spoke with Mo (my eBay assistant) about it last week and we came up with some other very valid reasons.
For the past 9 months, Mo has been doing all of my listing for me. I started selling on eBay in September of 1998 and quite frankly, I am a little burned out after 24 years! I have only ever taken one week off and that was when I moved from Bellingham to California in 2002. Yikes!
I have also only been sourcing at thrift stores and the occasional estate sale. I need to get back into full blown estate sale sourcing and start listing again. Instead of saying “I need to” I am going to change that to “I will”……much better frame of mind for the New Year!
OK, sorry for the detour and here is that score! I bought this at Antique Adventures here in Ventura when I was redoing all of the art in my bedroom to be Ocean Scenes. This one really didn’t make me happy, so I decided to sell it! It sold for $260.99 less 10%. I think I paid $40….Super score! Check it out here.

December has been crazy busy for me….with my mom in VCMC (the hospital) for 2 weeks with a broken clavicle, broken ribs and what they said was COVID. However, she had absolutely no symptoms, but I couldn’t visit her for a week. UGHHHH. Then she was transferred to Coastal View Rehab where we met the sweetest lady Terri Bailey and her family. Terri was her roommate and we just LOVE her!
Anyway, I was rushed all month…trying to get my 400 Christmas cards out, buying presents, running my store, keeping up with my eBay business and trying to visit my mom. Thank GOD she is out of rehab and doing well! On the way to a full recovery and she will be going home soon. All is good! Doesn’t she look great? And btw, I did not decorate my tree this year at all! Ughhhhh!

At the beginning of December, Indy came home to get her hair done and we went out for happy hour afterwards. We had a really fun time and it was nice to get away from the hospital and spend some time with my girl! She posted this funny picture of the two of us. She cracks me up! She says as she gets older she looks more and more like me….and then the funny comment about her eyes. That condition is when one eye is a different color than the other one. But, her eyes only look like this in certain light.

Also at the beginning of December, Sandy and I attended the “Visit Ventura” Launch Party. It is always a FUN time! The new 2023 Inspiration Guide can be found in most hotels, restaurants etc. and is mailed to people interested in Ventura. Since our photo from last year was so good, we used it again!

Here is what the entire Midtown page looks like.

Here we are with the gals from the Inspiration Guide and the new cover. It is one of my favorite covers ever!

After the “Visit Ventura” party, Sandy and I hung out in the bar at Aloha Steakhouse and met some characters! First guy was dressed all “Tiki” and I asked him if he knew my friend Tiki Jason and well yes he did! LOL.

Then we met some firemen who were in town for the “Stache Fest” Cancer Fundraiser. We offered to give them a gift for their raffle and they invited us to the party the next night. And of course we went…who can pass up a room full of Firemen? LOL!

OK, time for an eBay score….of which are few and far between, but let me work my magic and see what I can find! Maybe I will have to share one of my favorite scores from the past? I think that is a great idea. And actually, this one is amazing! And it sold on Christmas day in 2004. OMG! That was 18 years ago. But here it is.

So back to life in Ventura this crazy December. On December 1st, I got a text from my high school friend, Jo Dallas, and she said “I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow”……WTF? With my mom in the hospital I had TOTALLY forgotten that she was coming to visit for a week in December. Holy crap! Oh well, it was going to happen so bring it on!
Unfortunately, the next day she text me and her flight had been cancelled because of the snow in Washington state. Have y’all seen those videos of the cars on the hills in Seattle sliding down due to black ice? I think I will have to share one here. They crack me up and I know that is not nice, but it is one of my VERY FEW character flaws. I do laugh uncontrollably when it is not polite. LOL!
Check out this video on YouTube.

So, Jo Dallas showed up on Saturday, December 3rd at 2:30 pm and I picked her up at the Santa Barbara airport right before I was taking my staff on the Winter Wine Walk. Talk about a whirlwind. Here we all are outside of Fit Buddha with my friend Marc Kettles wife Eva taking the photo. From left to right, Eva Kettles, Jo Dallas, me, Marty Mundell, Val Harrington, Robin Arnold and Sandy Bornfeld.

Back to the store, after much consideration and running the numbers, the clothing store portion will only be open Friday, Saturday and Sundays for the month of January (but also by appointment and any of the other days the front store is open). With the current economic situation and the high cost of staffing in California…. this wasn’t an easy decision, but one that had to be made with my head instead of my heart. I LOVE the girls back there, but had to do what is best for my business.
AND in great news. If you are a clothing consignor we have extended the term to 120 days and if we are still showing your items and they have not been donated…you will receive money for them! We want to be more than fair and soooooo appreciate all of your consignments!

It was crazy having Jo Dallas in town during this busy month and she is such a doll, she actually rearranged and organized all of my cupboards. Kitchen, linen and utility cupboards. OMG! My house is in such great shape….Thank you Jo Dallas!
So while she was here, we did another duffy boat cruise around the harbor, but this time we did Channel Harbor. Soooooo much fun and such a great festive start to the holidays! Thank you Susan and Captain Brad! And thank you Sandy for bringing the plastic Santa Claus….LOL!
From left to right, Candy Corcoran, Cindy Johnson, Robin Arnold, Jo Dallas, me, Joanne Carolan, Sandy Bornfeld and Susan and Brad Whelan. So fun!

While Jo was here she went with me to get a Christmas Tree….OMG! My kids were not home for most of December and I usually go with Indy to get it. She has been so busy with her new job at Cafe Luxxe and her Standup that I hardly ever see her. Thank God, Jo went with me and we got the most beautiful Silver Tipped Christmas Tree from Big Wave Daves…LOL…However, I never decorated it. Whatever! It will be super easy to take down. Hahahahaha!

Before I get into more about my crazy life, I just wanted to remind you about our clothing store! If you missed the email saying what we are looking for in clothing…please read it here before you come in. Thanks!
A new change, we will be taking 10 of your items so please bring your best ones!
And just to reiterate….AND in great news. If you are a clothing consignor we have extended the term to 120 days and if we are still showing your items and they have not been donated…you will receive money for them! We want to be more than fair and soooooo appreciate all of your consignments!
Wanted…Boots, Furs, Jackets, Coats, Sweaters anything WINTERY
We are taking in FALL/Winter now. Call or text the girls to set up an appointment or better yet, use our new online scheduling below. Two appointments per day at 11:30 and 1:30. Thanks!
Land Line 805-628-9208
Cell Phone 805-470-6493
AND here is a link to schedule a Clothing appointment on line….this is new and so exciting! We are still working out the kinks, so be a little patient with us!
Alright, time for some really sad news. I was sending out my 400 Christmas cards and Cindy was helping me put on labels and postage stamps. I came back to the store the next day and on my desk she had a note next to Breezy’s name & address…it said “I think she passed away this year”. WTF? I LOVED Breezy and she had been one of my first friends here in Ventura. How did this even happen and why did NO ONE tell me? Ughhhhhhh. Damn…life can be so short sometimes.

As Jo Dallas’ visit was winding up, we had one last fun night planned and it was to go into West Hollywood for one of Indy’s Comedy Shows! Yay! And Jo Dallas is a huge fan of Lisa Vanderplump…is that her name? In any event, she really wanted to have dinner at SUR. Apparently, SUR stands for Sexy Unique Restuarant…whatever! We got there and it was Chaos. I thought it was super run down and a tourist trap…but anything for my friend Jo Dallas.
We apparently had to order the Goat Cheese Balls….here is what they looked like and they (honestly) were not that great.

Jo and I had so much fun eating at the bar and talking to our bartender Mike. He was a sweetheart and we took a fun picture of him. I ended up posting a few photos on Insta from SUR and they reposted all of them. LOL….so much fun! It made Jo’s day.

Here is our selfie that SUR also reposted to their story!

Indy’s show that night was amazing. The shows just get better and better! I am so proud of this kid 🙂 and was very glad that Jo Dallas got to see a show. One of Houston’s best friends from Pepperdine, Alec, was there and it was nice to see him. From left to right, Houston, Emma, Me, Bella, Jo, Indy, Blake, Alec, Kyle Tomlin from Groundlings and Jeremy from Caffe Lux. Lol!

For the first time in forever, I missed spending Indy’s birthday with her. I don’t think we have EVER missed spending December 15th together. It was kind of sad for me. Aaaawwwww. I admit, it was really sad for me. She is my baby….but whatever! Here is the photo I posted of her on her birthday! How cute is she?

Right after Indy’s Birthday, was the Berlin Concert at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills. It was on a Saturday night and I needed to leave for Palm Desert the next morning. OMG, my life & schedule are always so hectic….but, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jeff, Joanne, Sandy, and I all drove together from Camarillo to Agoura Hills. Teri Nunn is freaking amazing! And the concert was so fun! We even had backstage passes that actually worked this time….LOL! Unfortunately, no Martin Sheen. If you know, you know…..
Here are Joanne and I backstage with Teri.

The next morning I left super early for my monthly Palm Desert trip. It is always so much fun to see my best friends in the desert. That first night we headed to Candy’s complex for their annual Christmas party. OMG! What a treat. We saw Santa & Mrs. Claus, had some great DJ’s playing music and even took a horse drawn carriage around the complex. Such a fun start to Christmas!

Here is the photo of Candy and me on the horse drawn carriage. Love the green lights…almost looks like a Grinch carriage. Such a fun evening! I told the girls that I would not be missing that party next year or the year after or the year after, etc!

After the party, we went back to Candy’s house and had some cocktails and hourdeourves. For fun, I asked the girls to take a photo with our gloved hands all in a circle. Candy’s husband Ron was a good sport and we got this super fun photo that makes you wonder WTF? I told Ron why is your shoe in the photo…..like maybe it could be on a calendar if you didn’t mess it up. LOL!

The next night in Palm Desert, Riley (Kel’s daughter) and Ellie (Kel’s daughter-in-law) invited us over for games, drinks and hourdourves. I LOVE these people! We had so much fun and I love that the new guard wanted to hang out with the old guard. From left to right, Ellie (married to Kel’s son Zach), Kel, Candy, me and Riley (Kel’s daughter).

I did some thrifting out in Palm Desert and wound up on the street that runs past our old house. I loved this house and miss those days. I bought it in 2002 for $400,000 and ended up losing it in 2011 when it sold in a short sale for $200k. Ughhhhh. It is valued today on Redfin for $1.1 million.

Then it was time to head back to Ventura for the Holidays. I got a surprise visit from a long time Queen’s Court Member (my private eBay Mentoring group from back in the day) at my store. I walked up to a couple and said “Do you have any questions?” and Mindy said “You know us”. It took me a minute, but I sure did! She and her husband live in Boise, Idaho and are friends with my friend Vicki Pene who owns Reclaimed Interiors out there.

OK! Time for another eBay score. Sold these 2 teaspoons for a best offer of $100. Crazy, isn’t it? I probably paid $30 for the set and it had 40 pieces. I LOVE selling stainless flatware on eBay. Check it out here.

Attention Consignors:
What we need for the main store…..
Anything Beachy
Chair Sets
Pairs of Lamps
Floor Lamps
Farm House Dining Tables
End Tables
Also project pieces for painting!!!!
Christmas was super fun! We did a sip-n-shop with 805 Cutie Pies on Christmas Eve and it made for a really enjoyable day!

Check out this super cute photo that Diane from Camp Love Paws (where I board Cha when I go out of town) sent me of Cha Cha for Christmas. Camp Love Paws is amazing! Sandy & Doug told me about it and it has been a God Send. I don’t mind dropping her off Cha Cha there as they have a swimming pool just for the dogs, she gets to sleep in a real bed and goes for either a hike or beach run every day. Talk about spoiled!

Christmas Eve was very nice. My mom and brother made Lasagne and Houston, Indy and I went to the 7:00 Mass. Of course we ran into one of my customers/consignors, Laurie Martin, who made it a point to come over and say “Hi” and wish Indiana a belated birthday! I love my customers & consignors!

Before I forget, we are having a HUGE Christmas Merch sale. Save 50% off on anything Christmas until January 7th.

The weather has been sooooooo bad up in Washington. It has been a blessing to have my mom here. First the snow and then the rains and flooding. Check out her house. Ughhhhh!

In great Midtown Ventura news, the Benchwarmer has reopened. This just may be my new spot to hang out!

Indy has some fun shows coming up in January, if anyone wants to see one, please let me know!

Sooooooo…..we still need a very strong individual to join our amazing team. We need someone that can work 2-4 days a week that is able to move furniture and help with loading. They must be able to lift at least 50 pounds, if not 100 pounds. And it would be a bonus if they were good at assembling furniture.
Please pass this along to anyone may be interested. Time is of the essence. Call, text or come in and see us! 805-628-3289 is the store, my cell is 760-880-3535 and you can respond to this email…. Thanks!
Ok, let’s check out some of our new arrivals! This is a darling functional storage piece for your living space…….Mission style oak cd cabinet

Sandy has worked her magic again and this one just had a markdown.
Giverny Painted Dresser with Building Decoupauge $236.00

My grandma carried Steiff in her store for years! Check out this Steiff Teddy Bear Rose Limited Edition 400704 that is priced at only $139.50.

Now for Fun Fashion items… Great earrings and belts from our favorite purse company, Myra!
X-Large Cobalt Sea Hand-Tooled Leather Belt $45.95
Large Tropical Forest Hand-Tooled Leather Belt $45.95
Large Checkered Brown Hand-Tooled Leather Belt $45.95
Large Fanciful Hand-Tooled Leather Belt $45.95

Arctic Natural Pearl Earrings Brass $13.95

Sea Breeze Resin Iron Earrings $7.95

And our Baggu stock is flying out of the store….people LOVE Baggu. Check out this Bath Towel – Giant Banana that retails for $48.00.
We carry a wide variety of Baggu, visit us in-store or online here funhomefurnishings.com/store/category/Baggu

Bath Towel – Giant Strawberry

If you didn’t know, Baggu also makes pillow covers.
Throw Pillow Case Calico Floral Mix $18.00
Throw Pillow Case Daisy Mix $18.00

We still have one of our Mermaids left for sale and it is at the lowest price. Mermaid Statue for $149.70!
She will be great in your Ventura garden!

And one final fun family photo….last night we went out to dinner at the Victoria Pub…my mom, Lee and myself. My brother left for San Francisco right after dinner and my mom leaves to go home to Bellingham on Saturday morning. I am driving her to LAX at 4 am. God help me! In any event, happy to have my house and life back to somewhat normal, but I will miss all of these knuckleheads.

Thank you all for supporting me, my family and my businesses as I work on expanding….as you know I am building my empire!
eBay with Heart
Decorate with Heart
Dress with Heart
I try and do everything in my life in a big way and with a lot of heart! Thank you for joining me on this super fun journey. I appreciate you! Take care and we hope to see you soon! Some of my current & former crew! From left to right, Shawnna, Kailen, me, Houston, Peggy, Indiana, Mor Mor, Candy, Val, Susan, Cindy and Jo Dallas! We appreciate y’all so much!

Thanks for reading my ezines! I appreciate it….as always!
eBay with Heart, Design with Heart & Dress with Heart………Lynn
BTW, we now have a blog on the website where you can read all of our past newsletter
Link to Blog.
Past Newsletters
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2nd Year….Volume II
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P.S. All of the professional photos I use on Instagram, Facebook and in these newsletters were taken by my friend Denise’s daughter, Jaclyn Sabo. She is amazing! To learn more about Jaclyn….https://www.jaclynszabo.com/
P.P.S. If you have a friend who wants to sign up for this newsletter.